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Shamina Begum

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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1 hour ago, The Bishop said:

Without some Nazi style racial test it would be impossible to come to any form of conclusion, quite a high percentage of the UK population will have some Asian or African input and has said before it is likely that those with say a 25% or less none European input will class themselves as white British/English etc. This mix is nothing new .. somewhere I have the reprint of a journal of a journey through England & Wales written circa 1852 by George Webb Medley, George Webb Medley although considered by himself and others as  English was in fact of 25% African decent. He endowed Oxford University with The George Webb Medley Scholarship.

What is a "nazi style racial test"? Sounds like some kind of bedtime fantasy. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Crab said:

The right to have a British passport is very limited if

#you are in a foreign country where you have contributed to war crimes and humanitarian crimes - surely you are subject to THEIR law first? Both Syria and Iraq have legitimate governments that should investigate and deal with this troublemaker who entered their territory. Or is there no international law? 

#you have no satisfactory explanation what happened to your old passport 

#you need £100 for an emergency passport 

#you pay your own passage 

All of that applies to any person wrongdoing in another country who hasn't a passport or pleads to be "rescued". 

Let Assad's govt deal with her or the Iraqi government. 



I'd wager that it's all been set-up by ISIS. The video, the plea for help and the 'hope' that we'll adopt the same softly-softly approach as we always do. Sure, we may nick her once she's back, but what will she get? She'll get the opportunity to lay the seeds of their masterful plan for all of the shit-cunts that are already here to enforce. Cunt's like her, will bomb themselves in the name of Allmud, and so what has she got to lose? Let her back, and she & ISIS are on to a winner no matter what, and our poxy government are too fucking thick to notice. She's been 'groomed' all right. Groomed to cause havoc from the moment she returns. 

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26 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

I'd wager that it's all been set-up by ISIS. The video, the plea for help and the 'hope' that we'll adopt the same softly-softly approach as we always do. Sure, we may nick her once she's back, but what will she get? She'll get the opportunity to lay the seeds of their masterful plan for all of the shit-cunts that are already here to enforce. Cunt's like her, will bomb themselves in the name of Allmud, and so what has she got to lose? Let her back, and she & ISIS are on to a winner no matter what, and our poxy government are too fucking thick to notice. She's been 'groomed' all right. Groomed to cause havoc from the moment she returns. 

It's a new identity kit costing £250,000. Then a gravy train of state benefits. But as a principle. It is a bit rich talking about our rights and our laws when she's broken laws in other countries. I find it fucking filthy makes you wanna fucking move out of this mixed up cess pit of a shithole country called the UK. 

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1 minute ago, Crab said:

It's a new identity kit costing £250,000. Then a gravy train of state benefits. But as a principle. It is a bit rich talking about our rights and our laws when she's broken laws in other countries. I find it fucking filthy makes you wanna fucking move out of this mixed up cess pit of a shithole country called the UK. 

New identity = £250.000

9mm round =  £1.89

No brainer.

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2 hours ago, Crab said:

Half of them are on fucking "retreat " in the dirt poor rural backwaters of Paki and Bangla. That's why the census is under estimating the total number. Anyway if the point of the statistical eror is to undermine the general argument IT DOESN'T WORK. 

To be honest, you are flying off so many different tangents on this that its hard to discern what your general argument is.

Lets establish some facts before I throw in my tuppence worth.

  1. Sharmeena Begum entered ISIL via Turkey on a "borrowed" passport.
  2. Ms Begum is a British Citizen, as would be her child no matter where he/she is born. For all the recent political posturing by British politicians her British nationality cannot be revoked.
  3. Ms Begum is currently in an American backed, Kurdish administered refugee camp. The geopolitical situation is very fluid but for the moment its the Kurdish authorities' call as to what happens to her next.
  4. So far, it is accepted that Ms Begum's role in ISIL was that of a non-combatant.

