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Cunts who take small babies into coffee shops


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Guest Wizardsleeve
4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

"Feelings of hope and peace"? Are you feeling alright you daft old cunt? I was hoping you'd suggest some kind of chav round up and them being forced to dig large deep pits for the instant liquidation of their subspecies 

Sardines  anyone? @ratcum

Depends on the age, Stubbs.  Teens and up can fuck off...right with their loathsome parents.  I'm talking the real little ones, still wide-eyed at the world around them; the innocence in the things they say and questions and they ask.  For example, just imagine you're in a nice coffee house, sipping a fresh made cuppa, a family of four sits at the table next to your antique wing back leather chair....then two table down a pair of chavvy bastards start an argument over who's Ashleigh's baby's daddy.....the innocent but curious little one next to you asks "mummy, why is that brown man laughing at the crying slag?"  You can't tell me it wouldn't warm your soul.  

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17 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Depends on the age, Stubbs.  Teens and up can fuck off...right with their loathsome parents.  I'm talking the real little ones, still wide-eyed at the world around them; the innocence in the things they say and questions and they ask.  For example, just imagine you're in a nice coffee house, sipping a fresh made cuppa, a family of four sits at the table next to your antique wing back leather chair....then two table down a pair of chavvy bastards start an argument over who's Ashleigh's baby's daddy.....the innocent but curious little one next to you asks "mummy, why is that brown man laughing at the crying slag?"  You can't tell me it wouldn't warm your soul.  

Nature vs nurture of course and I to feel sorry for the poor little fuckers born to scummy and overwhelmingly thick as fuck parents- they don't stand a chance. I'm lucky that I'm reasonably well off, mrs pecker and I are intelligent and responsible humans and have been bought up correctly by similar sets of parents. Our kids will grow up in good environment and be given plenty of time and support, unlike the Tyler's, Chardonnays and "are fockin Jordan's" of this world. 

My case for compulsory sterilisation of the thick and issuing of breeding permits to prospective parents will one day come into force.

I was going to start a nom titled "West Country scum bags" after listening to the natives of Lydney (Lydiots) conversing with each other after a forced visit to tescos, but I fear these cunts are a national epidemic 

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11 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

As much as I enjoy a quiet conversation or read over a lovely cuppa, there is truth to what you say.  Children are not born utterly chavvy cunts, that is programmed into them by their completely useless fucking parents who feel they are well prepared for the task of raising decent human beings after reading a few modern parenting books.  They use no discipline, for it might confuse the child; it might damage their self esteem....fuck off...if the little shit machine is about to put a fork into a wall outlet, and refuses to cease upon verbal instruction, it needs five across the fucking eyes to learn, that or let the little fucker fry....however, that would be consider child neglect and you're fucked.....if you give it the necessary discipline, it's child fucking abuse.  But the times they are smiling, behaving, and socializing with people innocently, there is a feeling of hope and peace in the immediate surroundings.  

I took my offspring everywhere and anywhere.  If they got down from the table they had their fucking legs chopped off.  If they screamed they got something to scream about.   They learnt how to behave from a very early age and by 5 could use chop sticks and order their own food.  Whilst not annoying the drunken loud prick next to us in the Chinese.   All European families take their kids out everywhere and we should also, but with rules.  All cunts who bring up kids without boundaries are cunts.  The kids grow up hating their parents and wondering why everybody thinks they are a cunt, a bit like Punkape.

P.S. The usual target would have been APE but his love of The Bee Gees has shed new light on his character and I think he is top.  For a while.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

I took my offspring everywhere and anywhere.  If they got down from the table they had their fucking legs chopped off.  If they screamed they got something to scream about.   They learnt how to behave from a very early age and by 5 could use chop sticks and order their own food.  Whilst not annoying the drunken loud prick next to us in the Chinese.   All European families take their kids out everywhere and we should also, but with rules.  All cunts who bring up kids without boundaries are cunts.  The kids grow up hating their parents and wondering why everybody thinks they are a cunt, a bit like Punkape.

P.S. The usual target would have been APE but his love of The Bee Gees has shed new light on his character and I think he is top.  For a while.

The little ones must have discipline.  When they run about acting a cunt, and the parents can only muster, "Tyler, let's not do that, let's try something else" instead, "you miserable little toe rag, if you don't stop I'll strangle you, now sit fucking down and shut it!"  Little Tyler who has been allowed to grow his hair to a girl's length and tell his mum to shut up...you have to work to not kick the little cunt in the mouth.  

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3 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

The little ones must have discipline.  When they run about acting a cunt, and the parents can only muster, "Tyler, let's not do that, let's try something else" instead, "you miserable little toe rag, if you don't stop I'll strangle you, now sit fucking down and shut it!"  Little Tyler who has been allowed to grow his hair to a girl's length and tell his mum to shut up...you have to work to not kick the little cunt in the mouth.  

At that stage I find electrodes are they only way forward.  Preferable attached to 6 inch nails driven into the little cunts thighs.

That should teach them how to behave in a cafe.

harsh but fair

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

At that stage I find electrodes are they only way forward.  Preferable attached to 6 inch nails driven into the little cunts thighs.

That should teach them how to behave in a cafe.

harsh but fair

A lap full of scalding hot coffee might also teach to listen and fucking well behave.  Let the little bastard witness the beating his parents receive....preferably both parents, but if the mum can't name the father, she'll have to endure alone.  

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8 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

A lap full of scalding hot coffee might also teach to listen and fucking well behave.  Let the little bastard witness the beating his parents receive....preferably both parents, but if the mum can't name the father, she'll have to endure alone.  

I fear the mother would not be present, as she would be outside having a fag.   Leaving her infected random spawn running fucking riot in the establishment.     Better we simply have her run down by a 3 tone pick up truck infront of her kids.   And that’s just for them holding the fork in the wrong hand.

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11 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

@ratcum I'm hailing the ratfuhrer here because the quote function on your last missive is being a cunt. 

My original @ was to test your nazi knowledge on the practice of Sardinenpackung (sardine packing) a method used for a more efficient filling of mass graves in Eastern Europe?


as Moby Dick once said:

"I'll have you krilled for this Ahab!"

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