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Tony cunting Blair

King Billy

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9 hours ago, ratcum said:

I could forgive Blair many things, but putting our troops in harms way when this country was under no threat was inexcusable. Sending them with inadequate equipment, one hand tied behind their backs and no exit strategy just adds to his war crimes. I hope a cancerous pus bursts his eyeballs, but not before he sees his entire family consumed my gay mould spores.  

That is the whole idea of having an undersized and underfunded military machine of the kind we have, you pitch them against heavily harmed cunts to prove that they can kill and maim them. In reality if you don't want your troops to be killed or even to actually fight you need to have a standing army, navy and air force that is so large that no cunt will dare to challenge or invade you which is exactly what fatboy in North Korea is doing.

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Shouldn’t we just make the cunt carry a giant wooden cross across London and then crucify the hideous troll faced fucker on Barnet hill. Methinks he’d go for that as he’s always thought of himself as the messiah returning to save all us little people. The cunt of all cunts. Some of his miracles were even better than Gods. The parting of the English Channel so millions of so called refugees could get to Dover was vastly superior to Moses’ pathetic effort. So big cheer and let’s get the gargoyle faced shit cunt nailed up now.

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50 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Shouldn’t we just make the cunt carry a giant wooden cross across London and then crucify the hideous troll faced fucker on Barnet hill. Methinks he’d go for that as he’s always thought of himself as the messiah returning to save all us little people. The cunt of all cunts. Some of his miracles were even better than Gods. The parting of the English Channel so millions of so called refugees could get to Dover was vastly superior to Moses’ pathetic effort. So big cheer and let’s get the gargoyle faced shit cunt nailed up now.

Firm but fair-to-soft

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13 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I think you meant “BY gay mould spores” not “MY gay mould spores”. Once again I have to correct you Herr Oberst but it’s for your own good.

You seem to have forgotten that Tony told us that Saddam had “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which could fuck us up in 45 minutes. When they didn’t appear suddenly it was all about “regime change” and bringing democracy to the A-rabs, which they’ve never had, didn’t want and didn’t understand. To be fair, Tony with his “Peoples Vote” doesn’t understand democracy either but I noted that this lifelong opponent of capital punishment couldn’t wait to get the noose around Saddam’s neck to shut the cunt up. That’s Tony’s democracy. Of course i’m sure that Dr Kelly and Robin Cook could have enlightened us about Tony’s motives but, sadly, they are both conveniently brown bread.

The truth will come out one day Herr Oberst but you, me and Phoney Tony will be pushing up daisies. Or are you thinking of a cremation? I do hope so, That would be deliciously ironic don’t you think?

I want my ashes scattered over Gracie Fields 

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This laser-eyed, grinning pixie has a rap-sheet the length of Watling Street.

PFI. Cronyism in the House of Lords. Gerrymandering the electorate via mass immigration. Iraq.....

Got in the first time 'because he wasn't the Tories' but even if you 'stayed up for Portillo' and forgot to read the small print, it was obvious this cunt offered fuck all dressed as sincerety. Spawny git had a premiership that co-incided with the biggest boom this country has seen for years (still managed to sell off our gold reserves like a virgin at a car boot sale) and quickly gave Brown a hospital pass when it all did start to go down the tubes.

Since then he's been the messianic twat breadhead he and his fishwife spouse always wanted to be but couldn't ever come out as, to preserve some left-wing cred.

Still, he bought love and tolerance to the Middle East as the UN Peace Envoy, so that's all right then......

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Guest 'eavensabove
21 hours ago, Crab said:

Iraq killed his reputation - some of the PFI stuff was bad too. On whole needed to be more socialist and less capitalist friendly. 


He killed-off Iraq, and for that matter alone he should be applauded. His only downfall, was not completing the job, by flattening the cuntish-place and all in it.  

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Big party tonight at chez Blair. All the usual suspects in attendance.    Jack in the box Straw (wearing his prescription glasses from Cunts savers Golders Green branch) Gordon ‘one eye and a whelk’ Brown, Alastair Campbell wearing his new jacket with the sleeves buckled up at the front, Nurse ratchet keeping an eye on Mr campbell, Gaylord Peter Mangledbum and his new Brazilian  mortgage advisor, John ‘The guvnor Presscunt’ Jeremy’s invitation got lost in the post. Should be passing round the Ferrero Roche’s about now and then hot tub time. Good old new labour. Fuckin legends or bunch of cunts? You decide 

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Chaplin had a massive cock. He weren’t afraid of hitler and he weren’t no cunt. I know some geezer who saw it in the men’s public toilets on Hampstead Heath 

There's someone still alive who saw Chaplin's cock? Does this cunt introduce himself as 'Connor McLeod of the clan McLeod'?


