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Rescuing Migrants


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Guest Queefer

Fuck them all

The 2300hrs ferry last Wednesday from Newhaven to Dieppe bore a party of Border Control officers and 5 of our visitors . They had each been given nice silver bracelets courtesy of HM Government and a free boat trip holiday to France.

Best Christmas gift I could have wished for. Pity there weren't more of the cunts


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2 minutes ago, Queefer said:

Fuck them all

The 2300hrs ferry last Wednesday from Newhaven to Dieppe bore a party of Border Control officers and 5 of our visitors . They had each been given nice silver bracelets courtesy of HM Government and a free boat trip holiday to France.

Best Christmas gift I could have wished for. Pity there weren't more of the cunts


Not on a rubber dingy?

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20 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

That is very unfestive spirited. Keep it up.

Seriously let's hope they do reach dry land just not here eh????

One idea I have thought of is to sever Kernow and push it out somewhere mid-atlantic and dump them there. The Corncrakes are no use anyway.

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3 hours ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

Thirteen migrants rescued off coast of Walmer in Kent

Time to start making sure that they never reach dry land?



The figures are interesting, over a hundred Iranians entered Britain this way, and 4 of them were children! Funny, because when the BBC reports it, they show us stock images of kids and women, not the reality of bearded, military aged men. 

Fuck em. They don't like Christmas anyway. Let the navy use them for target practice.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, Queefer said:

Fuck them all

The 2300hrs ferry last Wednesday from Newhaven to Dieppe bore a party of Border Control officers and 5 of our visitors . They had each been given nice silver bracelets courtesy of HM Government and a free boat trip holiday to France.

Best Christmas gift I could have wished for. Pity there weren't more of the cunts


The best I could have wished for would be for them to ride a royal navy torpedo into an inferno at an offshore oil drilling rig in the North Atlantic.  

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

The British public should be compensated for the defiling of our sacred soil by these scavengers. 

I suggest this cross channel route be turned into something along the lines of the running man whereby these invaders must face a gauntlet of ever increasing difficulty starting with coastguard vessels with orders to ram the fuckers not rescue. This could be followed by the RN using live ammunition in their deckguns to hose down any survivors and if there is anyone left they must face multiple strafing runs from the RAF. The ultimate aim is to make it off the beach in blighty but first our game challengers must face the formidable challenge of a joint SAS/SBS commando team in hand to hand combat.

If this was screened every week hosted by Ross Kemp and Andy McNab instead of rancid dog shit like Saturday night Takeaway and the X factor it would certainly be a surefire ratings winner and a great advert for the Armed Forces. 

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Guest judgetwi

Every time I turn on the fucking BBC there is some cunt telling me that we live in a racist police state where foreigners are in constant danger of attack and face outrageous discrimination on a daily basis. This, of course , has increased exponentially since Brexit , even though it hasn’t happened yet and never will.

Given that we live in this fascist country one has to wonder why hundreds of thousands of these people, who are so vital to our economy of course, come here every year. That’s not to mention the mad cunts who risk their lives to cross the fucking Channel in the middle of winter in a fucking rubber boat!!

Maybe they know something that we don’t?

You also have to ask why the rich cunts are so keen on inviting them in but today is for being pissed so best not to think about it.


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I would like to volunteer for work on the rescue boats,when I find them I'd feed them,make sure they were warm and comfortable and then after giving them the middle finger tip the fucking boat over,done fucking job.Cunts

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Guest Wizardsleeve
21 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Every time I turn on the fucking BBC there is some cunt telling me that we live in a racist police state where foreigners are in constant danger of attack and face outrageous discrimination on a daily basis. This, of course , has increased exponentially since Brexit , even though it hasn’t happened yet and never will.

Given that we live in this fascist country one has to wonder why hundreds of thousands of these people, who are so vital to our economy of course, come here every year. That’s not to mention the mad cunts who risk their lives to cross the fucking Channel in the middle of winter in a fucking rubber boat!!

