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Rainbow Laces Campaign


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I'm absolutely fucking sick of the Faggot, dyke, cocks in frocks and other assorted freaks community trying to insinuate themselves into absolutely every aspect of society.

Children's nativity plays? Over 80s lawn bowls leagues? The weekly bridge evening at your grandmother's house? It doesn't matter what the activity is, The Guardian and Stonewall will insist that there isn't enough penetrative anal sex involved.

Now Stonewall are trying to shoehorn in their deviant agenda to football yet again. Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, they still want to forcibly inveigle their way into a sport that by and large doesn't want them. Numerous clubs such as Gaychester United and Man (ooooh!) City have joined the rainbow laces campaign and posted numerous rainbow themed pictures on social media. Rangers are even planning to wear rainbow laces in a match against Aberdeen.

I know that some unimaginative cunt is going to pop up and say football is for irons, but for once, I think you might be right.

Fucking cunts.


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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm absolutely fucking sick of the Faggot, dyke, cocks in frocks and other assorted freaks community trying to insinuate themselves into absolutely every aspect of society.

Children's nativity plays? Over 80s lawn bowls leagues? The weekly bridge evening at your grandmother's house? It doesn't matter what the activity is, The Guardian and Stonewall will insist that there isn't enough penetrative anal sex involved.

Now Stonewall are trying to shoehorn in their deviant agenda to football yet again. Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, they still want to forcibly inveigle their way into a sport that by and large doesn't want them. Numerous clubs such as Gaychester United and Man (ooooh!) City have joined the rainbow laces campaign and posted numerous rainbow themed pictures on social media. Rangers are even planning to wear rainbow laces in a match against Aberdeen.

I know that some unimaginative cunt is going to pop up and say football is for irons, but for once, I think you might be right.

Fucking cunts.


You using them velcro rainbow shoe straps things Decs?

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm absolutely fucking sick of the Faggot, dyke, cocks in frocks and other assorted freaks community trying to insinuate themselves into absolutely every aspect of society.

Children's nativity plays? Over 80s lawn bowls leagues? The weekly bridge evening at your grandmother's house? It doesn't matter what the activity is, The Guardian and Stonewall will insist that there isn't enough penetrative anal sex involved.

Now Stonewall are trying to shoehorn in their deviant agenda to football yet again. Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, they still want to forcibly inveigle their way into a sport that by and large doesn't want them. Numerous clubs such as Gaychester United and Man (ooooh!) City have joined the rainbow laces campaign and posted numerous rainbow themed pictures on social media. Rangers are even planning to wear rainbow laces in a match against Aberdeen.

I know that some unimaginative cunt is going to pop up and say football is for irons, but for once, I think you might be right.

Fucking cunts.


Another rant by a closet dweller, whose slack arsehole wouldn't need a fucking shoehorn to assist  penetration.

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56 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm absolutely fucking sick of the Faggot, dyke, cocks in frocks and other assorted freaks community trying to insinuate themselves into absolutely every aspect of society.

Children's nativity plays? Over 80s lawn bowls leagues? The weekly bridge evening at your grandmother's house? It doesn't matter what the activity is, The Guardian and Stonewall will insist that there isn't enough penetrative anal sex involved.

Now Stonewall are trying to shoehorn in their deviant agenda to football yet again. Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, they still want to forcibly inveigle their way into a sport that by and large doesn't want them. Numerous clubs such as Gaychester United and Man (ooooh!) City have joined the rainbow laces campaign and posted numerous rainbow themed pictures on social media. Rangers are even planning to wear rainbow laces in a match against Aberdeen.

I know that some unimaginative cunt is going to pop up and say football is for irons, but for once, I think you might be right.

Fucking cunts.


This line needs questioning " Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, ". The players themselves hug and fondle each other like gayboys and fall over and cry if they as much as receive a scratch with a pin. The "fans get pissed up and shout and hug each other and cry like babies and throw tantrums if their "team" loses. You said somewhere else about football being something that unites all sorts of people from different walks of life when in fact it divides people in supporters of different teams who use it as an excuse to get pissed up and go on the rampage.  A bit like the EU .. something that is theorised to unite people but in fact just makes the differences and divisions much more visible and obvious.

