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Shamina Begum

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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6 hours ago, Crab said:

As I said it all stems from the failure to assimilate of about a million and a half Banglas in Tower Hamlets who have multiplied from four families of tea pickers two villages resettled here by Tetley Tea Co in 1940s. Reverse colonisation. 

The last census (2011) recorded just short of half a million Bangladeshis living in the UK so your figure of over one and half million is a bit suspect. Not sure you can blame Tetley's either, though coincidently the firm  has been owned by Tata since 2000. Why would anyone bring in tea-pickers to a country where no tea leaves are cultivated?

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31 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

The last census (2011) recorded just short of half a million Bangladeshis living in the UK so your figure of over one and half million is a bit suspect. Not sure you can blame Tetley's either, though coincidently the firm  has been owned by Tata since 2000. Why would anyone bring in tea-pickers to a country where no tea leaves are cultivated?

Indian Independence and Civil War and Partition. Half a million? Is your glass half full or half empty? And who the fuck who cares who owns Tetley now? That's the local legend of why Tower Hamlets succumbed to an asian invasion. 

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The nub of this problem is a life already at this tender age run purely for self gratification. Are we to subsidise another phase of the same psychiatric problem back in the UK. 

A new identity and enhanced benefits, start up money, everything taken care of? 

I repeat  If you are a law abiding citizen who unfortunately happens to lose or have stolen their passport and money and cards while abroad, say in Europe, you can explain your case all day long to the British Consulate - assuming you can get there - but they will not be extending either money or help to get back to Britain. You will rot on the streets. An emergency passport is £100. And you have to be able to pay for it there and then. Just because you had a passport before doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to have one reissued without satisfactory evidence or explanation of what happened. 

Therefore the argument that because she was British born she has an automatic right to return is bullshit. Nobody has an automatic right to anything in this world. What planet does this "automatic right" come from? 



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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Crab said:

The brand new wheelie is a nice touch. Wonder what's in it? 

Don't talk to me about poxy wheelies.

Only this morning I opened the door to be asked "where's yer bin?" by me dustman. "I've bin having a shit" I told him.  "Nahh, mate, where's yer wheelie bin," he replied. I said, "listen you cunt, I wheelie have bin having a shit, now fuck off!" 

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1 minute ago, nocti said:

They should get Cardiff City FC to arrange her flight back.

Superb quip. Was it Cardiff or Nantes? She ain't coming back. The technical and legal issues are too complex. Her fanily might want her, but I guess there's no pressure from the local Bangladeshi community to have this embarrassment and inciter to bad race relations back in their midst. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Crab said:

Syria should open a cunt museum and put a mummified Begum in the entrance as an attraction. A bit like the Dungeons at London Bridge (used to be) 

All of the complaining has all been in vain. The bitch and her kids have already landed...

See the source image

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The last census (2011) recorded just short of half a million Bangladeshis living in the UK so your figure of over one and half million is a bit suspect. Not sure you can blame Tetley's either, though coincidently the firm  has been owned by Tata since 2000. Why would anyone bring in tea-pickers to a country where no tea leaves are cultivated?

Roops we all know the census is missing about 10 million people.   Most of them are in Luton.

and as for tea leaf pickers, where the fuck do you think Yorkshire tea cums from.

they pick it in Barnsley

Edited by N/A
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On 14/02/2019 at 09:42, Cardinal Sin said:

I am fed up with people who think we should be made to feel guilty about the actions of people from 100s of years ago. I did not ship slaves, I did not partition India and I did not invade countries and decimate indiginous peoples with guns or disease in the name of trade. 

We are being held to account for something done many generations ago and it is time to fight back against it. 

Just ignore it, don’t fight it.  What’s to fight?  A bunch of browns with chips on their fucking shoulders to match.   Let them moan, no one cares.  Who the fuck cares about slavery from 200 years ago.

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11 hours ago, The Bishop said:

I lose 5 posts a day needing to respond to you, besides which I am being followed by Lord Bigbone.


21 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If I might offer an observation, in the spirit of constructive criticism and the hope that it acts as a learning point for the future, that's because it was complete and utter fucking dog shit.

Up your fucking game.


20 hours ago, The Bishop said:

It was a perfectly good nom. Now please get back to your autism class.


20 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You put considerably more effort in to that one than you normally do, you don't have to be Rain Man to see that.

It was still fucking dog shit, though,


20 hours ago, The Bishop said:

You have said that before .. you need to up your own game.


12 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Maybe if I upped my posting rate to 3500 a year that would do it? Or maybe not.



12 hours ago, The Bishop said:

Proof that you need to up your game.


12 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

@Crab is currently running at ~ 5000 per year, what are you going to do about that?


12 hours ago, The Bishop said:

If one of the newbies keeps it up he will be on 5,000 + posts a year.


12 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Keep up at the back!

With any luck their stubby little fingers will soon wear down to nubs, and a more sustainable equilibrium will be reached.

Baws, do you not realise the havoc this ill-advised bickering with pen is wreaking on your "forum hard man" reputation here? 🤔 Frankly, I'm baffled. 

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13 hours ago, Crab said:

Indian Independence and Civil War and Partition. Half a million? Is your glass half full or half empty? And who the fuck who cares who owns Tetley now? That's the local legend of why Tower Hamlets succumbed to an asian invasion. 

Legend has it that seemingly decent people morph into half-human half-wolf hybrids on nights when there is a full moon.  Nothing in your post explains the discrepancy of one million. By all means express an opinion but if you are going to embellish a POV by being economical with the actualité then expect to be called out.

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Guest 'eavensabove
30 minutes ago, scotty said:










Baws, do you not realise the havoc this ill-advised bickering with pen is wreaking on your "forum hard man" reputation here? 🤔 Frankly, I'm baffled. 

It's almost sad to witness his falling from grace. He's noticeably going down and fast, and I just pray that ProfB doesn't arrive to finish him off. After all, I kind-of quite like the ol' boy (from a distance of course) and he still has some uses when he bothers to stay stum. 

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