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Brussels Broadcasting Corporation


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Belgian officials are lobbying for a BBC move to Brussels after Brexit, the director-general has revealed.

Lord Hall said he hopes BBC operations can all remain in the UK, and no decision has been made ahead of the Brexit deadline of March 29.


Does this surprise you?

Does it fuck.

The lick-arse, EU apologists cunts should just fuck off to Belgium if it makes them happy, they'll be quite at home with the rest of the world renowned child-chasers.

Sir Jimmy would be loving it.

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It would not be so bad if the BBC were to report the real situation across the EU with honesty. Pretty well much of what we are seeing here in the UK .. over stressed health and social services, unemployment, homeless people on the streets, is occuring throughout The original EU contries. France, Germany, Belgium, Holland etc. The "Yellow Jacket" protests are much more widespread and not just in France and the protest are not just about the cost of fuel but are about the situation in general. A large percentage of people are also fed up with uncontrolled immigration (especially immigration from Islamic countries and Central Africa), a larger proportion than the media would have us believe are fed up with what the EU has become. Also contrary to what the media would have us believe most other EU countries are far more racist and have far more hard right nutcases than the UK does.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

An international broadcasting license across Europe requires an office or as the press put it a base in a European nation. They are not moving operations there, idiot. Another brexidiot exagerrated fake news crap quote.

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Guest judgetwi

They can all fuck off to their EU paradise the bunch of cunts. Let Juncker and his mob pay for these bastards’ life of luxury.

I’m sick and tired of paying for their endless EU propaganda and i’m particularly sick and tired of lining the pockets of Gary Taxdodger, the smug refugee loving hypocritical shitstain.

Fuck them all to hell.

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6 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

They can all fuck off to their EU paradise the bunch of cunts. Let Juncker and his mob pay for these bastards’ life of luxury.

I’m sick and tired of paying for their endless EU propaganda and i’m particularly sick and tired of lining the pockets of Gary Taxdodger, the smug refugee loving hypocritical shitstain.

Fuck them all to hell.

I bet that you watch Eastenders Juggles.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
40 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:


Think about it?

Actually WHY?

Why should Europe let them operate or sell products as they will be from a 3rd nation? Other broadcast restrictions are for the same reasons the US cannot broadcast directly to the UK unless streamed or subscribed to a pay tv company like Sky or Virgin. The BBC sells its products to a world market, from which the profits go back into the BBC. These markets often come with their own unique restrictions, we will be out of the club and without a representative on the inside it will be harder to do business. 

Massive over-reaction seems to come both from brexit and remain sides. This is another non story like Dyson opening an HQ in the far East being jumped on by some rather jingoistic brexidiots (I concede that not all leavers are brexidiots as we are told that a large proportion put thought into their vote, even if I think they're wrong, before the shitstorm jumpy cunts who misread my last brexit post that in itself was a piss take of the over reactions we see).

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See the latest subtle BBC News mind control game is to lead, for the third time in a week, about the harm social media companies are doing in hosting postings leading users to self-harm and suicide sites.

Self-harm and suicide amongst teenagers is an absolute tragedy. It's causes are multi-faceted and whilst I'm not denying social media has a part to play in this, the situation deserves more balance than the (repeated) 'point and shoot' approach adopted by the BBC.

Maybe they don't like that people are increasingly going to places such as Instagram and Facebook for 'the truth' when it comes to news provision, rather than them?

It's a toss up whether it's more fun watching the pompous Amol Rajan (BBC Media Correspondent) take the high ground given his employers questionable processes re news gathering and dissemination, quiz the grasping shyster Nick Clegg (Facebook's new Vice-President of Global Affairs)

.....then I took a step back, realised it wasn't fun at all given the subject under discussion and so a plague on all their poxy lying houses.

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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

They can all fuck off to their EU paradise the bunch of cunts. Let Juncker and his mob pay for these bastards’ life of luxury.

I’m sick and tired of paying for their endless EU propaganda and i’m particularly sick and tired of lining the pockets of Gary Taxdodger, the smug refugee loving hypocritical shitstain.

Fuck them all to hell.

Why don’t you do something about it then ?

Instead you dribble on about it like some tired old right wing buffoon, eagerly awaiting the next mantra, diktat or outrage to expostulate on.

Fuck off you boring atheist twat.


