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The Past Did Not Exist


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Guest Erroreptile404
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They're fucking great aren't they, black people? Walk around all day, being offended by virtually everything they see or hear, statues, memorials, white girls with braided hair.

Yet most black chicks straighten their hair to death and dye it blonde to try and look like white peeps y'get me blud?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
12 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Yet most black chicks straighten their hair to death and dye it blonde to try and look like white peeps y'get me blud?

Or, they go buy extensions because the geri in their curls won't go straight....add your own Punkape reference!  Then the blissfully ignorant fug cunts will start fighting over baby daddies and not only to the extensions end blowing away in the wind but so does the velcro covered scalp tissue!  

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19 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Yet most black chicks straighten their hair to death and dye it blonde to try and look like white peeps y'get me blud?

It's the only option black women have. They try and make themselves look like white women, because black men are only interested in fucking white women.

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Or, they go buy extensions because the geri in their curls won't go straight....add your own Punkape reference!  Then the blissfully ignorant fug cunts will start fighting over baby daddies and not only to the extensions end blowing away in the wind but so does the velcro covered scalp tissue!  

Punkers, can you tell you all that you need to know about extensions. His dishwasher is full of the fuckers.


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Guest 'eavensabove
17 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's the only option black women have. They try and make themselves look like white women, because black men are only interested in fucking white women.

And they'll tell you that they have the best of both Worlds.


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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's the only option black women have. They try and make themselves look like white women, because black men are only interested in fucking white women.

I'm not being racist or anything (I have RSPCA gold membership), but black women have huge feet. I already bemoan the size of women's feet on here, but they take it to a whole new level.


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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 hour ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Yet another of your infantile attacks.  Are you having another Herpes flare up preventing your regular blokes paying for your glory hole services?

You utterly worthless pile of shit.  Just like the moment you were conceived, you're not wanted here.  Go finsih what your mum's OB/Gyn started and kill yourself with a coathanger.  

Does this mean we're not friends anymore?

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9 minutes ago, ratcum said:

I'm not being racist or anything (I have RSPCA gold membership), but black women have huge feet. I already bemoan the size of women's feet on here, but they take it to a whole new level.


I'm frightened by the pink soles on their feet, and the palms of their hands. I think they might be like them pods off of Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Does this mean we're not friends anymore?

I think it's time you should try to make more friends, as it is a very lonely job.  As your friend, I'll tell you this, it won't be easy.  Nobody likes you.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
9 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You ok hun??? 🌈🦄

you're so strong and inspirational, you can get through this 🙂

He could, but I'd prefer he didn't.  Death is a more fitting option. 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm frightened by the pink soles on their feet, and the palms of their hands. I think they might be like them pods off of Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers.

it's a last hope that it's all just an illness..

..from which they'll recover and be fully pink again

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3 hours ago, ratcum said:

it's a last hope that it's all just an illness..

..from which they'll recover and be fully pink again

Did you ever hear that old one about 2 black men walking along the High Street, seeing a sign outside a shop saying black people can be turned into white people and white people can be turned into black people for £3?

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22 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Did you ever hear that old one about 2 black men walking along the High Street, seeing a sign outside a shop saying black people can be turned into white people and white people can be turned into black people for £3?

When I was at school, this was the joke at the time (circa '74): White bloke goes into a barbers "I want my whole head shaved, you know like that bloke...er Telly, that's it, give me a Telly". So the barber shaves him bald and said "That'll be £2 please". The guy gives him the money and walks out. A black guy sees this and says "Give me a Telly as well". So the barber shaves his head and says "That'll be £5". When the black guy asks him why he charged the white guy  £2 and him £5, the barber says "Because colour telly's cost more". 

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24 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Did you ever hear that old one about 2 black men walking along the High Street, seeing a sign outside a shop saying black people can be turned into white people and white people can be turned into black people for £3?

One has £2, the other has £4. The one with £4 says he will go first, and lend his mate a quid if it works. He comes out looking like Matt Damon, his mate says, 'that's incredible! Can I borrow that quid?'

'fuck off you black cunt!'

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On 1/11/2019 at 2:28 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

Of course there were black people in Britain back then. All those Danish Jarls were black. Jarl Guthrum, who presided over your neck of the woods in the 9th century, was a promising footballer and a talented rapper. And he stabbed a lot of people. 

Did he have a stable of "hoes", eric? 

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Guest judgetwi

Fuck me, so we’re doing racist jokes now?

Instructions for Getting Rid of an Ants Nest.

1 Buy a can of black spray paint

2 Use a stick to stir up the nest until the ants come out to defend it.

3 Thoroughly spray the ants with the paint

4 The ants, realising they are living in a black neighbourhood, will stop working and start killing each other.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
58 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Fuck me, so we’re doing racist jokes now?

Instructions for Getting Rid of an Ants Nest.

1 Buy a can of black spray paint

2 Use a stick to stir up the nest until the ants come out to defend it.

3 Thoroughly spray the ants with the paint

4 The ants, realising they are living in a black neighbourhood, will stop working and start killing each other.

I thought you were above such low brow humour, Judgski?

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Guest judgetwi
38 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I thought you were above such low brow humour, Judgski?

I would call it a socio-political observation rather than an  example of humour.

Here’s another one.

What’s the difference between a snowflake and a Dolphin?

A Dolphin doesn’t have snowflake tattoos.

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Guest judgetwi

Here’s one for my good friend Herr Oberst.

A Muzzie , a Jew and a Somalian are lost in the jungle and starving to death. The Muzzie finds a caterpillar, says “should we eat this” and passes it to the Jew. The Jew pulls a disgusted face and passes it to the Somalian who gobbles it down with great relish.

The Muzzie finds another caterpillar, says “no , I can’t” and passes it to the Jew. The Jew turns to the Somalian and says “wanna buy a caterpillar?”

Oi Vei! I’ll get me kippah.

Anyone else you want me to offend?

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