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41 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Another rant by a closet dweller, whose slack arsehole wouldn't need a fucking shoehorn to assist  penetration.

The point is, the LGBT community has a disproportionate amount of influence relative to its size, and seemingly  believes that it should be over-represented in all aspects of life. They talk about the privilege of male heterosexual patriarchy, but hypocritically want the sort of exposure and privilege not afforded to other minority groups.

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3 minutes ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

This line needs questioning " Regardless of the fact that the average football fan isn't the type to condone faggotry, ". The players themselves hug and fondle each other like gayboys and fall over and cry if they as much as receive a scratch with a pin. The "fans get pissed up and shout and hug each other and cry like babies and throw tantrums if their "team" loses. You said somewhere else about football being something that unites all sorts of people from different walks of life when in fact it divides people in supporters of different teams who use it as an excuse to get pissed up and go on the rampage.  A bit like the EU .. something that is theorised to unite people but in fact just makes the differences and divisions much more visible and obvious.

You've just become the first poster to insinuate that football is inherently gay. How does it feel to be the unimaginative cunt that I prophesied?

As for the EU, take that shit elsewhere because it's boring everyone to fucking tears and killing this site. I'm not having this turn into another thread where you, Panzer and KK talk endlessly about shit that none of you has the intelligence to properly understand.

In short, fuck off.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've just become the first poster to insinuate that football is inherently gay. How does it feel to be the unimaginative cunt that I prophesied?

As for the EU, take that shit elsewhere because it's boring everyone to fucking tears and killing this site. I'm not having this turn into another thread where you, Panzer and KK talk endlessly about shit that none of you has the intelligence to properly understand.

In short, fuck off.

The soccer industry .. which is the "game you are actually talking about" thrives on publicity and does not care where that publicity comes from just so long as it generates more publicity from the vacuous airheads who are the "average soccer fan". The truth is that soccer has long ceased to be an alpha male thing .. all it is, is a branch of show business where lovies and poofs are at home.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Can we avoid derailing this thread for the moment? Is this heavy handed political correctness in action or are football clubs responding to long overdue awareness in combating prejudice and bigotry?

Football clubs are largely representative of the masses who barely tolerate homosexuality let alone be told to approve of it and promote it. All families would prefer their members to be heterosexual.



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16 minutes ago, Lord Punkape said:

You’re a fucking disgrace for failing to condemn the evil of homosexual sexual activity,It’s perversity and depravity.

I’m comfortable in my heterosexuality, and say live and let live. If you and your kind want to stick your cocks up each other’s arses, go right ahead - it doesn’t bother me at all.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
41 minutes ago, Lord Punkape said:

You’re a fucking disgrace for failing to condemn the evil of homosexual sexual activity,It’s perversity and depravity.

You must beg for forgiveness during confession for your denied clossetted existence. Utter poof!

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This only comes down to money. Get the corporate packaging in line with the direction of politically correct travel then the shekels come rolling in. This rainbow thing is being marketed by every cunt looking for a few bob. Mugs can take it or leave it, just as with everything else in a free market society. 

Personally, I wish every cunt was stuffed back in the closet and left in peace and quiet to get on with their sexual proclivities. No cunt cared when it was like that.

I draw the line when this is being shoved in children's faces. Section 28 needs to be re instated.


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11 minutes ago, The Beast said:

This only comes down to money. Get the corporate packaging in line with the direction of politically correct travel then the shekels come rolling in. This rainbow thing is being marketed by every cunt looking for a few bob. Mugs can take it or leave it, just as with everything else in a free market society. 

Personally, I wish every cunt was stuffed back in the closet and left in peace and quiet to get on with their sexual proclivities. No cunt cared when it was like that.