For all the rhetoric about "treachery" I think we should be more concerned as to what compelled a British schoolgirl to leave home, family and friends and settle in the ISIL hell-hole. She has remarked that ISIL deserved to lose and witnessed a female friend being beaten to death for attempting to escape. I'm not convinced that she "knew what she was doing" - as a fifteen year old she simply did not posses the rational processing facilities of an adult and in all probability she still doesn't. By all accounts, her domestic situation in the UK was challenging and I suspect she was manipulated and radicalised fairly easily. I'm also concerned about the one innocent in all this, her unborn child. She should be bought back, questioned, take whatever judicial punishment as prescribed by law, de-radicalised and monitored and then find the people responsible for brainwashing her and others and deal with them accordingly.


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17 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

4. So far, it is accepted that Ms Begum's role in ISIL was that of a non-combatant.

The concept of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is one that has often been debated over the years. As recently as 2009 the even more apposite phrase "giving succour to the enemy" was levied at the head of the armed forces by James Cleverly, MP. Surely "sucking off the enemy" is no less an offence?

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1. Never heard of a borrowed passport? Eh? 

2. You are wrong. Your nationality is determined WHERE you are born not by what hole you come out of. Even a fucking school kid knows that. 

3. An "American backed Kurdish camp" in part of Syria which to my knowledge is still a sovereign country recognised by the UNO. Or do you subscribe to the Bush Blair Wild West school of international relations?  Who are the "Kurdish authorities"? The same cunts (now admitted by the BBC publicly) who staged a fake chemical weapon attack in Douma which led to the illegal air attacks on the Syrians by yours truly? Disgraceful. 

4. After apologising for so much shit you then go on to purport "accepted" (by who?) she was a non-combatant (define, how do we know?) who just happened to be lending matetial support and aid to a fucking murder squad on the rampage. 

Go and have a jolly with somebody else's posts. The facts are not in disoute she committed crimes or indulged in activity in foreign countries and it is those people and their governments who should process and punish her. Try tothink or empathise with a situation where a Syrian snatch squad abudcted one of their wanted out of the UK preventing due process here. 

You seem to be complacently reinforcing the general arrogance by the West shown towards this area of the world. 

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2 minutes ago, Crab said:

2. You are wrong. Your nationality is determined WHERE you are born not by what hole you come out of. Even a fucking school kid knows that. 

As was once said of the Duke of Wellington, “Just because you are born in a stable does not make you a horse”.

You may be more familiar with the phrase from its more recent adoption by the BNP and their ilk.

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19 minutes ago, Crab said:

1. Never heard of a borrowed passport? Eh? 

2. You are wrong. Your nationality is determined WHERE you are born not by what hole you come out of. Even a fucking school kid knows that. 

3. An "American backed Kurdish camp" in part of Syria which to my knowledge is still a sovereign country recognised by the UNO. Or do you subscribe to the Bush Blair Wild West school of international relations?  Who are the "Kurdish authorities"? The same cunts (now admitted by the BBC publicly) who staged a fake chemical weapon attack in Douma which led to the illegal air attacks on the Syrians by yours truly? Disgraceful. 

4. After apologising for so much shit you then go on to purport "accepted" (by who?) she was a non-combatant (define, how do we know?) who just happened to be lending matetial support and aid to a fucking murder squad on the rampage. 

Go and have a jolly with somebody else's posts. The facts are not in disoute she committed crimes or indulged in activity in foreign countries and it is those people and their governments who should process and punish her. Try tothink or empathise with a situation where a Syrian snatch squad abudcted one of their wanted out of the UK preventing due process here. 

You seem to be complacently reinforcing the general arrogance by the West shown towards this area of the world. 

Someone’s tired.

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42 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

bought back, questioned, take whatever judicial punishment as prescribed by law, de-radicalised and monitored and then find the people responsible for brainwashing her and others and deal with them accordingly.


I would say that the deradicalisation process should be compulsory. 

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40 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

To be honest, you are flying off so many different tangents on this that its hard to discern what your general argument is.

Lets establish some facts before I throw in my tuppence worth.

  1. Sharmeena Begum entered ISIL via Turkey on a "borrowed" passport.
  2. Ms Begum is a British Citizen, as would be her child no matter where he/she is born. For all the recent political posturing by British politicians her British nationality cannot be revoked.
  3. Ms Begum is currently in an American backed, Kurdish administered refugee camp. The geopolitical situation is very fluid but for the moment its the Kurdish authorities' call as to what happens to her next.
  4. So far, it is accepted that Ms Begum's role in ISIL was that of a non-combatant.

