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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Been a bit distracted lately. Read a book about hollow Earth theory and I've been digging up my back garden.

Don't be fucking stupid. Digging holes has got fuck all to do with hollow earth. You're a geordie, you smell coal, you start burrowing. It's in your DNA.

Or you were trying to catch Ratty's eye, you slaaaag!

@Admin, I'm not getting 'reaction notifications' for likes and shit. Is my account broken?

Edited by Eric Cuntman
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2 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

No matter roops..yer a brexit fanatic so y'are..you'll see any crumb that europe throws ya as a victory over the greasy foreigner..king phyrrus comes to mind


I prefaced my comment by saying, "At least there are signs that the EU Parliament is starting to sniff the coffee..." which is hardly a declaration of victory, pyric or otherwise.

As for being brexit fanatic I would say I'm passionate about the rule of constitutional democracy and the Brexit debate. At least I qualify my POV with reasoned economic argument and articulate a concern over the erosion of national sovereignty.  You OTOH, make your case on the basis that Brexit is a "bag o shite".  Of course it could be that you are actually a clueless Anglophobe.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

You haven't missed much. Reptile has been regaling us about the mythical corner of the north that he inhabits that no one was aware existed.

I suppose it's a bit like Brigadoon, and only magically appears amongst the rest of the detritus whenever Reptile goes to his safe space after being grounded for autistically smashing up his fourteenth PlayStation controller of the week.

I'd noticed he was peaking his piggy little nose out from under his rock again, screaming hysterically about the "gang" he's made up in his malformed brain every time a shadow passes by. I was tempted to step in and feed his paranoia, but it would be a shame to interrupt the thorough kicking your administering to him solo. I'm just wondering what his next wild claim will be - connections to the Kennedy family, dictator of a small island nation, time traveller - its all on the table with this cunt. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I'd noticed he was peaking his piggy little nose out from under his rock again, screaming hysterically about the "gang" he's made up in his malformed brain every time a shadow passes by. I was tempted to step in and feed his paranoia, but it would be a shame to interrupt the thorough kicking your administering to him solo. I'm just wondering what his next wild claim will be - connections to the Kennedy family, dictator of a small island nation, time traveller - its all on the table with this cunt. 

A pair of bollocks and hair on his legs.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I prefaced my comment by saying, "At least there are signs that the EU Parliament is starting to sniff the coffee..." which is hardly a declaration of victory, pyric or otherwise.

As for being brexit fanatic I would say I'm passionate about the rule of constitutional democracy and the Brexit debate. At least I qualify my POV with reasoned economic argument and articulate a concern over the erosion of national sovereignty.  You OTOH, make your case on the basis that Brexit is a "bag o shite".  Of course it could be that you are actually a clueless Anglophobe.

Ah ..more aul words n i mean this by sayin that..yer as bad as tessy n her band of half truthers..or god forbid one of yer copy n paste google gabbles..i see moog is now sayin that ifn yer stayin for long youll veto this n stall that n hold up the other..funny..back in 16 he was tellin the mouth breathers that ya had no power or say n ya had to do what ya were told...seems ya do have quite a lot of sway n power in Europe..but no doubt youll say ah...but...ya see we have to..(insert vague words about why its oppressive n undemocratic)....and i may be clueless but im not an anglophobe roops baby i just think your taking this whole thing personally n letting emotion get in the way is all


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20 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Have you seen her video? Over and over she says to her constituents “if you want me to carry on you should......”

At no point does she say, “ if you DON’T want to carry on you should......

Like 99% of MPs pure money grabbing, traitorous trash who would sell their own children if the price was right. 

Total fucking cockroach scum.

Did you see David Lammy lose it last night on Question Time? Fucking shameful.  The cunt wants to get in to power to help control the country when he can't even control himself. Fucking ridiculous.

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13 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Did you see David Lammy lose it last night on Question Time? Fucking shameful.  The cunt wants to get in to power to help control the country when he can't even control himself. Fucking ridiculous.

