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5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

My weapon of choice was always the GPMG wizzler. Weighed a ton but could stop a T-Rex at 800 yards and completely bootneck proof unlike the plasticky bull pup shite

Kar 98 for me. Stylish, effective at range, perfect for killing minorities. Most importantly not fucking American.

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

My weapon of choice was always the GPMG wizzler. Weighed a ton but could stop a T-Rex at 800 yards and completely bootneck proof unlike the plasticky bull pup shite

The AK47, idiot proof, but not quite squaddie proof. Were you in while they were still using Bren's? They only abandoned it because it was too accurate, they wanted something they could spray about, rather than drill 7.7 mm holes in things.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The AK47, idiot proof, but not quite squaddie proof. Were you in while they were still using Bren's? They only abandoned it because it was too accurate, they wanted something they could spray about, rather than drill 7.7 mm holes in things.

I never had the pleasure of the old bren but see the small magazine as the limiting factor just as it was with the LSW and that piece of shite didn't even work. Some of the  nicest pieces of kit were the folding stock FN FALs squirrelled away by Royal after the cowardly argie cunts surrendered at Port Stanley 

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I never had the pleasure of the old bren but see the small magazine as the limiting factor just as it was with the LSW and that piece of shite didn't even work. Some of the  nicest pieces of kit were the folding stock FN FALs squirrelled away by Royal after the cowardly argie cunts surrendered at Port Stanley 

I always liked the way the FN FAL looked. One of the last modern (relatively) rifles to still use wood on the handguards before they switched to synthetic shit .

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4 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I never had the pleasure of the old bren but see the small magazine as the limiting factor just as it was with the LSW and that piece of shite didn't even work. Some of the  nicest pieces of kit were the folding stock FN FALs squirrelled away by Royal after the cowardly argie cunts surrendered at Port Stanley 

I've let my FAC lapse, due mainly to the hassle of law compliance and CID knocking on the door every time some fucking chav robs a burger van with an air rifle. I've started fucking about with crossbows. I've got a reverse draw one now. I called it Roops. Because it's dangerous and needs to be cocked regularly to maintain performance.

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On 12/14/2018 at 11:55 PM, Earl of Punkape said:

 Brexiteers and Remainers need a common enemy to blame and to unite against..... how about foreigners who have recently settled here ?

What about the immigrants who settled here 40 years ago and have three generations of family now in the country, none of which can speak English.  They can fuck off an all.  All tanned varieties.

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1 minute ago, Monumental cunt said:

What about the immigrants who settled here 40 years ago and have three generations of family now in the country, none of which can speak English.  They can fuck off an all.  All tanned varieties.

That's sounds like pretty well any cunt who comes from the Manchester area.

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On 12/20/2018 at 9:24 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

The AK47, idiot proof, but not quite squaddie proof. Were you in while they were still using Bren's? They only abandoned it because it was too accurate, they wanted something they could spray about, rather than drill 7.7 mm holes in things.

You hit shit all with a machine gun. Lots of ammo wasted on nothing.  Lee Enfiled rifle is the best weapon ever.  Robust, accurate and can kill by simply dropping it on your toe as it weighs a ton.

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On 12/20/2018 at 10:42 PM, Stubby Pecker said:

I never had the pleasure of the old bren but see the small magazine as the limiting factor just as it was with the LSW and that piece of shite didn't even work. Some of the  nicest pieces of kit were the folding stock FN FALs squirrelled away by Royal after the cowardly argie cunts surrendered at Port Stanley 

I didn't realise that the army had a covert badger watching unit. What rank did you reach? You probably stuck a flower in the barrel of your gun.

Lol fucking idiot


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Just now, Cuntybaws said:

I used to go out on beaver patrol. Don't know if that helps?

Beaver patrol in Scotland is no joke. Lose concentration for even a second and your waking up behind enemy lines on the outskirts of a king size mattress dominated by something that looks like Arthur's Seat in a ginger wig. Walking home with displaced hips and severe groin strain because you spent all your money on deep-fried Mars Bars and cheesy chips is no laughing matter either.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

In what service did that quivering gelatinous pile of shit  Pen serve?  I'd wager the silly poncing hysterical fucking cunt brigade dishonourably discharged him for rampant buggery in the barracks.  

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12 minutes ago, ratcum said:

people who complain about the commercialisation of Christmas should fuck off. Before the demonic forces of commercialism got hold  of it, Christmas was 


He's making a list, 

He's checking it twice, 

He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice. 

Santa Claus is in contravention of article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679

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