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Guest Quaint

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What a bunch of rancid cunts! People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I like animals and I think the ones that I don't want to eat should be treated ethically, but I think these cunts should apoligise for existing and fuck off back to where they came from. I mean they should should all lube themselves up and crawl back inside their mother's beef hole, all the while saying sorry repeatedly. I'm not even convinced that they like animals. On the contrary I think these cunts hate animals and wish they were all dead because they find the thought that they're also animals disgusting. The cunts.

Just that every story I hear which involves PETA makes me think "Oh fuck off you worthless attentions seeking cunts!" Google them and every story about them displays a world class level of cuntishness. "The animal rights group PETA announced Thursday that it will honor the chickens killed in a truck crash Monday night with a billboard near the site." And this fucking bullshit about getting rid of certain phrases and replacing them with more animal friendly alternatives.


"PETA says phrases like 'bring home the bacon' are comparable to racism and homophobia." 🤦‍♂️Just no! Because ... fuck it! I could explain the difference between homophobia and a phrase like 'bring home the bacon' but if I have to explain this to anyone who's over the age of 5 then that person should either be sterilised or stick to anal sex for the good of the gene pool.

Though in a way they have made me more sympathetic to animals, by making me hate the human race even more than I did to start with. The cunty fucking cunts.

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8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Yes, yes, fuck all that shit, is that Lex Luger in your avatar?

Dunno. I was looking for a picture of Sting to use and that came up for some reason.


8 minutes ago, Iam Ape said:

Yeah, on reflection he’s not really exhibited any spastic-like tendencies. Yet.

He? How dare you make assumptions about my gender! Nah. Just joking you cunt.

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1 minute ago, Quaint said:

Dunno. I was looking for a picture of Sting to use and that came up for some reason.


He? How dare you make assumptions about my gender! Nah. Just joking you cunt.

Sting? Fucking Sting?

That cunt was even more fucking generic than Luger. Nicked his first gimmick from Ultimate Warrior and his second one from the fucking Crow with a dash of store-brand Undertaker mixed in. Most overrated twat to step foot in the ring.

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16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Sting? Fucking Sting?

That cunt was even more fucking generic than Luger. Nicked his first gimmick from Ultimate Warrior and his second one from the fucking Crow with a dash of store-brand Undertaker mixed in. Most overrated twat to step foot in the ring.

Calm down killa, that shit ain't real

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37 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Sting? Fucking Sting?

That cunt was even more fucking generic than Luger. Nicked his first gimmick from Ultimate Warrior and his second one from the fucking Crow with a dash of store-brand Undertaker mixed in. Most overrated twat to step foot in the ring.

Nah I meant this Sting.


Fuck's sake! Who can look at that image without screaming "Twaaaaaat!" Not me. And now I've been kicked out of Nandos for screaming twat and scaring a pensioner so much that he pissed himelf. Thanks Sting! You fucking inconsiderate cunt.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Sting? Fucking Sting?

That cunt was even more fucking generic than Luger. Nicked his first gimmick from Ultimate Warrior and his second one from the fucking Crow with a dash of store-brand Undertaker mixed in. Most overrated twat to step foot in the ring.

I remember sting in WCW as a face painted captain America looking cunt. WCW had the better performers at the time, proper technical wrestlers like Ric Flair and Lord Regal.

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25 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

This was one of mine from way back. Most of the coruscating wit was sadly lost to the curse of the quotation mark import truncation "feature" when it was loaded into the archive, though.


I apologise. I should have known better than to have thought you would make 2 drunken spelling mistakes in the same year.

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Guest judgetwi

When do you see these Animal Rights wankers protesting outside mosques and synagogues about cruel ritual animal slaughter? ( exempted by EU law overriding British law by the way)

Fucking never.

When do you see the same snowflakes protesting outside pikey camps about their disgusting treatment of horses and dogs?

Fucking never. ( to be fair they don’t treat their children much better but the NSPCC won’t go anywhere near them either )

When do you see the weeping animal lovers protesting outside London Zoo as the chav mothers wheel their snot nosed brats in to be entertained by the clearly distressed birds, reptiles and mammals?

Never fucking happens.

The cunts are only interested in the easy targets that gets them the maximum publicity and avoids the questions they don’t want to address.

Wankers and bottlers the lot of them. Show them a David Attenborough documentary and they cry like girls but don’t ever expect them to address the real issues.


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5 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

When do you see these Animal Rights wankers protesting outside mosques and synagogues about cruel ritual animal slaughter? ( exempted by EU law overriding British law by the way)

Fucking never.

When do you see the same snowflakes protesting outside pikey camps about their disgusting treatment of horses and dogs?

Fucking never. ( to be fair they don’t treat their children much better but the NSPCC won’t go anywhere near them either )

When do you see the weeping animal lovers protesting outside London Zoo as the chav mothers wheel their snot nosed brats in to be entertained by the clearly distressed birds, reptiles and mammals?

Never fucking happens.

The cunts are only interested in the easy targets that gets them the maximum publicity and avoids the questions they don’t want to address.

Wankers and bottlers the lot of them. Show them a David Attenborough documentary and they cry like girls but don’t ever expect them to address the real issues.


Hilarious. I see what you're doing. You're pretending to sound like a dumb cunt for shits and giggles. Because nobody can come out with such dumb fucking opinions and really mean it.

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Sting? Fucking Sting?

That cunt was even more fucking generic than Luger. Nicked his first gimmick from Ultimate Warrior and his second one from the fucking Crow with a dash of store-brand Undertaker mixed in. Most overrated twat to step foot in the ring.

My favourite was Doink the clown 

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