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Moon Gazers

Guest 'eavensabove

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Ollyboro
On 22/01/2019 at 19:10, 'eavensabove said:


Not entirely sure which Director's cut of the fucking Clangers you've been groomed on, Jizzer, but the still in front of me seems to depict 2 rats in glittery boob tubes.

I can't see any other tubes in shot, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

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Guest 'eavensabove
13 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Not entirely sure which Director's cut of the fucking Clangers you've been groomed on, Jizzer, but the still in front of me seems to depict 2 rats in glittery boob tubes.

I can't see any other tubes in shot, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

Once my parents had dropped a clanger, I was weened on Cup-a-Soup Dragon. As for the glittery attire, you'd be better off asking Rat.  

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  • 2 years later...

The Sky News cunts have spent the last ten minutes wanging on about a "rare pink supermoon". For fuck's fucking sake, it's neither rare, nor pink, nor in any imaginable way "super"; although in fairness I suppose it's marginally more newsworthy than Dominic Cummings' latest stranglewank.

Rare pink supermoon set to appear

In other tenuously-astronomical news, @'eavensabove is still dead.

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The Sky News cunts have spent the last ten minutes wanging on about a "rare pink supermoon". For fuck's fucking sake, it's neither rare, nor pink, nor in any imaginable way "super"; although in fairness I suppose it's marginally more newsworthy than Dominic Cummings' latest stranglewank.

Rare pink supermoon set to appear

In other tenuously-astronomical news, @'eavensabove is still dead.

It’s such a rare phenomenon, that the news report here ended last night with the laughable backslapping sign-off that the next super moon event is....May 26th. 

When I were a lad astronomical phenomena on the news were Halleys Comet level rarities. Now we get some blonde weather bint signing off with a knowing wink to camera and “big moon tonight guys”. 

I’ve said it many times before; TV News the world over treats you like you’re mentally defective. 

Reginald Bosanquet was a cunt.

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’ve said it many times before; TV News the world over treats you like you’re mentally defective. 

I've mentioned before my utter loathing for BBC's "Science Correspondent" Pallab Ghosh, who delivers such condescending, simplistic reports that Ladybird books would turn them down as being beneath their 3-year old target demographic. I'd like to see him fired round the Large Hadron Collider at relativistic velocities.


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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s such a rare phenomenon, that the news report here ended last night with the laughable backslapping sign-off that the next super moon event is....May 26th. 

When I were a lad astronomical phenomena on the news were Halleys Comet level rarities. Now we get some blonde weather bint signing off with a knowing wink to camera and “big moon tonight guys”. 

I’ve said it many times before; TV News the world over treats you like you’re mentally defective. 

Reginald Bosanquet was a cunt.

I've said before on here, newscasters in the old days read the news and that was it. A good night smile and them shuffling their papers as the credits rolled. Nowadays they think we give a fuck what they think about a news item. Another thing (while I'm on it) that boils my piss, is making smartarse jokes on news reports. For instance, yesterday the voiceover cunt was reporting on blo jobs flat decorating and one of the comments was "he may not be able to paper over the cracks with this"!  Oh, a fucking comedian are we? 

Dickie Arbiter's still a cunt 

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On 22/01/2019 at 14:24, camberwell gypsy said:

Showing us a pimple on your arse Roops, won't impress anyone on here. 

If that's Roops' arse she ain't had a bath for a while, either that or she's changed ethnicity (which may be a wise move in the current climate of BLM)

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9 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I've mentioned before my utter loathing for BBC's "Science Correspondent" Pallab Ghosh, who delivers such condescending, simplistic reports that Ladybird books would turn them down as being beneath their 3-year old target demographic. I'd like to see him fired round the Large Hadron Collider at relativistic velocities.


Why has he got such a preposterous name?

"Ghosh has also introduced schemes to get people from more diverse backgrounds into the higher levels of science journalism[citation needed]. He believes that those reporting on scientific issues that increasingly have a social dimension should be more representative of their community".

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8 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Why has he got such a preposterous name?

"Ghosh has also introduced schemes to get people from more diverse backgrounds into the higher levels of science journalism[citation needed]. He believes that those reporting on scientific issues that increasingly have a social dimension should be more representative of their community".

