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Menstruating Trannies


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7 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Frank will be spending a traditional family Christmas with me. Finest wines, roast goose, and presents under the tree. 

I suppoae that the goose in question is sitting on you near by the fire at the moment not realising that on Tuesday morning  it will be much closer to the fire.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
29 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

What a fucking tiresome bunch of noisy , vacuous, overnentitled, hysterical no marks.

Take a holiday Spotto.  The stress of administrating this site appear to be getting the better of you. 

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On 12/18/2018 at 3:02 PM, Roadkill said:

It really is just fucking sick, though. An agenda being pushed by twisted cunts who are very unlikely to have their own children, backed by a bunch of cunts who's only interest rests in accepting another bizarre fucking rule so they can preach political correctness to their detractors whenever they get the chance to, aimed at developing children during the most confusing period (ha ha) of their fucking lives - when they should be learning how to read and write!

Fuck knows what a mess the current generation of children are going to end up like when they turn adult - I'm sure they'll all be fucking amazing hairdressers and fingernail artists, but the cunts will make Zoolander look like a fucking genius.

Give it a few hundred years and the world will be run by the fucking Muzzies - everyone else will have died off after spending their entire lives trying to figure out what appendage goes into what hole to make babies or buying fucking Tampax. 

That's could be about right, while the ragheads are still engulfed in their primitive culture and slaying every motherfucker...but breeding as normal (albeit with goats as well) the rest of the population will have transgendered out of existence.

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2 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Another from the frozen with Turkey with botulism brigade....


I'd rather have turkey dinosaurs than entertain the thought of a roast dinner arranged by a vile and committed arse bandit as yourself. 

You'd have your guests knocked out with rohypnol laced canapes and hogtied in no time and then on to the fisting butter main course. Your type make me vomit

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I'd rather have turkey dinosaurs than entertain the thought of a roast dinner arranged by a vile and committed arse bandit as yourself. 

You'd have your guests knocked out with rohypnol laced canapes and hogtied in no time and then on to the fisting butter main course. Your type make me vomit

I have to say his recent open invitation set off a lot of red lights in my mind. I reckon he's getting a bit frisky walking through the tightly packed crowds of Christmas shoppers out and about, moaning under his breath every time a muscled bicep brushes past him or a pick pocket's hand comes into contact with his arse as they nick one of the many dummy wallets on his person for this exact reason.

Best to stay as far away as possible from the horny little faggot's advertised location this time of year.  

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Straying slightly off topic, i was up town a couple of weeks back and i needed a gypsy's kiss.Found a public toilet and fuck my eye out, the cleaners was going about their work amongst the stench of piss and noisy little cuntbreeds, one of the cleaners was a young lady, she directed me to a free cubicle. Now the weird thing is, i never thought nothing of it but i did after i left.Bet they don't allow male cleaners in the ladies, so more double warped mutated snowflake standards. 

These rancid cunts need to be wiped out for good, i'm fucking sick of it, i want them all exterminated asap !!

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Guest Wizardsleeve
17 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

Straying slightly off topic, i was up town a couple of weeks back and i needed a gypsy's kiss.Found a public toilet and fuck my eye out, the cleaners was going about their work amongst the stench of piss and noisy little cuntbreeds, one of the cleaners was a young lady, she directed me to a free cubicle. Now the weird thing is, i never thought nothing of it but i did after i left.Bet they don't allow male cleaners in the ladies, so more double warped mutated snowflake standards. 

These rancid cunts need to be wiped out for good, i'm fucking sick of it, i want them all exterminated asap !!

No maintenance blokes with claw hammers on their belt?

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14 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

Straying slightly off topic, i was up town a couple of weeks back and i needed a gypsy's kiss.Found a public toilet and fuck my eye out, the cleaners was going about their work amongst the stench of piss and noisy little cuntbreeds, one of the cleaners was a young lady, she directed me to a free cubicle. Now the weird thing is, i never thought nothing of it but i did after i left.Bet they don't allow male cleaners in the ladies, so more double warped mutated snowflake standards. 

These rancid cunts need to be wiped out for good, i'm fucking sick of it, i want them all exterminated asap !!

They do allow cleaners of both genders into both toilets, but you're supposed to close them when you're doing it - have a notice up or a cone in the door to announce your presence. Those cunts broke protocol. You're right about them getting off easy though, if I'd pulled the same thing - even by accident -  I'd probably end up jobless and on the sex offenders register before I'd finished mopping the fucking floor. 

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  • 3 years later...

Just now caught the remnants of an Always jam rag advert that presents the following statistic, "61% of young people are embarrassed about having their period". That can't be fucking right because about 50% of 'young people' can't have a period because they're currently a boy (until they change their mind and opt for cock and balls removal) Anyhow, I thought I would check the statistic out on Google and it turns out Mumsnet has already picked up on this and have pointed out that Always seem to be embarrassed about the fact that girls are the only ones to have periods but to be PC they have referred to them as 'young people'. What a fucking shit-storm of pandering to the gender fluid fucking they/them cunts of society.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Just now caught the remnants of an Always jam rag advert that presents the following statistic, "61% of young people are embarrassed about having their period". That can't be fucking right because about 50% of 'young people' can't have a period because they're currently a boy (until they change their mind and opt for cock and balls removal) Anyhow, I thought I would check the statistic out on Google and it turns out Mumsnet has already picked up on this and have pointed out that Always seem to be embarrassed about the fact that girls are the only ones to have periods but to be PC they have referred to them as 'young people'. What a fucking shit-storm of pandering to the gender fluid fucking they/them cunts of society.

Stupid fucking bleeding cunts.

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