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Shamina Begum

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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41 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

It is interesting that there seems to be a lower frequency of these kind of fruitcakes in Scotland, Wales and Ireland .. could that be something to do with an educational system is those places that reinforces those countries own ethnic identities and with also encouraging the more fanatical cunts to fuck off elsewhere .. usually to Ingerland?

I:m not sure - what about Tom Jones? 

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1 hour ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

More like Shamina Begone, right?

You know what will happen. The Brit Establishment will see this as an opportunity to show they can squash the will of the people by letting her in and giving it the full monty with taxpayers money. As with the Bulger Killers, the Iraq War (6 million actually marched against), Hillsborough, the Westminster/Royal paedophile ring, now Grenfell. The elite say this is how we want it and they get it. Totalitarian society? Of course. 

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1 hour ago, The Bishop said:

A few weeks ago I made a nom about something known as the "raisin", no one bothered to read the nom which referred to a visible result of the islamic methof of praying which in effect a form of headbanging that damages the part of the brain that deals with empathy. A common visible effect is that after a few years of this kind of praying (that in its strictest form used by fanatics involve banging the forehead against the prayermat results in a visible "bump" formed of hardened skin  on the forehead which is seen as a sign of piety and is known as "the cherry". The reality of islam is that the method of praying that is used causes brain damage and yet this is not investigated and no efforts are made to eliminate this practice.

I fucking well read it, including the link, and replied to it. So that's quite enough self indulgent, 'boo-hoo, nobody bothered to mark my homework' shit!

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10 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

Good .. now back to the issue of these head-banging self-harming brain-damaging fuckwits.

It suits the ruling elite to have a them/us society based on social and religious divisions. Then they can get on quietly with their wealth management activities. All of this has been engineered over a long period of time. It is carefully constructed - just like the colonial system. Now where did the public school boys get that? From the way they treated their own people in the British population. 

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2 hours ago, The Bishop said:

A few weeks ago I made a nom about something known as the "raisin", no one bothered to read the nom...

If I might offer an observation, in the spirit of constructive criticism and the hope that it acts as a learning point for the future, that's because it was complete and utter fucking dog shit.

Up your fucking game.

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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

If I might offer an observation, in the spirit of constructive criticism and the hope that it acts as a learning point for the future, that's because it was complete and utter fucking dog shit.

Up your fucking game.

It was a perfectly good nom. Now please get back to your autism class.

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44 minutes ago, Crab said:

It suits the ruling elite to have a them/us society based on social and religious divisions. Then they can get on quietly with their wealth management activities. All of this has been engineered over a long period of time. It is carefully constructed - just like the colonial system. Now where did the public school boys get that? From the way they treated their own people in the British population. 

Where we seem to be missing something is that as a "western society" we are supposed to be tolerant of others beliefs, however what the leftist and rightist snowflakes are missing is that these cunts we are being tolerant of are not being tolerant of us and our beliefs, and this is what driving and empowering the likes of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson). We have also got the problem that in spite of the fact that we have provided a better standard of living and a leading standard of healthcare one significant part of a certain religious ideology hates us and everything we stand for and is also driving hatred of the very country where they were born and who's citizens they are.

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5 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

Where we seem to be missing something is that as a "western society" we are supposed to be tolerant of others beliefs, however what the leftist and rightist snowflakes are missing is that these cunts we are being tolerant of are not being tolerant of us and our beliefs, and this is what driving and empowering the likes of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson). We have also got the problem that in spite of the fact that we have provided a better standard of living and a leading standard of healthcare one significant part of a certain religious ideology hates us and everything we stand for and is also driving hatred of the very country where they were born and who's citizens they are.

As I said it all stems from the failure to assimilate of about a million and a half Banglas in Tower Hamlets who have multiplied from four families of tea pickers two villages resettled here by Tetley Tea Co in 1940s. Reverse colonisation. 

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3 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

If this shit-cunted lump of fuck-mutton wants to 'flee' to England, then she should join the ranks of the other slicks that plead poverty at our borders. Groomed? My arse. She left here by her own accord, unwashed and stinking to high heaven, and if she had the ability to worm her way to Syria at aged 15, then whatever her excuse of old bollocks she can crawl through bogs, scale barbed wire and swim  shark infested waters and pay some cunt the price of a goat to lend her a pair of arm-bands and paddle the English Chanel. If it's good enough for puffter Walliams, then it's good enough for any ISIS buggered shite-cunt. If she has the audacity to enter this country by any other means then she should either be shot in situ or be bunged inside the boot of the first car going to Calais, and she can take her shit-slimed inbred's back with her...   

Can you imagine the Venables type new identity she would have to be given? Thats half a million pounds out of our hospitals, police and old folks homes to prove a point? The point being? The elite:we know best and don't argue. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Crab said:

Can you imagine the Venables type new identity she would have to be given? Thats half a million pounds out of our hospitals, police and old folks homes to prove a point? The point being? The elite:we know best and don't argue. 

It's fucking laughable how folks are saying that she's got rights as an English National. She ditched those rights when she fucked off, and willing so too. EVERY 15 year old knows what they're doing, her included. Furthermore, who took the video of her pleading for help? Off with head and be done with it. She has no place here or anywhere else, save for the shite-hole she went to. 

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6 hours ago, Crab said:

She has dual Bangladeshi British citizenship as must a lot of these families living in the East End of London. Originally shipped in by Tetleys. Four families comprising two villages of tea pickers resettled in London in the 1940s has led to the virtual ethnic cleansing of Tower Hamlets to the extent it is now a thitd world slum. The normal practice within this ethnic group is to maintain strong links by arranged marriage and regular extended visits with Bangladesh. This will involve taking pupils out of school without notice, at the whim of the parents, for months at a time, so they can live traditionally with their relatives in a rural Bangladeshi village. The education authorities simply countenance this behaviour. Many of these so called British citizens do not speak English within the family home and their community even after living in the UK all their life. Many do not regard the UK as their real home. It is simply a place where they network, can make money (and send it "home") claim benefits, get accommodation and live by Bangla standards an easy life. The Bangladeshi youth live in a limbo in this situation - inbetween their fascination with exciting Western lifestyle and its materialism and the ingrained contempt and alienation of the older generation which has been passed down to them. Due to this failure to assimilate and integrate into the UK at any meaningful level, there is rampant drug addiction, especially hard drugs like heroin, amongst the Bangladeshi young in East London, gang and knife crime. One can see how this is a breeding ground for terrorist converts add to the environment the power of the internet and the formation of Shamina Begum and a thousand or more others is inievitable and still going on. 

This woman could not be safely brought back into this country without changing her identity as she would become an example for would be terrorists and half wits and a target for reprisals. So you are looking at a bill to the taxpayer of up to a million pounds straight off the back of that fact. 

I say let Bangladesh and the extended family there have her. Then put a bounty on her head. She wouldn't last long. 

The whole point of her wanting to coming back to the UK is to be resettled under a new identity. This is her only and best chance of survival. She couldn't give a fuck about her own unborn child as anybody else's life serms to be valueless in her eyes. 

What's your agenda here, Sebastian?

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