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Dr Victoria Bateman


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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Don't wish to break up the party, but if Mr Rees- Fucking Mogg had suggested to the lady they had a starkers debate one would imagine plod would be err.... feeling his collar.

Roll on 29th March FFS.

Setting aside the naked debate I for one would pay money to see them argue the issues. Both unfailingly polite and courteous to a fault they are equally blessed with razor-sharp minds. There would be no ya-boo politicking, just measured and interesting debate.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Setting aside the naked debate I for one would pay money to see them argue the issues. Both unfailingly polite and courteous to a fault they are equally blessed with razor-sharp minds. There would be no ya-boo politicking, just measured and interesting debate.

I don't see how her viewpoint is any different from any of those who wish to obfuscate this progress.

Having said that, anything is an improvement on that awful fucking criminal Alistair Campbell still going on about his poxy people's vote. 

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2 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't see how her viewpoint is any different from any of those who wish to obfuscate this progress.

Having said that, anything is an improvement on that awful fucking criminal Alistair Campbell still going on about his poxy people's vote. 

She has a odd view (IMHO) as why leaving the EU reduces individual freedoms, Rees-Mogg has an opposite opinion. TBH much of the debate was about the most effective soundbites

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Guest Wizardsleeve
14 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Setting aside the naked debate I for one would pay money to see them argue the issues. Both unfailingly polite and courteous to a fault they are equally blessed with razor-sharp minds. There would be no ya-boo politicking, just measured and interesting debate.

Well I just lost interest.  Healthy debates ought to have the words cunt and fuck off strewn in occasionally.  

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Guest judgetwi

I used to know a bird called Vicky Bateman, a right arrogant bitch. Apparently she now has a 17 year old son who is a raging homo, lipstick, painted nails, the whole fucking lot.

I’ve checked the dates so , fortunately, I don’t have to kill him.

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18 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Setting aside the naked debate I for one would pay money to see them argue the issues. Both unfailingly polite and courteous to a fault they are equally blessed with razor-sharp minds. There would be no ya-boo politicking, just measured and interesting debate.

As much as I think you're, on balance, a self aggandising, Wikipedia dependant plague on this site, that does deserve a like. It would be an interesting debate.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

As much as I think you're, on balance, a self aggandising, Wikipedia dependant plague on this site, that does deserve a like. It would be an interesting debate.

I notice you didn't give her one.  

You're a complicated man, Doc.  

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I did, post comment. I'm fair, reasoned and non argumentative on the whole (unless called for). I have no friends here (I hope) , nor any enemies, although it's fair to say I do judge some to be far bigger cunts than others. I'll just carry on chipping in when I'm able, regardless.

I'm just pissed that "pedalophile" was deemed worthy of edit by a draconian overlord when it's a perfectly valid Latin extension of a word for a boat. Ban me, warn me or see the humour.

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Guest Bill Stickers
7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Shock as Bill Stupid is still stupid. Dr Bateman is a passionate Remainer. As for getting our respective rats out I can only speak for my self, suffice to say these days my behavioural quirk is mostly under control. Mostly.

Bill Stupid. You still reckon that one’s got legs then? 

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8 hours ago, DrCunt said:

As much as I think you're, on balance, a self aggandising, Wikipedia dependant plague on this site, that does deserve a like. It would be an interesting debate.

Interestingly, Dr Bateman's Wikipedia page has some factual errors, but point taken, I'll henceforth only use the internet for which it was created for - surfing porn and seeking out pictures of amusing cats and kittens.


8 hours ago, DrCunt said:

I'm just pissed that "pedalophile" was deemed worthy of edit by a draconian overlord when it's a perfectly valid Latin extension of a word for a boat. Ban me, warn me or see the humour.

Well, I realised that your recent schoolboy petulance was borne out of pique from having a post moderated but it has been repeatedly stressed that any reference to a punter and paedophilia, no matter how oblique, is going to be removed. 

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On 08/02/2019 at 23:52, The Beast said:

Roll on 29th March FFS.