Utter waste of time. I suppose the universe is 'racist' because black people aren't interested in it. It wasn't long ago that The Lake District was criticised for 'not appealing to BAME groups'. For fucks sake! It's an area of natural beauty, you either wish to visit it or you don't. 

Black people have no interest in nature, ecology, flora and fauna etc'. Their only interests are centred around their own personal material gratification. In order to make the Lake District appeal to blacks, they would have to concrete over it, build some amusement arcades, fast food outlets, yoof centres with rap and drum & bass workshops, and open a few branches of JD sports.

They are backward simpletons who need loud music, flashing lights and shiny things to make them happy. Trying to make everything 'ethnic friendly' is a massive waste of time and money.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Utter waste of time. I suppose the universe is 'racist' because black people aren't interested in it. It wasn't long ago that The Lake District was criticised for 'not appealing to BAME groups'. For fucks sake! It's an area of natural beauty, you either wish to visit it or you don't. 

Black people have no interest in nature, ecology, flora and fauna etc'. Their only interests are centred around their own personal material gratification. In order to make the Lake District appeal to blacks, they would have to concrete over it, build some amusement arcades, fast food outlets, yoof centres with rap and drum & bass workshops, and open a few branches of JD sports.

They are backward simpletons who need loud music, flashing lights and shiny things to make them happy. Trying to make everything 'ethnic friendly' is a massive waste of time and money.

You could rename a few lakes. Coniston Water could become Rasta Water. Bassenthwaite Lake could be renamed Marley Lake. You can paint the bins Red, Gold and Green. Whitehaven is obviously racist so that will have to be changed. 

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21 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Utter waste of time. I suppose the universe is 'racist' because black people aren't interested in it. It wasn't long ago that The Lake District was criticised for 'not appealing to BAME groups'. For fucks sake! It's an area of natural beauty, you either wish to visit it or you don't. 

Black people have no interest in nature, ecology, flora and fauna etc'. Their only interests are centred around their own personal material gratification. In order to make the Lake District appeal to blacks, they would have to concrete over it, build some amusement arcades, fast food outlets, yoof centres with rap and drum & bass workshops, and open a few branches of JD sports.

They are backward simpletons who need loud music, flashing lights and shiny things to make them happy. Trying to make everything 'ethnic friendly' is a massive waste of time and money.

Most of outer space does look a bit black.

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34 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

 He believes that those reporting on scientific issues that increasingly have a social dimension should be more representative of their community

Ghosh must come from a "community" of supremely dull, boring, vapid cunts, then. If he's that fucking worried about this, why doesn't he get himself some radical and irreversible transgender surgery to further broaden his appeal?

I honestly never thought I'd miss that fat, pop-eyed, manic, xylophone-playing cunt Patrick Moore, but as a strange looking woman once sang, "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone".

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Ghosh must come from a "community" of supremely dull, boring, vapid cunts, then. If he's that fucking worried about this, why doesn't he get himself some radical and irreversible transgender surgery to further broaden his appeal?

I honestly never thought I'd miss that fat, pop-eyed, manic, xylophone-playing cunt Patrick Moore, but as a strange looking woman once sang, "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone".

He looks a bit "white" to me.

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43 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

As has already been established elsewhere on here this week, large bodies of open water are indeed not their natural habitat.

If they were capable of swimming, they would have jumped off the back of the Amistad and we wouldn't be apologising 250 years later. 

'Toby! Fetch your water-wings.'

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On 22/01/2019 at 00:02, 'eavensabove said:

What a sad bunch of cunts moon gazers are. All fucking day, they've been marvelling at their sight of the moon last night, which by all accounts "was shining in the sky," as so too were lamp-posts. "I went out, but it wasn't there" said some twat on tele, whilst folks sent in pictures of the poxy thing as if it was anything remotely worth looking at or making a fuss about. "you won't see it again for years!" piped some cunt in a bobble hat, shivering with cold and suffering from crooked neck & frostbite, "it was as beautiful as an orange" she added. Yeah, too fucking right, Jaffa Head.


Shut your gob, I was spell casting & using the potent energies of the pink lunar for my spell work.

Love Prof B XXX

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

This is perhaps the second least surprising revelation ever to be posted on here.

Results are manifesting as I post, it was a potent time - exact moment of the full moon 4.31 UK time, I was up with the larks.

Love Prof B XXX


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