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Panorama cunts

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

This is still developing but the shit is likely to hit the fan within the next couple of days.

A video by Tommy Robinson has appeared on the Army Rumour service claiming that he is about to serve an injunction on the BBC preventing Panorama from running a hit piece on him that had the working title of "the Tommy Robinson Takedown". 

Apparently, somebody he slipped onto the production staff has recorded a shitload of footage of BBC production staff making some serious derogatory remarks about the working class, blackmailing people into making false statements about TR and doctoring footage. To top it all off, they had Bill Sticker's mates the Marxist filth of Hope not Hate supervising it all. There is another video of TR at BBC HQ confronting Jon Sweeney and a beeb executive with this evidence which unbeknownst to them was recorded by one of their own and clearly displays their astonishment at being fucked.over at their own game.

If this is as big as it would seem it can be expected that there will be few resignations at Biased Bullshit Cuntfest within the next few days. 

There appears to be a news blackout on this as further details are hard to find but I'm reliably informed that this could be for legal reasons.

Mr Robinson, I salute you!



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Guest Alfie Noakes

Much as I am not a fan of Mr Robinson, the BBC stitch up campaign needs to be exposed. 

Many years ago a pair of dirty old sages once said "There's a load of cunts at the BBC", nothing has ever changed and the whole edifice should be removed as unfit for purpose.

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8 minutes ago, Cardinal Sin said:

Much as I am not a fan of Mr Robinson, the BBC stitch up campaign needs to be exposed. 

Many years ago a pair of dirty old sages once said "There's a load of cunts at the BBC", nothing has ever changed and the whole edifice should be removed as unfit for purpose.

If Mr "Robinson"  would use his real name I would have slightly more respect for him. That said he was making a reasonable point about the attitude of the mainstream media to the working class.

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3 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

 To top it all off, they had Bill Sticker's mates the Marxist filth of Hope not Hate supervising it all.


I hate Billiam with a passion however there is no way that Billiam is a leftie, Billiam's politics are more those of an old fashioned slightly right of centre conservative of the 1960 or early 1970s. The variety who believe that everyone should get a fair crack of the whip .. you would not know a "leftie" if 200 of them fell from the sky and hit you one the head.

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Interesting nom. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out. The small clip offered shows TR and his ilk doing what they are prone to do, twisting context of what was said. We couldn't hear what Sweeney had to say in his defence as TR wouldn't let him speak and simply talked over him. 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
38 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Interesting nom. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out. The small clip offered shows TR and his ilk doing what they are prone to do, twisting context of what was said. We couldn't hear what Sweeney had to say in his defence as TR wouldn't let him speak and simply talked over him. 

Granted but nice to see that sanctimonious prick getting a taste of his own medicine.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 hour ago, The Bishop said:

I hate Billiam with a passion however there is no way that Billiam is a leftie, Billiam's politics are more those of an old fashioned slightly right of centre conservative of the 1960 or early 1970s. The variety who believe that everyone should get a fair crack of the whip .. you would not know a "leftie" if 200 of them fell from the sky and hit you one the head.

Oh? Do enlighten me!

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48 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Interesting nom. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out. The small clip offered shows TR and his ilk doing what they are prone to do, twisting context of what was said. We couldn't hear what Sweeney had to say in his defence as TR wouldn't let him speak and simply talked over him. 

A shit-show on all fronts, with the usual 'if I talk all over someone I win' approach to debate.

The only unarguable truth was the point about who the Labour Party represents in 2019

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19 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Oh? Do enlighten me!

There is no point in trying to get it into your thick skull, you are at around the same intellectual level of those Wiltshire yokels of 120 years ago who thought that they would find a pot of gold if they emigrated to Merricky.

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13 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

A shit-show on all fronts, with the usual 'if I talk all over someone I win' approach to debate.

The only unarguable truth was the point about who the Labour Party represents in 2019

Labour are far to the right of what they were 40 years ago, they are occupying the central ground.

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11 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

Labour are far to the right of what they were 40 years ago, they are occupying the central ground.

Are they fuck, they're more left wing than they have been since the early 80s. They took and held the centre ground in the 90s and won three elections on the bounce. With this fucking nutter at the helm, they'd be lucky to win a game of monopoly, let alone a general election. 

The Labour party, in its current form, is completely unelectable.


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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Are they fuck, they're more left wing than they have been since the early 80s. They took and held the centre ground in the 90s and won three elections on the bounce. With this fucking nutter at the helm, they'd be lucky to win a game of monopoly, let alone a general election. 

The Labour party, in its current form, is completely unelectable.


Bullshit, they won three elections by being better at being conservatives than the tories themselves. My political memory goes back 55 years and the tories always fight elections on the politics of fear rather than explaining what exactly they think is wrong about the opposition.


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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Are they fuck, they're more left wing than they have been since the early 80s. They took and held the centre ground in the 90s and won three elections on the bounce. With this fucking nutter at the helm, they'd be lucky to win a game of monopoly, let alone a general election. 

