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Executives' Overuse of "Team" Cliches

Guest Wizardsleeve

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Guest Wizardsleeve
11 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Just remember, there’s no I in TEAM. But there is a U in CUNT. 

Don’t pass that one off as your own amongst the other ‘executives’, wiz. 

I'm not in the executive clique, Bubba.  I just had a respect for the bloke who retired.  The new fucker is an utter bellend.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 hours ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Have you been promotef to the McDonald’s head office yet, or are you still a supervisor on the shop floor?

It must be terribly frustrating to see a load of fast tracked graduates calling the shots instead of you, with 45 years experience, you failed old cunt.

Nice to see you again, Billy (no mates).  Please direct me to any fast tracked graduate who has overtaken my position in the company.  

Wait a moment, you've never worked a day in your life, you can't even define the meaning of the word company.  

Nevermind then, off you go.  

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Nice to see you again, Billy (no mates).  Please direct me to any fast tracked graduate who has overtaken my position in the company.  

Wait a moment, you've never worked a day in your life, you can't even define the meaning of the word company.  

Nevermind then, off you go.  

Billy no mates. Inspired stuff.

Of course you don’t think any grads have overtaken you. They’ve placated you by giving you a series of increasingly meaningless new titles whilst remaining on a paltry £21k per annum. 

What are you now? Senior Group Supervisor Team Lead? 

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5 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Billy no mates. Inspired stuff.

Of course you don’t think any grads have overtaken you. They’ve placated you by giving you a series of increasingly meaningless new titles whilst remaining on a paltry £21k per annum. 

What are you now? Senior Group Supervisor Team Lead? 

Head Stapling Clerk Grade D

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Billy no mates. Inspired stuff.

Of course you don’t think any grads have overtaken you. They’ve placated you by giving you a series of increasingly meaningless new titles whilst remaining on a paltry £21k per annum. 

What are you now? Senior Group Supervisor Team Lead? 

What's inspiring is witnessing you drudge on with your pointless existence, knowing the rest of humanity is cheering for the bus to run you down.  

How do you feel knowing your only vocal support is coming from Pen?  

You know what to do.  

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58 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

What's inspiring is witnessing you drudge on with your pointless existence, knowing the rest of humanity is cheering for the bus to run you down.  

How do you feel knowing your only vocal support is coming from Pen?  

You know what to do.  

Go and play with one of these


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Guest Wizardsleeve
16 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The NHS is rife with these wankers. Talk the right bollocks or "buzz words" and you are on the first rung of the NHS gravy train. Keep ensuring the shit is pushed down and further career progression upwards is inevitable. A cycle of failure perpetuated by a collage of cunts.

Proper, I desperately want to give you a like here, but the system needs a good sorting.  

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