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1 hour ago, Cardinal Sin said:

Why should Europe let them operate or sell products as they will be from a 3rd nation? Other broadcast restrictions are for the same reasons the US cannot broadcast directly to the UK unless streamed or subscribed to a pay tv company like Sky or Virgin. The BBC sells its products to a world market, from which the profits go back into the BBC. These markets often come with their own unique restrictions, we will be out of the club and without a representative on the inside it will be harder to do business. 

Massive over-reaction seems to come both from brexit and remain sides. This is another non story like Dyson opening an HQ in the far East being jumped on by some rather jingoistic brexidiots (I concede that not all leavers are brexidiots as we are told that a large proportion put thought into their vote, even if I think they're wrong, before the shitstorm jumpy cunts who misread my last brexit post that in itself was a piss take of the over reactions we see).

The EU is not actually a nation as yet. It is simply a trade organisation trying to flex political muscle, that Brussels desires this sovereign state owned broadcaster to have a base within a EU member country suggests that sovereign state owned broadcaster of a soon to be "3rd nation" has something that other sovereign state owned broadcasters that will remain within the EU lack.


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Guest judgetwi
37 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Why don’t you do something about it then ?

Instead you dribble on about it like some tired old right wing buffoon, eagerly awaiting the next mantra, diktat or outrage to expostulate on.

Fuck off you boring atheist twat.


 Name the cunts of the world it says. That’s what i’m doing.

What do you want me to do shithead? Pretend to be an upper class posh boy? Constantly brag about my country estate, my wealth and my posh pals? Call everyone peasants and plebs? That would be interesting wouldn’t it?

Listen lonelybollocks, you have obvious mental health problems but they are of no interest to me so stay off my case ok cunt?

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1 minute ago, judgetwi said:

 Name the cunts of the world it says. That’s what i’m doing.

What do you want me to do shithead? Pretend to be an upper class posh boy? Constantly brag about my country estate, my wealth and my posh pals? Call everyone peasants and plebs? That would be interesting wouldn’t it?

Listen lonelybollocks, you have obvious mental health problems but they are of no interest to me so stay off my case ok cunt?

Give it up Judgie, you'll never get into punkers golf club

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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

 Name the cunts of the world it says. That’s what i’m doing.

What do you want me to do shithead? Pretend to be an upper class posh boy? Constantly brag about my country estate, my wealth and my posh pals? Call everyone peasants and plebs? That would be interesting wouldn’t it?

Listen lonelybollocks, you have obvious mental health problems but they are of no interest to me so stay off my case ok cunt?

Why don’t you go and confront cunts like Lineker that you moan about ad nauseam? You probably eat his cheap fucking crisps....

Cunts like you are the type that go out to a restaurant and wade through crap food, shit service. You won’t complain and when the bill comes you’ll pay to avoid trouble and embarrassment.

 You’re a fucking disgrace. 

Fuck off.

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13 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Why don’t you go and confront cunts like Lineker that you moan about ad nauseam? You probably eat his cheap fucking crisps....

Cunts like you are the type that go out to a restaurant and wade through crap food, shit service. You won’t complain and when the bill comes you’ll pay to avoid trouble and embarrassment.

 You’re a fucking disgrace. 

Fuck off.

I bet that you eat Walkers STAX.

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2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

You certainly wouldn’t get in either because of your lowly social class and your unhealthy, obsessional interest in the mechanics of unnatural sexual practices...

Fuck off.

I certainly wouldn't want in go anywhere near your "golf club" unless I suddenly had an urge to be gagged, hogtied and be anally filled with a gallon on spunk by you and your filthy ilk. Golf courses=little boys corpses 

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18 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I certainly wouldn't want in go anywhere near your "golf club" unless I suddenly had an urge to be gagged, hogtied and be anally filled with a gallon on spunk by you and your filthy ilk. Golf courses=little boys corpses 

Would Nigel try for a hole in one? 

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10 hours ago, Cardinal Sin said:

An international broadcasting license across Europe requires an office or as the press put it a base in a European nation. They are not moving operations there, idiot. Another brexidiot exagerrated fake news crap quote.

I didn't say they were, idiot!

I was commenting that nobody would be surprised or give a fuck if they did move to Brussels.

You do tend to get easily upset, don't you, is it that time of the month, again?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, cooze said:

I didn't say they were, idiot!

I was commenting that nobody would be surprised or give a fuck if they did move to Brussels.

You do tend to get easily upset, don't you, is it that time of the month, again?

Yes. My piles have burst!

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