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Shamina Begum

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

This detestable ISIS groupie wants to come home. She is 9 months pregnant and living in a Syrian refugee camp. 

I say let her enjoy the full Syrian experience and push her sprog out next to an open sewer with a few rotting corpses for company before being sold off as a sex slave.  After all, it was good enough for the Syrian and Yazidi women who were reduced to mattresses in caves with ticks and scorpions for company by her beloved husband and his mates. 

You reap what you sow.


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11 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

This detestable ISIS groupie wants to come home. She is 9 months pregnant and living in a Syrian refugee camp. 

I say let her enjoy the full Syrian experience and push her sprog out next to an open sewer with a few rotting corpses for company before being sold off as a sex slave.  After all, it was good enough for the Syrian and Yazidi women who were reduced to mattresses in caves with ticks and scorpions for company by her beloved husband and his mates. 

You reap what you sow.


She should have used contraception, such as an IED

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7 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

This detestable ISIS groupie wants to come home. She is 9 months pregnant and living in a Syrian refugee camp. 

I say let her enjoy the full Syrian experience and push her sprog out next to an open sewer with a few rotting corpses for company before being sold off as a sex slave.  After all, it was good enough for the Syrian and Yazidi women who were reduced to mattresses in caves with ticks and scorpions for company by her beloved husband and his mates. 

You reap what you sow.


The media are all over this today, because it’s their version of an open goal: a story almost guaranteed to get most people spitting their cornflakes in indignation. The indignation is cranked up yet further when some hand-wringing vegan goes all doe-eyed about them being “just girls groomed into a death cult”.

Its’ all bollocks. Media bogeymen, sensationalist headlines, fake two-man debates like those two journos on Sky, repeatedly poke the viewer/reader/listener into apoplexy, the Fox News virus is now everywhere. Divide, anger, manipulate, bit more anger, fury, are you angry yet? What was it Goebbels said about nothing uniting people like a common enemy to hate?

I don’t give a fuck what this toxic slag does next. My suggestion would be export her to Riyadh or Lahore on condition she disappears. I imagine a big sweaty Imam would get her gusset wetter than a South Wales caravan park. 

But please, let the relentless news music stop. It’s making us all mentally ill. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Another misguided and brainwashed follower of delusion. Is she a victim? Of her own stupidity perhaps. 

Can you condemn an individual so young for being stupid?

YES! I expect some of you will. I am not vegan!

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10 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

This detestable ISIS groupie wants to come home. She is 9 months pregnant and living in a Syrian refugee camp. 

I say let her enjoy the full Syrian experience and push her sprog out next to an open sewer with a few rotting corpses for company before being sold off as a sex slave.  After all, it was good enough for the Syrian and Yazidi women who were reduced to mattresses in caves with ticks and scorpions for company by her beloved husband and his mates. 

You reap what you sow.


Lots of 15 and 16 year olds make big mistakes, the reality is that the vegan is right in that they were just (silly school)girls groomed into a death cult. I don't see an answer and there is no way that she can be allowed back into this country, but that is nothing to celebrate.

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8 minutes ago, Cardinal Sin said:

Another misguided and brainwashed follower of delusion. Is she a victim? Of her own stupidity perhaps. 

Can you condemn an individual so young for being stupid?

YES! I expect some of you will. I am not vegan!

You cannot condemn her .. she is already condemned regardless of what anyone says.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
Just now, The Bishop said:

You cannot condemn her .. she is already condemned regardless of what anyone says.

I actually feel a little sorry for any individual brainwashed (groomed by modern terminology) into anything like this. She crossed a line by turning her back on the UK that many will not forgive and with the surge of the loud mouthed populist opinion (right wing Sun reading biggots) she will get a harder time than she possibly deserves.

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20 minutes ago, Cardinal Sin said:

I actually feel a little sorry for any individual brainwashed (groomed by modern terminology) into anything like this. She crossed a line by turning her back on the UK that many will not forgive and with the surge of the loud mouthed populist opinion (right wing Sun reading biggots) she will get a harder time than she possibly deserves.

There are deeper issues of our education system and media to deal with .. an education system and significant parts of the media that focuses on the negatives of our own history and makes all too may people hate being  or ashamed of being British (English especially).

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

There are deeper issues of our education system and media to deal with .. an education system and significant parts of the media that focuses on the negatives of our own history and makes all too may people hate being  or ashamed of being British (English especially).

I am fed up with people who think we should be made to feel guilty about the actions of people from 100s of years ago. I did not ship slaves, I did not partition India and I did not invade countries and decimate indiginous peoples with guns or disease in the name of trade. 

We are being held to account for something done many generations ago and it is time to fight back against it. 

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That a teenaged girl was not fazed by seeing a severed head in a bin tell us all we need to know, and that despite the fact that she has lost two children yet still does not regret fleeing to a cesspit of evil means that she has been dehumanised so perhaps the best thing would be for her to be dealt with in the same was as a dangerous and incurable animal.