If you think it’ll all stop then and we can go back to discussing the rain, I fear you are mistaken. Britain has years of this divisive name-calling shit to come. The Corner will thus lose its’ role as national spleen, given invective will be everywhere.

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14 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

If you think it’ll all stop then and we can go back to discussing the rain, I fear you are mistaken. Britain has years of this divisive name-calling shit to come. The Corner will thus lose its’ role as national spleen, given invective will be everywhere.

As to what post 29th March holds we cannot be sure. However I remember the time before the UK joined the then EEC. by that time we had, had a NHS for 25 years and we were making ends meet, we were also subsidising other Western European countries. My experience of the years since us joining what was the EEC has not been positive. The irony of so many of you southern squealers is that you think that we are dependent upon EU funding rather than realising that if we stopped funding the EU we would actually have more internal funds for ourselves to use as we choose. It is a bit like renting or owning your own home .. at the moment we rent our country from the EU.

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1 minute ago, The Bishop said:

As to what post 29th March holds we cannot be sure. However I remember the time before the UK joined the then EEC. by that time we had, had a NHS for 25 years and we were making ends meet, we were also subsidising other Western European countries. My experience of the years since us joining what was the EEC has not been positive. The irony of so many of you southern squealers is that you think that we are dependent upon EU funding rather than realising that if we stopped funding the EU we would actually have more internal funds for ourselves to use as we choose. It is a bit like renting or owning your own home .. at the moment we rent our country from the EU.

I was going to call bollocks, but I can’t be arsed. Enjoy the wasteland dickhead.

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On 09/02/2019 at 00:36, DrCunt said:

I did, post comment. I'm fair, reasoned and non argumentative on the whole (unless called for). I have no friends here (I hope) , nor any enemies, although it's fair to say I do judge some to be far bigger cunts than others. I'll just carry on chipping in when I'm able, regardless.

I'm just pissed that "pedalophile" was deemed worthy of edit by a draconian overlord when it's a perfectly valid Latin extension of a word for a boat. Ban me, warn me or see the humour.

Very very touchy and dangerous word. Obviously you don't use social media. An acquaintance is currently enjoying a 28 ban on one site for posting the following

"Here are some sex symbols ⚥⚣⚢"

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9 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I was going to call bollocks, but I can’t be arsed. Enjoy the wasteland dickhead.

You having moved to a third world country where your £1,500 savings and £25 a week from your internet trading site will give a a modest living in your mud hut.

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4 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Pounds? Who wants fucking pounds these days? Might as well be Andrex. 

edited .. You having moved to a third world country where your Z$15trillion savings and Z$2trillion a week from your internet trading site will give a a modest living in your mud hut. 

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On 08/02/2019 at 19:27, Mrs Roops said:

Dr Bateman is a highly qualified economist who specialises in macroeconomics and economic history. She is also a Fellow of Cambridge University so one can safely assume that she's not exactly stupid. Here's the link where La Bateman reveals her thoughts (and all her clothes during a thirty minute vid) on Brexit. No doubt the usual body shamers will proffer their own opinions - yes guys, we all know you all are magnificent physical specimens each with a doe-eyed, pert-breasted, long-limbed blonde beauty hanging on your arm...:rolleyes:

I have to say I agree with Dr Bateman on some points, the ill-informed negativity surrounding immigration and that the EU can't be blamed for the UK's problems are but just two examples. I also agree that the Brexit process will bring chill winds but only in the short and medium term. I also agree with her that economic uncertainty is caused by Brexit but only up to a point. Immediately after the referendum the Brexit debate should have ended in a country that provides a democratic template for rest of the world. All sides should have worked together to deliver the peoples' vote in order to capitalise the flexibility and benefits of trading independently and being solely responsible for its own decisions. Bateman endlessly regurgitating Remainer debating points is part of the reason the country finds itself in the resulting confusion and uncertainty

In my view, this is just part of the endless point scoring that we have to endure on every communication canvas known to man, which is perpetuating and enhancing the social and economic divisions . Whilst I agree with Roop’s summary, I am rather sceptical about economic consequences. I think that that the ordinary working people are going to be faced with a real  price, cost of living consequences. The rich will bob along, as ever.

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