The Labour party, in its current form, is completely unelectable.


Jacob Rees-Mogg should be the next Prime Minister with Tommy Robinson as the Home Secretary and Nigel Farage as Foregn Secretary.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
43 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

There is no point in trying to get it into your thick skull, you are at around the same intellectual level of those Wiltshire yokels of 120 years ago who thought that they would find a pot of gold if they emigrated to Merricky.

Oh no! I insist professor!

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46 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

Bullshit, they won three elections by being better at being conservatives than the tories themselves. My political memory goes back 55 years and the tories always fight elections on the politics of fear rather than explaining what exactly they think is wrong about the opposition.


Rubbish, they rejected the loony left, union obsessed shit of Michael Foot and adopted The Third Way. Only left wing dinosaurs equated this with a form of conservatism, it was nothing of the sort. Cameron knew this, and won two elections by aping it, whilst Labour have progressively regressed and become a laughing stock. 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
42 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

I will not waste your time as you will need to check your mud hut out for poisonous spiders and centipedes.

You complete bag of shit. I hope you die of AIDS.

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35 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Rubbish, they rejected the loony left, union obsessed shit of Michael Foot and adopted The Third Way. Only left wing dinosaurs equated this with a form of conservatism, it was nothing of the sort. Cameron knew this, and won two elections by aping it, whilst Labour have progressively regressed and become a laughing stock. 

The suggestion that Tony fucking Blair had any associations or affections with anything remotely of Labour party sentiment is risible. His legacy demonstrates this. From my memory of 1997, after 18 years of conservative greed, self serving, sleaze and nepotism, the majority of cunts were pleased to see the back of them. I think even Neil fucking Kinnock with a comb over and a donkey jacket would have won the election. Blair moved the labour party or New fucking Labour (corporate branding shit) to the right not because he needed to, but this was his true conviction and of odious arse butlers like Mandleson. 

FFS Tony Blair MP anagram I'm tory plan B.

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2 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The suggestion that Tony fucking Blair had any associations or affections with anything remotely of Labour party sentiment is risible. His legacy demonstrates this. From my memory of 1997, after 18 years of conservative greed, self serving, sleaze and nepotism, the majority of cunts were pleased to see the back of them. I think even Neil fucking Kinnock with a comb over and a donkey jacket would have won the election. Blair moved the labour party or New fucking Labour (corporate branding shit) to the right not because he needed to, but this was his true conviction and of odious arse butlers like Mandleson. 

FFS Tony Blair MP anagram I'm tory plan B.

He moved it to the the right, but he didn't transform the party into the Conservatives, as others who dislike his policies claim.

The party may have shifted along the political axis, but most of its policies could still be described as being Centre-Left. Would you have ever got a minimum wage, gay civil marriages, devolved national assemblies, the banning of fox hunting and a backing of EU expansion under a traditional Conservative style government? Do me a fucking favour, the assumption that he was a closet Tory is laughable. 

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48 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He moved it to the the right, but he didn't transform the party into the Conservatives, as others who dislike his policies claim.

The party may have shifted along the political axis, but most of its policies could still be described as being Centre-Left. Would you have ever got a minimum wage, gay civil marriages, devolved national assemblies, the banning of fox hunting and a backing of EU expansion under a traditional Conservative style government? Do me a fucking favour, the assumption that he was a closet Tory is laughable. 

The minimum wage and fox hunting were mere tit bits thrown to the left to appease them, nothing more. As for bender's marriage, the completion of the civil partnership legislation into full marriage was under the coalition government. All schools and hospitals built with private capital that will prove more expensive than a managed state building program. The total deregulation of financial markets and the advent of casino banking. Pretty capitalist sell your own granny for fucking profit conservative doctrine. Tax avoidance escalated greatly under his tenure, remember Mandleson's filthy rich comments. I don't need to mention the war in Iraq. The cunt even admired Mrs Fucking Thatcher. 

Re the EU, entry to it without consent, by the Tories and many major treaties giving away power signed without consent by Tories. He continued this direction of travel.

He had no need to move the party anywhere near to the centre. At best he was a compassionate conservative or at worse a neo conservative globalist shill.

What you see now in catweazle/Steptoe is a proper labour socialist. I don't want it any more than you do, but there is not any ambiguity with the cunt, unlike Mr Fucking Blur.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Are they fuck, they're more left wing than they have been since the early 80s. They took and held the centre ground in the 90s and won three elections on the bounce. With this fucking nutter at the helm, they'd be lucky to win a game of monopoly, let alone a general election. 

The Labour party, in its current form, is completely unelectable.


Getting into any meaningful debate with a Corbynista is a massive waste of time. Any criticism of him leads to total shutdown of dialogue. To these cunts, he is the fucking messiah. He can do no wrong. To them he is Moses leading us all to the promised land. It's fucking pitiful 

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