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MP harassment prompts police review


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It is good to see that the Metropolitan Police say that they are going to do something about the Brexiteers who have been harassing pro remain MPs. I do also assume that they will also be doing the same to the various bollocks to brexit and other remainer fruitcakes who take it on themselves to harass and otherwise insult leave supporters.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
32 minutes ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

It is good to see that the Metropolitan Police say that they are going to do something about the Brexiteers who have been harassing pro remain MPs. I do also assume that they will also be doing the same to the various bollocks to brexit and other remainer fruitcakes who take it on themselves to harass and otherwise insult leave supporters.

Fucking sold us down the toilet those idiot brexit nazis. Little Englander recessive gene Europhobic fucking racist idiots the lot of them, should have been strangled at birth or at the very least sterilised.

This country was fucked before we joined the EEC, out of control unions, management that were in cloud cuckoo land and a run down wreck of badly maintained and poorly invested in infrastructure. We had no respect in the world and were rapidly in decline. 

Take off your pathetic rose tinted sunglasses and fuck off you bunch of xenophobic cunts. 2 million gammons have died and 2 million young voters are eligible to vote since 2016. 

Leavers are terrified of rerun of any referendum (voting is democracy and voting to change something is also democracy, therefore nothing undemocratic in rerunning any referendum) because a slim majority means there is still a vast number opposed.

Devaluing our money and economy by 20% has already occurred, so put that in your project fear pipe and smoke it.

Fucking brainless selfish idiots.

(There may be some sarcasm in the above but the post deserved it)


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27 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Fucking sold us down the toilet those idiot brexit nazis. Little Englander recessive gene Europhobic fucking racist idiots the lot of them, should have been strangled at birth or at the very least sterilised.

This country was fucked before we joined the EEC, out of control unions, management that were in cloud cuckoo land and a run down wreck of badly maintained and poorly invested in infrastructure. We had no respect in the world and were rapidly in decline. 

Take off your pathetic rose tinted sunglasses and fuck off you bunch of xenophobic cunts. 2 million gammons have died and 2 million young voters are eligible to vote since 2016. 

Leavers are terrified of rerun of any referendum (voting is democracy and voting to change something is also democracy, therefore nothing undemocratic in rerunning any referendum) because a slim majority means there is still a vast number opposed.

Devaluing our money and economy by 20% has already occurred, so put that in your project fear pipe and smoke it.

Fucking brainless selfish idiots.

(There may be some sarcasm in the above but the post deserved it)


Have you been to the toilet yet?

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10 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Fucking sold us down the toilet those idiot brexit nazis. Little Englander recessive gene Europhobic fucking racist idiots the lot of them, should have been strangled at birth or at the very least sterilised.

This country was fucked before we joined the EEC, out of control unions, management that were in cloud cuckoo land and a run down wreck of badly maintained and poorly invested in infrastructure. We had no respect in the world and were rapidly in decline. 

Take off your pathetic rose tinted sunglasses and fuck off you bunch of xenophobic cunts. 2 million gammons have died and 2 million young voters are eligible to vote since 2016. 

Leavers are terrified of rerun of any referendum (voting is democracy and voting to change something is also democracy, therefore nothing undemocratic in rerunning any referendum) because a slim majority means there is still a vast number opposed.

Devaluing our money and economy by 20% has already ocvured, so put that in your project fear pipe and smoke it.

Fucking brainless selfish idiots.


I voted to leave, suffice to say I am not racist, nor am I brainless. My reason to vote was based firstly on considered principles of this nation's right to self determination, a genuine concern over the erosion of UK sovereignty and the blatant lies given at the outset that the EEC was not a precursor to a United States of Europe. My second reasoning was purely economic; whilst I accept that in the short-term there might be a blip in economic trends, in the medium and long term our future is more prosperous outside the protectionist EU especially with regards to developing markets.

It was interesting that your angry tirade was replete with grossly exaggerated statistics - "two million" - really? Also, I wasn't aware that the EEC/EU was responsible for taming the "out of control unions, maybe I'm just a thick gammon.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
51 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I voted to leave, suffice to say I am not racist, nor am I brainless. My reason to vote was based firstly on considered principles of this nation's right to self determination, a genuine concern over the erosion of UK sovereignty and the blatant lies given at the outset that the EEC was not a precursor to a United States of Europe. My second reasoning was purely economic; whilst I accept that in the short-term there might be a blip in economic trends, in the medium and long term our future is more prosperous outside the protectionist EU especially with regards to developing markets.

It was interesting that your angry tirade was replete with grossly exaggerated statistics - "two million" - really? Also, I wasn't aware that the EEC/EU was responsible for taming the "out of control unions, maybe I'm just a thick gammon.

No, you missed the satirical point you didn't read the bottom of my post, about sarcasm. Not good if you moderate and don't actually read it.

I also refer you to a post I made a while ago accepting the result.

You also edited the quote to miss the bottom line. Rules etc.

Satire is not your thing is it?

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21 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

No, you missed the satirical point you didn't read the bottom of my post, about sarcasm. Not good if you moderate and don't actually read it.

I also refer you to a post I made a while ago accepting the result.

Satire is not your thing is it?

Come on Alf, you’re not really qualified for this kind of shit. Wind your neck in and shut your fucking mouth. You have no clue.  

