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Shamina Begum

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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15 minutes ago, Crab said:

Funny I walked past a Sorrell Close a few days ago. It was a part horrible new houses and concrete pads for yet more horrible new houses. What was that Pete Seeger song about boxes? 

It was a horsey jest with King Billy of Orange .. I don't think that he has come down to earth yet.

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Guest 'eavensabove
21 hours ago, Crab said:

I can honestly say Heather Small's voice is the equivalent of concentrated audiosonic sex. 

I dunno about Heather's smalls, but these ones give serious food for thought.



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3 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

You have not had much to say about this Shamina bint Crabbo.

I think Begum has Begone. The appeal can only hapoen if there is a real point of law involved. Which there isn't. She is entitled to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship. That's her current position. How that proceeds is her well deserved problem. If they turn her down she might try to appeal to the goodwill of the British govt again. But the liklihood of a Labour Home Secretary has more or less evaporated this week if there was a general election, so she's well and truly stuck. Sorry girl but you knew you was on a mission and this is it. 

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On 20/02/2019 at 15:25, Decimus said:


Is that all your webbed fingers would allow you to type, not read all your comments on this thread D, so i will just ask. 

Do you think she should be allowed back in the country, what with her no remorse or empathy..(bare those two things in mind before your webbed brain allows your limited brain function to answer) ?

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On 24/02/2019 at 20:25, Crab said:

The argument to bring her back and pump her for intelligence falls to pieces when you look at a face like that and remember she won't even warm up the interrogation chair with her fat arse before the soft as shit do gooders get her out into civvy street in a nice little flat, start up cash and a feather bedded life on benefits. 

You are instigating a hate crime.    At least I gave her a Royal welcome home and a drive in Phillips replacement LandRover

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On 24/02/2019 at 10:51, Crab said:

The door is shut. She is in legal limbo. That is as good as fuck off. Her racial and religious home in Bangla have disowned her before she even applied (she is straightforward eligible under their law) the Dutch have said FUCK OFF. We don't want her. So she can rot in the PoW Camp where she and all the others like her deserve to be 

As a defector to ISIS she is technically a prisoner of war.   Her home state is SO CALLED Isis, so she can fucking stay there.

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Guest 'eavensabove

If only she could stand upon her head, faced towards you, for an hour or more and from behind your louvre-blind, then her suntan complexion would benefit greatly I feel.  It's a rather peculiar distraction as she currently is, all screw-whiffy & slanted-like. And to think that she goes by the name of 'Spot...' Yes, I know, but its true. Mind you, she's cured me of my addiction to Mycoxafloppin

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10 hours ago, Crab said:

I think Begum has Begone. The appeal can only hapoen if there is a real point of law involved. Which there isn't. She is entitled to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship. That's her current position. How that proceeds is her well deserved problem. If they turn her down she might try to appeal to the goodwill of the British govt again. But the liklihood of a Labour Home Secretary has more or less evaporated this week if there was a general election, so she's well and truly stuck. Sorry girl but you knew you was on a mission and this is it. 

There is a real point of law which you are wilfully ignoring as it does not suit your narrative. Much has been spun by the Home Office that Javid's decision was based on careful research. It appears that the research did not extend to making a simple 'phone call to the Bangladeshi government who would have told them that Begum is not entitled to citizenship. Consequently, the Home Secretary, with an eye to making political capital, illegally made Begum a stateless person contrary to international law. Behind all the populist cheering, there has been some measured disquiet from both right and left wing writers who have pointed out that Javid has created the notion of second class citizenship - it now appears that some people are more equal than others and that a dangerous precedent has been created. The Home Secretary has also, unwittingally, created a rod for his and his successors' backs.

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11 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

As a defector to ISIS she is technically a prisoner of war.   Her home state is SO CALLED Isis, so she can fucking stay there.

Hear hear. Collusion with the enemy is treason in my view and the baby is being used - as usual in England generations have used it as a walk in to the benefits system - as a human shield for her. Selfish fucking cunts. I feel sorry for the kid. But not that much sorry. It is prob in the genes as well. Can't forget that teenage refugee rat living with foster parents in Fulham who deliberately and carefully set the nail bomb on the underground at Goose Green - fucking butter mouth wouldn't melt in that deceitful sullen mkuth. He tried to fucking murder loads of our British UNDER EVERY BODIES NOSES

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22 minutes ago, Crab said:

Hear hear. Collusion with the enemy is treason in my view and the baby is being used - as usual in England generations have used it as a walk in to the benefits system - as a human shield for her. Selfish fucking cunts. I feel sorry for the kid. But not that much sorry. It is prob in the genes as well. Can't forget that teenage refugee rat living with foster parents in Fulham who deliberately and carefully set the nail bomb on the underground at Goose Green - fucking butter mouth wouldn't melt in that deceitful sullen mkuth. He tried to fucking murder loads of our British UNDER EVERY BODIES NOSES

Goose Green? Fucking hell, I didn't know the underground went out to the Falklands. Is that the jubilee line? 

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27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Goose Green? Fucking hell, I didn't know the underground went out to the Falklands. Is that the jubilee line? 

A thousand apologies. Parsons Green. Goose Green is very nice though. Lordship Lane is the closest thing South of the River has to the Kings Road. Shame Peckham is next door. 

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6 hours ago, The Bishop said:

This is you Crabbo isn't it?


That was PARSONS GREEN not Goose Green. Call me a cunt. Q&A. Is there a LH and RH position for the side car according to the driving custom on the road? 

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