For all the rhetoric about "treachery" I think we should be more concerned as to what compelled a British schoolgirl to leave home, family and friends and settle in the ISIL hell-hole. She has remarked that ISIL deserved to lose and witnessed a female friend being beaten to death for attempting to escape. I'm not convinced that she "knew what she was doing" - as a fifteen year old she simply did not posses the rational processing facilities of an adult and in all probability she still doesn't. By all accounts, her domestic situation in the UK was challenging and I suspect she was manipulated and radicalised fairly easily. I'm also concerned about the one innocent in all this, her unborn child. She should be bought back, questioned, take whatever judicial punishment as prescribed by law, de-radicalised and monitored and then find the people responsible for brainwashing her and others and deal with them accordingly.


Absolutely, at 15 years of age she did not possess the rational processing facilities of an adult. Which begs the question, why do western nations turn a blind eye, if not officially sanction these perverted savages marrying and impregnating children. Some would argue that there is no legal provision here, that enables a grown man to marry and possess a 12 year old girl, But I bet it's happening every week behind closed mosque doors, and as these people don't recognise or respect our laws, in the eyes of the Muslim community, that child is now a bride/possession/incubator.

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41 minutes ago, Crab said:

1. Never heard of a borrowed passport? Eh? 

2. You are wrong. Your nationality is determined WHERE you are born not by what hole you come out of. Even a fucking school kid knows that. 

3. An "American backed Kurdish camp" in part of Syria which to my knowledge is still a sovereign country recognised by the UNO. Or do you subscribe to the Bush Blair Wild West school of international relations?  Who are the "Kurdish authorities"? The same cunts (now admitted by the BBC publicly) who staged a fake chemical weapon attack in Douma which led to the illegal air attacks on the Syrians by yours truly? Disgraceful. 

4. After apologising for so much shit you then go on to purport "accepted" (by who?) she was a non-combatant (define, how do we know?) who just happened to be lending matetial support and aid to a fucking murder squad on the rampage. 

Go and have a jolly with somebody else's posts. The facts are not in disoute she committed crimes or indulged in activity in foreign countries and it is those people and their governments who should process and punish her. Try tothink or empathise with a situation where a Syrian snatch squad abudcted one of their wanted out of the UK preventing due process here. 

You seem to be complacently reinforcing the general arrogance by the West shown towards this area of the world. 

Gosh I hope not. In the UK, nationality is principaly determined by the legal principle of Jus Sanquinis - look it up and be schooled. 

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Guest Erroreptile404
1 hour ago, Crab said:

What is a "nazi style racial test"? Sounds like some kind of bedtime fantasy. 

Measuring your skull to see if you're pureblood aryan or an extraterrestrial?

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Guest Erroreptile404
27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Di Caprio was about the best thing in that fucking pile of Tarantino apologist shite.

Was it once upon a time in Hollywood? I haven't actually seen it, personally i think Tarantino's last good film was Inglorious Basterds. 

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The concept of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is one that has often been debated over the years. As recently as 2009 the even more apposite phrase "giving succour to the enemy" was levied at the head of the armed forces by James Cleverly, MP. Surely "sucking off the enemy" is no less an offence?

What about aiding the enema in an ISIS field hospital. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh I hope not. In the UK, nationality is principaly determined by the legal principle of Jus Sanquinis - look it up and be schooled. 

Nope. If you were born on a American airplane in Russian airspace from a Syrian father and a Bangladeshi mother with Irish grandparents you would be American. 

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14 minutes ago, Crab said:

Nope. If you were born on a American airplane in Russian airspace from a Syrian father and a Bangladeshi mother with Irish grandparents you would be American. 

You're referring to the principle of Jus Soli (right of soil) a principle adhered to by the USA and some part of the Americas. In the UK as with Europe and mostly the rest of the world the principle of Jus Sanquinis (right of blood) prevails. As Ms Begum is British and not American your point is without merit.

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