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48 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I voted to leave, suffice to say I am not racist, nor am I brainless. My reason to vote was based firstly on considered principles of this nation's right to self determination, a genuine concern over the erosion of UK sovereignty and the blatant lies given at the outset that the EEC was not a precursor to a United States of Europe. My second reasoning was purely economic; whilst I accept that in the short-term there might be a blip in economic trends, in the medium and long term our future is more prosperous outside the protectionist EU especially with regards to developing markets.

It was interesting that your angry tirade was replete with grossly exaggerated statistics - "two million" - really? Also, I wasn't aware that the EEC/EU was responsible for taming the "out of control unions, maybe I'm just a thick gammon.

I am not against what the EU actually started life as, which was a trading bloc consisting of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Holland. As it stood them it was a good thing and a force for peace. However the UK was and is not relevant to that and De Gaulle understood that and quite reasonably blocked us joining it. We should have left it at that. It is not about "little Englanders whatever, it is about us not being compatible. The industrial strife was not just a "British Disease", it also equally badly affected and Italy who all (unlike Germany) had basically indiginous workforces in their factories our situation was compounded by us also having a large coal industry. @Alfie Noakes how do you know how those extra young voters would vote in a second referendum? .. Are you simply speaking for them without asking them first? Sarcasm is not your strong point.

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Guest judgetwi

Soubry is a hatchet faced fucking fascist. She doesn’t like criticism and she doesn’t like people voting.

I , personally, wouldn’t call her a Nazi but Sir Nigel of Farage has been called that for 20 odd years. Suck it up you whining Remoaner bitch.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
19 minutes ago, Frank said:

Come on Alf, you’re not really qualified for this kind of shit. Wind your neck in and shut your fucking mouth. You have no clue.  

You are all missing the point entirely. Pen moaned about remain nazis so I gave an opposing response containing examples of all the clichés that remainers come out with.

Pen got it (I think) by her initial response, the rest of you can go back to your valium enriched lives and why the fuck are you still here anyway, bandy legged bum bandit?

Still pushing how good you are when you never really had it in the first place.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
10 minutes ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

I am not against what the EU actually started life as, which was a trading bloc consisting of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Holland. As it stood them it was a good thing and a force for peace. However the UK was and is not relevant to that and De Gaulle understood that and quite reasonably blocked us joining it. We should have left it at that. It is not about "little Englanders whatever, it is about us not being compatible. The industrial strife was not just a "British Disease", it also equally badly affected and Italy who all (unlike Germany) had basically indiginous workforces in their factories our situation was compounded by us also having a large coal industry. @Alfie Noakes how do you know how those extra young voters would vote in a second referendum? .. Are you simply speaking for them without asking them first? Sarcasm is not your strong point.

Neither is being female yours!

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31 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

You are all missing the point entirely. Pen moaned about remain nazis so I gave an opposing response containing examples of all the clichés that remainers come out with.

Pen got it (I think) by her initial response, the rest of you can go back to your valium enriched lives and why the fuck are you still here anyway, bandy legged bum bandit?

Still pushing how good you are when you never really had it in the first place.

Alf I like you a lot.. we have very similar tastes in many things. Almost like brothers. The only slight difference between us is that I don’t exist. 

You've made yourself look really stupid this morning, and that doesn’t sit well with me. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

My second reasoning was purely economic; whilst I accept that in the short-term there might be a blip in economic trends, in the medium and long term our future is more prosperous outside the protectionist EU especially with regards to developing markets.


I've read a number of economic forecasts that predict a sizeable shrinkage in the UKs economy in both the medium and long term following Brexit. I haven't seen anything at all that indicates we will be more prosperous. If this is your prediction, what do you base it on? I've got a slow day counting paperclips so I'm happy for an in-depth answer.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've read a number of economic forecasts that predict a sizeable shrinkage in the UKs economy in both the medium and long term following Brexit. I haven't seen anything at all that indicates we will be more prosperous. If this is your prediction, what do you base it on? I've got a slow day counting paperclips so I'm happy for an in-depth answer.

You still miss the point .. The UK's market share might shrink but that is not usually a negative for the majority of people as the super rich siphon off the benefits, what really matters is proportion that reaches the ordinary people and what the actual size of that proportion is, usually it is the middling and more self contained and less greedy economies where the overall population is better off.

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1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

No, you missed the satirical point you didn't read the bottom of my post, about sarcasm. Not good if you moderate and don't actually read it.

I also refer you to a post I made a while ago accepting the result.

You also edited the quote to miss the bottom line. Rules etc.

Satire is not your thing is it?

At the time I pulled your quote for my post, the bottom line did not exist. You made four alterations to your post, the bottom line of which was added to the fourth iteration. I think its stretching it to say that your post was satirical though I get the misplaced sarcasm.

Indeed you are on record that you voted remain but nevertheless accepted the result, but you have repeatedly qualified this by saying the referendum vote was not legally binding and all that it infers.

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16 minutes ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

You still miss the point .. The UK's market share might shrink but that is not usually a negative for the majority of people as the super rich siphon off the benefits, what really matters is proportion that reaches the ordinary people and what the actual size of that proportion is, usually it is the middling and more self contained and less greedy economies where the overall population is better off.

I don't miss the point at all, I'm aware of the differences in nominal GDP, nominal GDP per capita, GDP (PPP) and GDP (PPP) per capita. I haven't seen any study or forecast that has predicted the UK will see an increase in any of these.

Interestingly, if you are referring to GDP (PPP) per capita, which it sounds like you are, Luxembourg, Ireland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, and Finland all perform better than the UK.

They are all in the EU.

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