22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Big party tonight at chez Blair. All the usual suspects in attendance.    Jack in the box Straw (wearing his prescription glasses from Cunts savers Golders Green branch) Gordon ‘one eye and a whelk’ Brown, Alastair Campbell wearing his new jacket with the sleeves buckled up at the front, Nurse ratchet keeping an eye on Mr campbell, Gaylord Peter Mangledbum and his new Brazilian  mortgage advisor, John ‘The guvnor Presscunt’ Jeremy’s invitation got lost in the post. Should be passing round the Ferrero Roche’s about now and then hot tub time. Good old new labour. Fuckin legends or bunch of cunts? You decide 

I must admit, a worse collection of despicable cunts you couldn't assemble. The thing that always got me with Gordon Brown, was the way he rotates his lower jaw immediately before and after speaking. He makes me fucking sick, as does Blair, not least for sticking his tongue in the stinking mackerel trench of that shovel faced cunt he's married to.

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On 27/01/2019 at 17:22, judgetwi said:

Fuck me, the identikit snowflake has turned up. Actually I have nothing against the peacefuls, they are welcome to their primitive superstitions and murderous ideology. It’s their country they can do what they want. It’s none of my business no more than it is Blairs.

It’s when they bring it to my country then I have the problem and your hero is responsible for that too. I’ve never tried but I doubt if they would let me through the doors of a “Conservative Club” whether it’s the blue tie or the red tie variety. Your 1970’s student politics is well outdated. Most people have woken up to the fact that all these Westminster cunts are exactly the same, just with varying degrees of stupidity and cuntishness.

Decimus, Judge has you by your tiny bollocks here, you know the old hairy cunt is right...just admit that Blair is the biggest cuntbrain that has ever walked. He would have been well suited to the fascist movement of the 1920's. New Labour was an excuse to morph into a subliminal nightmare which has created the bullshit and the dumb ass brainwashing we are seeing today. That horrible wanker should rot in prison for the rest of his fucking life. You're clutching at straws D..you fucking dumb cunt. 

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4 hours ago, Fender777 said:

Decimus, Judge has you by your tiny bollocks here, you know the old hairy cunt is right...just admit that Blair is the biggest cuntbrain that has ever walked. He would have been well suited to the fascist movement of the 1920's. New Labour was an excuse to morph into a subliminal nightmare which has created the bullshit and the dumb ass brainwashing we are seeing today. That horrible wanker should rot in prison for the rest of his fucking life. You're clutching at straws D..you fucking dumb cunt. 

Has he? How? By responding to being called an Islamophobic hypocrite about his fake tears over Iraq by displaying yet more Islamophobia?

Similarly, you've banged on about Iraq before as if you're down speakers corner in a tie dye shirt every other weekend, holding hands with Iraqi orphans. The fact is, you're just as much as a double standard fuckwit as The Judge.

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On 27/01/2019 at 23:13, scotty said:

Not at all, some kids are best suited to practical work and others to the academic path. Shoehorning most of them into the latter (as Blair did, with his stated aim of a university education for all,) has produced an unhealthy and wholly predictable societal imbalance which is at least partly to blame for the referendum result, given that since that policy started to produce a shortage of tradesmen we've had to import people from overseas to take up the slack. That has fuelled a hell of a lot of the resentment against immigration (which for the record, I do not share.) 

I do agree, there was an increased focus on higher education that was perhaps more ideological than practical, but I applaud him for making a university education more accessible and not limited to an elite few.

As I said, this was obviously open to abuse, with the introduction of Mickey Mouse courses and the advent of the eternal Van Wilder student, but for those serious about their education, the Blair years offered opportunities that weren't there prior to 1997.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I do agree, there was an increased focus on higher education that was perhaps more ideological than practical, but I applaud him for making a university education more accessible and not limited to an elite few.

As I said, this was obviously open to abuse, with the introduction of mickey mouse courses and the advent of the eternal Van Wilder student, but for those serious about their education, the Blair years offered opportunities that weren't there prior to 1997.

You were not one of these "with creative English" cunts were you Decs?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I do agree, there was an increased focus on higher education that was perhaps more ideological than practical, but I applaud him for making a university education more accessible and not limited to an elite few.

As I said, this was obviously open to abuse, with the introduction of Mickey Mouse courses and the advent of the eternal Van Wilder student, but for those serious about their education, the Blair years offered opportunities that weren't there prior to 1997.

Those genuinely serious about their education  prospered extremely well prior to Blair.

All he has done is to raise expectation to an unrealistic level (you must have an increase in worthwhile jobs / careers for graduates to move into, otherwise you've just moved the finishing line for everybody and not confered any real benefit to those you're purporting to help) and given opportunities to become 'a forever student' - a by-product of which is conferring an extra debt-burden on the graduate or society at large, when the cunts can't get that job at Megabucks Corp they thought was their right after getting a Third in Utopia Studies at the University of Steeple Bumpstead.

However, you have exposed the late-teenage mind to the cultural Marxist 'groupthink' that is the norm in higher eductaion. You've indoctrinated them in neologisms like trans / islamo phobia, you've given them safe spaces and an exaggerated senes of their own entitlement and an unrealistic view of the world - but at least you've stopped them from having to think about and confront issues they don't like; in short you've made them a nice soft, malleable mass, which I suspect was the aim all along

Meanwhile, those kids canny enough to be able to wield a torque wrench and graft hard have become real blessings to society and are now plumbers, sparkies, chippies etc and raking it in, since the world will always need such types

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