Maybe they know something that we don’t?

You also have to ask why the rich cunts are so keen on inviting them in but today is for being pissed so best not to think about it.


Who said we aren't following the same path as the fucking yanks. That single thought alone ought to be enough to make us rethink standing shoulder to shoulder with the thick fucking cunts.  That being said, they do serve a vital function in doing the shittest fucking work that our benefit scrounging work shy cunts refuse to do.  Second, they fill the role of class of people upon whom the rich can belittle and make to feel inferior while having their entitled over-privileged sprog are spoiled fucking rotten, having their arses and sniffles wiped before having a knife thrown at them out of their special little thrones.


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Here we have people who are extremely wealthy (the average cost of trafficing one person estimated at £6,000), happy to risk life and limb (their own and in some cases their very young children), who have refused to co-operate with international law and law enforcement authorities but have thrown their lot in with criminals instead and who, in the majority of cases, are not fleeing war or persecution.

Britain should re-enforce its commitment to international law and morality regarding the housing of genuine refugees, in fact as one of the richest nations on earth, we should be leaders in  this.

We should also fly anyone not complying with the law oin thses situations back to their countries and leave them at the airport without any documentation. Their proven resourcefulness and financial well-being should see them well equiped to cope with this return to their country of origin.

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  • 7 months later...

So Richard Gere is lending his support by boarding a migrant boat with 120 Libyans on board because no European country is stupid enough to let the cunts dock. Well Dick,  best you fuck off back to America and take the cunts with you if you really want to show your support. I am sure Donald will be waiting with open arms you hypocritical fucking cunt.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

So Richard Gere is lending his support by boarding a migrant boat with 120 Libyans on board because no European country is stupid enough to let the cunts dock. Well Dick,  best you fuck off back to America and take the cunts with you if you really want to show your support. I am sure Donald will be waiting with open arms you hypocritical fucking cunt.

He could have got that number of migrants into Julia Roberts's mouth.

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Guest judgetwi

Gere is just a cunt and another virtue signalling sleb fake. 

Good luck to Mr Salvini who told him “ put them on your private jet and take them back to Hollywood.”

If only we had a politician with the balls to say that.

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"Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him: he can take back to Hollywood, on his private plane, all the people aboard and support them in his villas. Thank you Richard!" Mr Salvi said in a statement.

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40 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

"Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him: he can take back to Hollywood, on his private plane, all the people aboard and support them in his villas. Thank you Richard!" Mr Salvi said in a statement.

Any chance Mr Salvi can run for London Mayor?  At the moment we have a gobshite in charge. 

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5 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Gere is just a cunt and another virtue signalling sleb fake. 

Good luck to Mr Salvini who told him “ put them on your private jet and take them back to Hollywood.”

If only we had a politician with the balls to say that.

Its not often i agree with ya jewdz baby but mr gere is indeed dripping in cuntbaggery ..be interesting to see ifn hes let float away in his rubber boat alone 


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On 25/12/2018 at 16:29, judgetwi said:

Every time I turn on the fucking BBC there is some cunt telling me that we live in a racist police state where foreigners are in constant danger of attack and face outrageous discrimination on a daily basis. This, of course , has increased exponentially since Brexit , even though it hasn’t happened yet and never will.

Given that we live in this fascist country one has to wonder why hundreds of thousands of these people, who are so vital to our economy of course, come here every year. That’s not to mention the mad cunts who risk their lives to cross the fucking Channel in the middle of winter in a fucking rubber boat!!

Maybe they know something that we don’t?

You also have to ask why the rich cunts are so keen on inviting them in but today is for being pissed so best not to think about it.


I don’t think anyone wants to see  people die needlessly but FFS common sense should tell us that  we can’t continue to allow the unregulated admission of every dispossessed soul in the world. Anyone who questions this handwringing mantra is branded  a slack jawed racist. Which of course, kills discussion and is, for the main part, why this country is in fucking shreds.

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