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Guest N/A

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Your way of thinkin is probably why yer not welcome into the EFTA ..can't see you lot willin to think of poor little Lichtenstein..yer just not team players ..ya want to either run it or wreck it ..id say itll be a year or two before ya want to leave the world trade organisation terms..that is if ya ever leave atall..ya seem to take forever to go


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16 hours ago, The Bishop said:

There was something they used to do on the diesel depot at crewe. Put some carbide in a bit of bread and chuck it to the gull. The gull scoffed it down. Flew off and exploded.

How effective would that be on humans? and where could one get, say a hi top LWB Transit load of carbide?

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Guest DrCunt
18 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Ive blanked you pen baby..i found a useful tool on this that allowed me to not have to endure your meaningless gibber.sombody on here compared you to a herring gull..protected for some reason despite shitting on everything..id agree with that conclusion..best thing you can do is seal your room and lite a disposable barbecue ..its quick n painless


Another Pen post lands:


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Guest judgetwi
41 minutes ago, The Beast said:


Quality stuff Doc! They missed out the bit where she said .. “yes I know I said that Jeremy was ‘unfit to lead’......’unfit to govern’ and ‘a security risk to this country’ but we’re all friends now.

Let’s put all those misunderstandings behind us and suck very hard on the German federalist cock. You know it makes sense.

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16 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Quality stuff Doc! They missed out the bit where she said .. “yes I know I said that Jeremy was ‘unfit to lead’......’unfit to govern’ and ‘a security risk to this country’ but we’re all friends now.

Let’s put all those misunderstandings behind us and suck very hard on the German federalist cock. You know it makes sense.

I don't want to know the cunts who do her PR, but they can't seriously believe any wanker would swallow this soft soaping fucking bollocks. What a lying sack of shit. Nothing but sabotage and subterfuge.

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33 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't want to know the cunts who do her PR, but they can't seriously believe any wanker would swallow this soft soaping fucking bollocks. What a lying sack of shit. Nothing but sabotage and subterfuge.

Every household  should now expect an updated Brexit leaflet. Something like “People have understandably lost trust in their elected MPs over the last 3 years, and we as your government can understand those feelings. But let me assure you all that a new dawn has come in British politics and I as your Prime Minister will never tell you an untruth. So, Here goes : You are all a complete bunch of cunts and I Theresa May will defend that statement unless I say something else instead. Bye now.”

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Guest judgetwi

I wonder how many “takes” they went through before they stitched together this total load of bullshit?

”Come on Treeza, try and keep a straight face for fucks sake!”

Nah....i’m kidding myself. These people make a living out of being snide, two faced, lying fucking cunts. This woman has an impeccable record of lying through her teeth for fucking years.

Fuck this bitch and any dumb cunt who swallows her traitorous horse shit.

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I wonder how many “takes” they went through before they stitched together this total load of bullshit?

”Come on Treeza, try and keep a straight face for fucks sake!”

Nah....i’m kidding myself. These people make a living out of being snide, two faced, lying fucking cunts. This woman has an impeccable record of lying through her teeth for fucking years.

Fuck this bitch and any dumb cunt who swallows her traitorous horse shit.

The ‘wildest’ thing she ever did while growing up was to run through the cornfield. For fuck sake, the mad cunt was obviously completely out of control even then. This maniac is completely deranged. I don’t think she even has a clue what the fuck she says or does. I mean that trip to Africa where she would uncontrollably erupt into some sort of spastic dancing. That’s not a good omen for someone who’s got the job of running our country. Also Mr May is a rather strange looking fucker. He could be one of the Hawking twins. One could walk and the other could drool apparently. It seems we have the worst PM in history without a shadow of doubt. She has managed to alienate most of her own MPs as well as most of the country.I have no doubt she will agree to a people’s vote /confirmatory vote/losers vote/ sell out/fuck the dumb public right up the Gary Glitter vote which I believe has been her intention now for some time. In conclusion The bitch is a supercunt and her legacy will be as just that. Fuck her.

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Project Fear ii is now kicking in all my right wing Brexiteer friends are now more worried about Corbyn than they are about us remaining in the EU. The harsh reality is that it does not matter which party is in charge. Too many MPs of all sides along with the civil servants have their snouts firmly in the EU trough and on a personal greedy level have too much to lose (There are plenty civil servants who now proudly proclaim that the are "not British" but "are European"). The Nationalists have the delusion that they can break away from the UK and have independence when what will really happens is that the EU will simply treat them as part of the British Isles regardless and in reality Ireland will lose its independence as it will simply be lumped in by the EU with the British Isles. Sein Fein  will probably revert back to "kneecap" politics but will still be blaming the evil British. The SNP will also still blame the English for depriving them of what they see as their fair share of funding, the Welsh will still grumble but continue to accept their situation and be happy to consider themselves to be better than the English. The Cornish will still have a massive chip on their shoulders.

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3 hours ago, The Bishop said:

Project Fear ii is now kicking in all my right wing Brexiteer friends are now more worried about Corbyn than they are about us remaining in the EU. The harsh reality is that it does not matter which party is in charge. Too many MPs of all sides along with the civil servants have their snouts firmly in the EU trough and on a personal greedy level have too much to lose (There are plenty civil servants who now proudly proclaim that the are "not British" but "are European"). The Nationalists have the delusion that they can break away from the UK and have independence when what will really happens is that the EU will simply treat them as part of the British Isles regardless and in reality Ireland will lose its independence as it will simply be lumped in by the EU with the British Isles. Sein Fein  will probably revert back to "kneecap" politics but will still be blaming the evil British. The SNP will also still blame the English for depriving them of what they see as their fair share of funding, the Welsh will still grumble but continue to accept their situation and be happy to consider themselves to be better than the English. The Cornish will still have a massive chip on their shoulders.

And a massive pastie on the other shoulder

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The vote was close, but what swayed things was Project Fear, without that the Leave vote would have been higher. From what I have seen of the leave side 90% of them are entrenched in their view. Of the remain voters a significant percentage of them (perhaps as much as 30%) would have voted leave had there been no project fear .. they are the ones along with say the 10% of the leavers who might be influenced to change their views. That adds up to perhaps 6 million votes that can be sway and they are who matter in politics .. politics is never about the majority. Should we remain in the EU, the remain voters are highlt likely to object to being punished hence the EU are going to have little option but to offer us a better deal than we have now.

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