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Guest Alfie Noakes
4 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

That a teenaged girl was not fazed by seeing a severed head in a bin tell us all we need to know, and that despite the fact that she has lost two children yet still does not regret fleeing to a cesspit of evil means that she has been dehumanised so perhaps the best thing would be for her to be dealt with in the same was as a dangerous and incurable animal.



If we show no compassion to those that show none are we not then as bad as them?

Just throwing that into the debate.

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3 minutes ago, Cardinal Sin said:

If we show no compassion to those that show none are we not then as bad as them?

Just throwing that into the debate.

We should show compassion but one thing we should do is to deny them their religious faith and any "rights" attached to that faith.

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Guest judgetwi

I heard some Junior Minister, or some such cunt on the radio saying that if she comes back she will be arrested and questioned. (probably about which house she wants.) I take it from that there is nothing they can do about it. I’m no expert but I would have thought you can’t stop a British citizen returning, even if they have destroyed their passport.

On the bright side at least we won’t have to put up with a load of weeping virtue signallers outside Parliament trying to get their dumb snowflake faces on telly.

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Guest Bill Stickers
34 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

We should show compassion but one thing we should do is to deny them their religious faith and any "rights" attached to that faith.

As an atheist I think this sounds incredibly authoritarian and anti-Western. No thanks. 

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50 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

On the bright side at least we won’t have to put up with a load of weeping virtue signallers outside Parliament trying to get their dumb snowflake faces on telly.

I wouldn't put money on that, the whiny, apologist cunts will turn anything into a lefty sob-fest.

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30 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I heard some Junior Minister, or some such cunt on the radio saying that if she comes back she will be arrested and questioned. (probably about which house she wants.) I take it from that there is nothing they can do about it. I’m no expert but I would have thought you can’t stop a British citizen returning, even if they have destroyed their passport.

On the bright side at least we won’t have to put up with a load of weeping virtue signallers outside Parliament trying to get their dumb snowflake faces on telly.

You do need to read rather than simply foam at the mouth, if she is allowed to return to this country she will face a lengthy investigation and will also face very serious criminal charges. As she has been stupid enough talk to the times and make the comment about the severed heads and not regretting her actions she has shot herself in the foot. She has admitted that she was stupid 15 year old girl when she went out to join the false state but from what she has said despite losing two children she remains an equally stupid 19 year old. As to her aspiration to raise her unborn child quietly back in the UK were she to return the child would quickly be taken off her.

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Guest Bill Stickers
17 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

In theory I agree but sometimes we need to try to remove the poison.

Who gets to decide what is poison? What if ‘we’, whoever ‘we’ are, decide intergender people are bad and need to be removed?

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12 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

This detestable ISIS groupie wants to come home. She is 9 months pregnant and living in a Syrian refugee camp. 

I say let her enjoy the full Syrian experience and push her sprog out next to an open sewer with a few rotting corpses for company before being sold off as a sex slave.  After all, it was good enough for the Syrian and Yazidi women who were reduced to mattresses in caves with ticks and scorpions for company by her beloved husband and his mates. 

You reap what you sow.


The sad fact is  # all her extended family back in East Londistan have free legal and police protection  # by extension she will have a legal mouthpiece already in the UK arguing her right to return and claim full benefits for rest of her life # she will use, like so many women, her children or unborn baby as an excuse to get feather bedded treatment # there are so many self-appointed advocates of womens rights etc etc in the BBC network and generally - you will see pressure build up to repatriate her. If the vile cunt is let back in a witch hunt of such ferocity will take place it would take a small army to protect her. In effect, the war zone moves with her back into this country and people will not stand for it. 

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3 minutes ago, Crab said:

The sad fact is  # all her extended family back in East Londistan have free legal and police protection  # by extension she will have a legal mouthpiece already in the UK arguing her right to return and claim full benefits for rest of her life # she will use, like so many women, her children or unborn baby as an excuse to get feather bedded treatment # there are so many self-appointed advocates of womens rights etc etc in the BBC network and generally - you will see pressure build up to repatriate her. If the vile cunt is let back in a witch hunt of such ferocity will take place it would take a small army to protect her. In effect, the war zone moves with her back into this country and people will not stand for it. 

If you care to read the various reports she is actually up the creek without a paddle.

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Let her back then throw her to the wolves. She went to a war zone in full knowledge and very cunningly. Let her stay in the war zone and die in it. Any decent family would have disowned her so returning there is an impossibility. 

Are we expected for her to be resettled in UK with a new identity on full benefits fir rest of her life? The last thing I heard was she and all like her had their passpirts and UK citizenship revoked. So where is the case for IT coming back? 

Sad thing is - WE ARE ALREADY TAKING IN 18 year olds from this fucking war zone area without the slightest idea whether they are dangerous or past war criminals. 

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