Fucking little fat, mouthy, chip on his shoulder, “I’m black.” it’s all the fault of the Tories, British Imperialism, slavery, austerity, Brexiteers, far right extremists, anyone who disagrees or even questions my ranting garbage. I’m from Tottenham mate! I’m working class mate! My mum was a single parent mate!  Sorry your just a little fat cunt mate, so fuck off mate.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Fucking little fat, mouthy, chip on his shoulder, “I’m black.” it’s all the fault of the Tories, British Imperialism, slavery, austerity, Brexiteers, far right extremists, anyone who disagrees or even questions my ranting garbage. I’m from Tottenham mate! I’m working class mate! My mum was a single parent mate!  Sorry your just a little fat cunt mate, so fuck off mate.

He lost it, as my memory serves me correct, because some bloke in the audience mention that to have another referendum would be undemocratic. 

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10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He lost it, as my memory serves me correct, because some bloke in the audience mention that to have another referendum would be undemocratic. 

17.4 million people could turn up at his fucking 3 million pound West London pad. ( He fancied a change from Tottenham) and point out the sheer hypocrisy of his version of democracy and he would, quite correctly in his fucked up racist opinion, argue that they were wrong and were obviously part of the far right Tory plot. I fear Mr Lammy may be a Cunt. The evidence is starting to bring me to that conclusion.

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17 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Ah ..more aul words n i mean this by sayin that..yer as bad as tessy n her band of half truthers..or god forbid one of yer copy n paste google gabbles..i see moog is now sayin that ifn yer stayin for long youll veto this n stall that n hold up the other..funny..back in 16 he was tellin the mouth breathers that ya had no power or say n ya had to do what ya were told...seems ya do have quite a lot of sway n power in Europe..but no doubt youll say ah...but...ya see we have to..(insert vague words about why its oppressive n undemocratic)....and i may be clueless but im not an anglophobe roops baby i just think your taking this whole thing personally n letting emotion get in the way is all


Well rather rely on emotive "bag o shite" comments why not give a reasoned argument as to why the EU is economically good for the UK and how does membership further the cause of democracy?

As for JRM, he is not a member of the government and as a back bencher he is able to say things that are not permissible to a front bencher. That said, I think his comments were borne out of the sheer frustration of a parliament that not only voted for a referendum (including 200 labour MP's) but are now back-tracking because the electorate had the temerity to vote leave. His comments also underscored another issue - that in a few instances a member state can use a veto which is why the much vaunted EU trade agreements not only take years to arrange but such agreements cannot possibly be in the best interests of all the member states. A British trade agreement would not only be ratified in a fraction of time compared to the EU it would also be tailor made to UK interest and not the anodyne interests of 28 states. Witness how Wallonia, a region in Belgium, very nearly scuppered the Canada-EU agreement (CETA). Great for the farmers of Wallonia, possibly not so great for the rest of us.

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Guest judgetwi
On 05/04/2019 at 00:19, King Billy said:

I haven’t watched the video because as soon as it polluted my new 60” Samsung 4K I instinctively  and unable to stop myself grabbed  a 4lb lump hammer and smashed 900 quids worth of tv into dust. A bit drastic but I stand by that decision.

I appreciate the sentiment but anyone who comes on here bragging about their wealth and the size of their tv screen is fucking begging for it.


Big tv screen = small winkle.

I swear Einstein wrote that equation down somewhere. 😆😆😆

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Guest Erroreptile404
13 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I appreciate the sentiment but anyone who comes on here bragging about their wealth and the size of their tv screen is fucking begging for it.


Big tv screen = small winkle.

I swear Einstein wrote that equation down somewhere. 😆😆😆

When are you going to regale us with another classic story of how you staggered in from the pub with your takeout and Stavros' 12 inch meat sub dripping mayo down your face? lol 

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9 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

When are you going to regale us with another classic story of how you staggered in from the pub with your takeout and Stavros' 12 inch meat sub dripping mayo down your face? lol 

I've given you a like for this Ereptic. 

The post itself is shit, but the use of a possessive apostrophe deserves recognition. 

Shit. Is it Stavros' or Stavros's? I might have made myself look a right cunt here. 

