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11 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The landed gentry that own half of England will ignore the numpties as their predecessors ignored the serfs six centuries earlier...theres far too much money at stake ...yer goin nowhere 



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20 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The landed gentry that own half of England will ignore the numpties as their predecessors ignored the serfs six centuries earlier...theres far too much money at stake ...yer goin nowhere 


I suspect you are correct Panzy. I hear even the Daily Heil are swinging behind the “let’s call the whole thing off” school of thought now so expect Article 50 to be rescinded before the Party conferences. Farage will then lead his merry band of the betrayed off to the fringes of the political arena and the shouting will continue for many a year yet. 

I’m almost sorry I left Airstrip One and will thus miss out on the bunfight. Almost. 

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On 03/04/2019 at 22:26, King Billy said:

Not sure, but if you have a drive around Bradford, Rochdale,Rotherham,Skipton, Leeds, Keighley or just pull back the corrugated iron and look out your window you should get a pretty good update Abdul. Sorry to hear about your impending death.    (Sorry it’s taking so long)

I could not help but notice that the address of one of the defendants in an upcoming trial is shown as "Gooseworry Lane"  in a certain South Yorkshire town.

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21 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I suspect you are correct Panzy. I hear even the Daily Heil are swinging behind the “let’s call the whole thing off” school of thought now so expect Article 50 to be rescinded before the Party conferences. Farage will then lead his merry band of the betrayed off to the fringes of the political arena and the shouting will continue for many a year yet. 

I’m almost sorry I left Airstrip One and will thus miss out on the bunfight. Almost. 

There will be a "technical" form of BREXIT, with the UK tied to the EU under most of the existing rules but highly disadvantageous to the UK. The UK will not get away with this without severe punishment .. you have to remember that all this has been very costly to the EU and the UK will end up paying for it and more. Longer term the dissident part of the population .. those with loyalty  to UK plc will be encouraged to either "change their minds" or to move elsewhere. Doubtless in decades to come there will be expatriate English populations in places like the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada who will be singing all the football anthems and bowing to Prince George of Cambridge as the rightful heir to the throne that forgotten kingdom.

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47 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I suspect you are correct Panzy. I hear even the Daily Heil are swinging behind the “let’s call the whole thing off” school of thought now so expect Article 50 to be rescinded before the Party conferences. Farage will then lead his merry band of the betrayed off to the fringes of the political arena and the shouting will continue for many a year yet. 

I’m almost sorry I left Airstrip One and will thus miss out on the bunfight. Almost. 

Thanks to the moogs n farragos utterances, what y'all send to the EU parliament will be muted n ignored till the UK is handed its folded flag on Halloween night


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48 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Thanks to the moogs n farragos utterances, what y'all send to the EU parliament will be muted n ignored till the UK is handed its folded flag on Halloween night


It doesn't matter Panz. we are staying .. just that we will be sitting on the "naughty steps" for the next twenty years.

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, The Guard said:

It doesn't matter Panz. we are staying .. just that we will be sitting on the "naughty steps" for the next twenty years.

Yeah, just like the fucking Irish. Some of us might even end up like Pansy boy, sucking the EU cock, and pretending that’s what we wanted in the first place.

Not this cunt though.

Never forgive, never forget.

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Guest DrCunt
10 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Yeah, just like the fucking Irish. Some of us might even end up like Pansy boy, sucking the EU cock, and pretending that’s what we wanted in the first place.

Not this cunt though.

Never forgive, never forget.

Or in your case, pretending you despise sucking EU cock, whilst actively trying to procure it on Hampstead Heath every weekend.

Your angry Cockney wankah act got terminally boring 5 years ago, Jewdith. Change the fucking record.

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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

Yeah, just like the fucking Irish. Some of us might even end up like Pansy boy, sucking the EU cock, and pretending that’s what we wanted in the first place.

Not this cunt though.

Never forgive, never forget.

The blindly angry and ignorant are easilly duped ..you will leave but in name only.


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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, DrCunt said:

Or in your case, pretending you despise sucking EU cock, whilst actively trying to procure it on Hampstead Heath every weekend.

Your angry Cockney wankah act got terminally boring 5 years ago, Jewdith. Change the fucking record.

Oh dear. Accusations of homosexuality. How very 1970’s. Benders are at the cutting edge of modern social mores mate. Well.....behind the peacefuls and trannies obviously.

Hampstead Heath? Who the fuck are you.... Jeremy fucking Thorpe? You come across like some old fucking cunt regurgitating the insults from a 1970’s classroom. If you have to talk like a child try and get up to date mate.

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Guest judgetwi
7 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The blindly angry and ignorant are easilly duped ..you will leave but in name only.


So you’re Mahatma fucking Ghandi now Pansy boy?


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29 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The blindly angry and ignorant are easilly duped ..you will leave but in name only.


You know something Panzer, in the past, I've had more than a few digs at you over this shit, but you're right. In essence, we are all fucked, me, you, them, everybody. The politicians are in charge, nobody can change that, and they're all the fucking same anyway, so no cunt can change anything. Democracy is a fantasy.

You're just as fucked as the rest of us, but you've accepted it and are just enjoying the show. Not because you think you're better off. It's just all that's left.

Smart actually.

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Some polls are showing the tory support to have collapsed. Catweasel could walk it but his euro appeasers will fuck it up for him. Out in the wild I have long suspected that the true number of UK citizens who support leaving the UK is around 70%. The referendum was badly skewed by project fear and by media coverage that suggested that remain would win. The effect of that was a perhaps 15% of people who would have been inclined to vote leave voting remain and another large number who would have voted leave not voting because the media were suggesting that remain would win.

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5 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

No..but i think the UK... its toxic media  and soundbyte political fakements are finding its place on the ladder ..there are positives to this mess ya know


Not that you will see this post but the "toxic UK media" are mostly rabidly pro-eu and remain.

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4 hours ago, The Guard said:


It was a typo for fucks sake in homage to the Jam, with "Down in the tube station at midnight". Not the typo I would like to add! You didn't teach English in the London area in the nineties did you? Its just that you remind me of a cunt that did.

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6 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

It was a typo for fucks sake in homage to the Jam, with "Down in the tube station at midnight". Not the typo I would like to add! You didn't teach English in the London area in the nineties did you? Its just that you remind me of a cunt that did.

You missed out "and wormwood scrubs" then. 

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