I draw the line when this is being shoved in children's faces. Section 28 needs to be re instated.


Very true.

The money men at the top of the game have realised that average white, working class men who make up the bulk of football supporters do not have deep enough pockets to fund the disgustingly privileged life styles of the wankers involved in modern day football.

It makes financial sense to make the industry more attractive to cosmopolitan benders and liberals with ready cash, and also to push the amateur antics of female footballists in an attempt to flood the game with women's money.

Fuck the lot of 'em.


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Guest Couldn't give a shit

If the likes of Peter Tatchell and Ben Summerskill wish to push their militant homosexual agenda in football grounds then let them preach to the faithful in the home stand at Millwall armed with some poppers and KY jelly. I'm sure they will be given a rousing reception.

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

 or are football clubs responding to long overdue awareness in combating prejudice and bigotry?

Nothing personal Roopsy but this is precisely the fucking lily livered leftie bollocks that is killing this country.They want to be part of 'normal' society so why can't they just do it fucking quietly instead of seeking attention by throwing hissy fits.We're never going to agree on this so don't bother replying.Thanks and have a nice day

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

You've just become the first poster to insinuate that football is inherently gay. How does it feel to be the unimaginative cunt that I prophesied?

As for the EU, take that shit elsewhere because it's boring everyone to fucking tears and killing this site. I'm not having this turn into another thread where you, Panzer and KK talk endlessly about shit that none of you has the intelligence to properly understand.

In short, fuck off.

Brexit means brexit deco baby..it's very simple really 


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9 minutes ago, Neil said:

Nothing personal Roopsy but this is precisely the fucking lily livered leftie bollocks that is killing this country.They want to be part of 'normal' society so why can't they just do it fucking quietly instead of seeking attention by throwing hissy fits.We're never going to agree on this so don't bother replying.Thanks and have a nice day

I think she's playing devil's advocate to be fair to her. She doesn't strike me as the sort of person to pander to the sensitivities of modern identity politics.

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41 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I think she's playing devil's advocate to be fair to her. She doesn't strike me as the sort of person to pander to the sensitivities of modern identity politics.

As long as the devil is a black,lesbian pre-op

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Very true.

The money men at the top of the game have realised that average white, working class men who make up the bulk of football supporters do not have deep enough pockets to fund the disgustingly privileged life styles of the wankers involved in modern day football.

It makes financial sense to make the industry more attractive to cosmopolitan benders and liberals with ready cash, and also to push the amateur antics of female footballists in an attempt to flood the game with women's money.

Fuck the lot of 'em.


Sport has been turned into another entertainment commodity by the usual sharp suited tossbags with degrees from the University of Central Wankashire or some such. And because these MBA dickheads are constantly seeking to expand their consumer base fans have to endure a dilution of quality and erosion of core values.

Women’s football is clearly shite but dissenting voices are maligned as dinosaur misogynists. Attached to this thinking is a drive to be inclusive, as in gay-friendly, as to be “traditionally masculine”  is to unnecessarily limit your brand appeal. Liberal political causes thus flood into the sport and the traditional man on the terraces is slowly alienated. Disinterested apathy isn’t enough for the marketing men; Gary and Darren, plasterers from Stockport who don’t usually care what Gay men get up to have to participate in bewildered forced applause for Transgender rights. They stop going to football and the moneymen celebrate more space for Hipster seating and a Vegan pie stand. 

This disease is spreading. Anyone who has seen women’s cricket is left open-mouthed in incredulity. But don’t point out you’ve seen more technically able batting on a Cornish beach or you’ll be slung out of the corporate box before the prawn sandwiches arrive.

Rampant lesbianism too, which doesn’t really bother me until everyone, crowd included, is asked to “hold hands and reflect for a moment” on World AIDS Day, as I was recently. There is evidence of corporate resistance here though; reportedly Dyson were planning to sponsor the England Women’s team until Sir James canned the idea on the basis that the only thing which sucked more rug than his Vacuums was....the England Women’s Cricket Team. 

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