Edited by Eric Cuntman
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Guest 'eavensabove
27 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

When are you going to regale us with another classic story of how you staggered in from the pub with your takeout and Stavros' 12 inch meat sub dripping mayo down your face? lol 

? He's never once had it that good. Grooming Tesco staff into reducing the price of out-of-date stale croissant is about as good as it gets. Punkers, however, frequently has a 6" meat sub(missive) in the clubhouse. 

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Guest judgetwi
16 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

When are you going to regale us with another classic story of how you staggered in from the pub with your takeout and Stavros' 12 inch meat sub dripping mayo down your face? lol 

I thank you for your interest in my pathetic life. I’m afraid Stavros fucked off back to Cyprus about 3 years ago. The new (well new to you who can’t keep up with my terribly exciting life) proprietors are Turks. Different kettle of kebab vendors. I haven’t been in there for months, partly because they were charging £7.50 for a fucking chicken shish , but mostly because they are so fucking tight with the salad ( or salaard as Stavros used to call it). I wouldn’t mind if all the black cunts who go in there didn’t say “ me don’t want none of dat red stuff innit?.....no, don’t gimme any of that green stuff bruv.”

Not only that but I drive past there every morning and there are loads of “green stuff” and “red stuff” stacked up in boxes outside the door. I could help myself to them any time I liked.

I beginning to think my relationship with my local Kebab shop may be a metaphor for what is happening to this country. However, I accept that  such a concept is way beyond your intellectual capacity.

PS i’m actually allergic to mayonnaise but I accept that you were trying to make a different point in your child like way.


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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well rather rely on emotive "bag o shite" comments why not give a reasoned argument as to why the EU is economically good for the UK and how does membership further the cause of democracy?


4 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Its a great strenght roops baby...if one isnt happy..none of us is happy...ya don't get this union thing atall do ya?


Is that it? "If one isn't happy..none of us is happy" Jeez, all of a sudden I have empathy for the Remain camp's POV :rolleyes:

Given that Ireland isn't happy as large EU bills are looming do you think the EU bruvs are going to chip in with more dosh?

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54 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I thank you for your interest in my pathetic life. I’m afraid Stavros fucked off back to Cyprus about 3 years ago. The new (well new to you who can’t keep up with my terribly exciting life) proprietors are Turks. Different kettle of kebab vendors. I haven’t been in there for months, partly because they were charging £7.50 for a fucking chicken shish , but mostly because they are so fucking tight with the salad ( or salaard as Stavros used to call it). I wouldn’t mind if all the black cunts who go in there didn’t say “ me don’t want none of dat red stuff innit?.....no, don’t gimme any of that green stuff bruv.”

Not only that but I drive past there every morning and there are loads of “green stuff” and “red stuff” stacked up in boxes outside the door. I could help myself to them any time I liked.

I beginning to think my relationship with my local Kebab shop may be a metaphor for what is happening to this country. However, I accept that  such a concept is way beyond your intellectual capacity.

PS i’m actually allergic to mayonnaise but I accept that you were trying to make a different point in your child like way.


What's that then? Decent, Christian EU citizens more culturally alike to us being replaced with any Islamic cunt from God knows where who can be persuaded to come here Post-Brexit to pick up the pieces, salad or otherwise? 

I think you're actually on to something.

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Guest judgetwi
On 04/04/2019 at 23:13, Ollyboro said:

Feel free, Judith. Me mam already thinks that you're a cunt.

Well, the apple never falls far from the tree Smoggy. No doubt she thinks you are wonderful but that’s what mothers do. I hope you treated her last Sunday you cunt.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:


Is that it? "If one isn't happy..none of us is happy" Jeez, all of a sudden I have empathy for the Remain camp's POV :rolleyes:

Given that Ireland isn't happy as large EU bills are looming do you think the EU bruvs are going to chip in with more dosh?

Cant say ive heard anyone here loose sleep over large EU bills roops baby..interesting how ya point to the walloonians nearly scuppering a deal as being a bad thing..in your world the interests of bigger nations take precedence over smaller ones?...but i suppose ya dont know any better..its always been the english way hasn't  it..


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