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The fucker that dreamed up the BBC "Pidgin" site

Guest Gareth Hunt

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

More politically correct shite from the Biased Bullshit Coven. I would like to personally take a drill to Tony Hall's kneecaps before pouring acid into his eyes for presiding over this billions.

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On 29/01/2019 at 18:39, Gareth Hunt said:

Seriously? Have any of you cunts here seen this shit? 


I'm pretty sure that if I set up a site like this, plod would be paying me a visit for a hate crime, asserting that I was taking the piss out of funny foreign accents.


The lady who did that was on Airplane the movie. Ya muvverfucker baby doll. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I had a look at Gareth's link, and was amazed.  For the incredible levels of cuntfuckery we witness on this site every day, it's difficult to imagine the bar being lowered, but those cunts succeeded in amending the definition of complete fuckwit cuntishness.  

I want the bastards nuked.  

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7 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I want the bastards nuked.  

Too quick, and hence too good for them. Far better, “On The Beach” style, for them to be marooned in the arse-end of Australia while the fallout clouds drift inexorably southwards, bringing with them a slow, horrible, painful lingering death. They can watch their families go first, too, and it would still be too good for them.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Too quick, and hence too good for them. Far better, “On The Beach” style, for them to be marooned in the arse-end of Australia while the fallout clouds drift inexorably southwards, bringing with them a slow, horrible, painful lingering death. They can watch their families go first, too, and it would still be too good for them.

What are your thoughts on the syntax of this shit? I imagine that your fury when clicking on the link was terrible to behold.

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  • 6 months later...
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Our licence money is still being pissed up a wall on this cuntfuckery, and the latest "headline" has to be seen to be believed:

Na every woman dey ejaculate? Di qweshion wey make dem start Pussypedia, free online vagina encyclopaedia 


Is diss sumsort fuckeen jok?

ay am no goeen too pee foor lyycins nooo  moore!!! 

Fukeeen Garree Linneeekah kin suk myyy big blik aaasho!!!!!

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