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HARD Brexit

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So Cunt May has fucked up the negotiations....or has she?  I always thought the lack of a sensible deal was just a stalking horse for what all real Tories actually want, an independant Britain, no tariffs, no EU laws, no Immigrants, no jobs for the poor.

All appear to Agee No Deal is better than this shit deal that is on the table.   So the French can fuck off about fishing waters, the Spanish can fuck off about Gibraltar, the Germans can just fuck off, the Italians want to fuck off, the Polish aren’t to fucking happy about the EU and who gives a fuck about the other hangers on.  Britain is set to become an island state again thank fuck.  So we can watch the EU project sink into its own shite from afar like we have been lucky enough to get the last life boat off the Titanic and Squiffy managed to bring along some bottles of plonk and cigars to enjoy the show as that cunt Junkers sinks out of sight.   Break out the bubbly.

If the Brexiteers are soo wrong, two years on, why is every cunt still trying to get in before the gates close. Over 350,000 last year.  They know Britain is a greater place to be than any other shit hole in the world.  Now let’s crack on and have a fucking big party in March.  Then shut the fucking front door.

Italy is actually more of a headache to the EU than us, it’s just Laura Cuntsberg at the BBC won’t let that story have any air time along with that moon faced ugly fat cunt Katya Addler.  Despicable, horrible, EU files, like Gestapo propagandists, they have pushed the second referendum story every weeks for two years...... but have finally run out of time.

Hard Brexit here we come  lol

Fuck off BBC cunts, go work for Aljizzear were you will feel more at home.


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Guest judgetwi

If you think the Establishment are going to let that happen you are dreaming mate. Undoing the referendum has been two and half years in the making.....  it’s coming nicely to the boil, just as they planned it.

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25 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Seems its having an effect MC baby ..EU citizens are not coming to see you or are leaving while more non EU citizens are making Blighty their new home ..its a win win 


We are blocking the bridges over the Menai Straits so that's you lot fucked. 

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13 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

We've got Decimus protecting our Eastern flank

Pretty sure that was a line from 'Gladiator' right there - it should have been at any rate.

Dutch cunts. I keep a constant eye on those Dog fucking, Cheech and Chong loving layabouts across the water. 

The streets of East Anglia will never echo with the sound of clogs whilst I'm manning the ramparts.

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42 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Dutch cunts. I keep a constant eye on those Dog fucking, Cheech and Chong loving layabouts across the water. 

The streets of East Anglia will never echo with the sound of clogs whilst I'm manning the ramparts.

Graham Taylor just ponced up and down on the touchline, waving his clitoris-for-a-cock at Phil Neale and the fourth official, when Koeman scythed down David Platt in 1993.

Get fucking Decimus in there and the Dutch cunt would've been wearing his testicles round his neck like a bolas lasso!

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22 hours ago, judgetwi said:

If you think the Establishment are going to let that happen you are dreaming mate. Undoing the referendum has been two and half years in the making.....  it’s coming nicely to the boil, just as they planned it.

Are you for real.  Do you understand the news?   There is not a chance of this getting past the commons.   

No deal is better than a bad deal is the new mantra.....on all sides of the arguement.  Brexiteers and Remoaners unite.


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7 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Graham Taylor just ponced up and down on the touchline, waving his clitoris-for-a-cock at Phil Neale and the fourth official, when Koeman scythed down David Platt in 1993.

Get fucking Decimus in there and the Dutch cunt would've been wearing his testicles round his neck like a bolas lasso!

I played football with David Platt as a young lad.   He was fucking bang average.  Northern, Oldham cunt.

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22 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

MC, are you taking the piss? ANOTHER Brexit thread?  

Yes.  It’s been three and a half minutes since panzynacker mentioned Brexit so I filled a gap.

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12 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Seems its having an effect MC baby ..EU citizens are not coming to see you or are leaving while more non EU citizens are making Blighty their new home ..its a win win 


EU immigration has slowed to 5 times pre 2005 levels...yeah that’s great !!!!  What a fucking down turn.

The thing is they are already ALL here.   Europe is practically empty and if you go to any restaurant or bar it is run by filthy Russians, who have filled the void left by the indiginous EU cunts who now reside in your neighborhood and mine.   A census in Spain right now would find only four Spanish people left in Spain.  The rest either work in Costas in London or play very good football in Manchester.

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Guest judgetwi
44 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Are you for real.  Do you understand the news?   There is not a chance of this getting past the commons.   

No deal is better than a bad deal is the new mantra.....on all sides of the arguement.  Brexiteers and Remoaners unite.


Which “news” are you talking about? Of course it won’t get past the Commons, or the Lords for that matter . ( you seem to have forgotten about those cunts )

It was never intended to pass the Commons you dimmo. The whole shitfest was planned months ago. Watch these traitorous cunts play the whole thing out right in front of your eyes.

Still, at the end of the day, you’re a multi millionaire so it makes no difference to you anyway.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

You give your elected betters too much credit  jewds baby....it is as it looks 


Oh yeah? Do you really think these scumbag politicians are incompetent idiots who don’t know what they are doing? You must think they are as thick as you, which is exactly what they want you to think.

Congratulations on falling for their bullshit.

Muggy cunt.

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On 12/4/2018 at 12:05 AM, judgetwi said:

Which “news” are you talking about? Of course it won’t get past the Commons, or the Lords for that matter . ( you seem to have forgotten about those cunts )

It was never intended to pass the Commons you dimmo. The whole shitfest was planned months ago. Watch these traitorous cunts play the whole thing out right in front of your eyes.

Still, at the end of the day, you’re a multi millionaire so it makes no difference to you anyway.

Incorrect tubby man.   It does matter to me as I want a cuntry with real borders and quotas for people allowed in to a defined specification, definately no undesirables allowed.  I want no EU governance, I find it difficult enough keeping tabs on our fucking snakes.  I want nothing to do with the impending bail out of Italy. pansy knacker will be paying for that for the next 3000 years.    I want to brick up the tunnel.  I want Scotland to fuck off.  I want an independant England.   Wales and N Ireland can stay in the union if they want to, up to them.  I want to be able to trade with the rest of the world without Lithuania voting against it as one of the 27 fucking hangers on.  I want Germany to show its true colors and force the EU to beg for a car trade deal with us.  The French can fuck off and burn all that shit cheese and shove their bread and wine up their arse. Get the Bulgarians to buy it at £12 a bottle for shit wine.   I want all remoaners to move to France and see how they like paying £85 per liter for fuel.  I want muzzer to be banned.  I want al knife crime to be punishable by having their skin peeled and eye balls taken out on pickle sticks.   I want all gun crime to be punishable by having one testicle shot off at close range and the other pistol whipped and crushed by the butt of a revolver.    I want every Eastern European who is not currently working as a prostitute to do so like national service.  I want Garett Southgate to become prime minister.  I want Boris to fuck off back to his root in Russia the fucking immigrant cunt.  I want Australia to be home for our next trident replacement nuclear programme and accidentally on purpose fry all the fucking cunts.  Who would care?   I want Megan Markle to have her own porn channel.  I want the BBC shut down and all trans gender gay poofdom to be made illegal, except behind closed doors.  I think that’s only fair.


So Brexit is important that it happens in a measured and sensible way for me.  Not this silly deal May has fucked up.

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Guest judgetwi

Oh really. For somebody who, by his own admission, is so rich and clever you are remarkably uninformed. 

I’m beginning to think you may well be a fake, fraud, liar and bullshiiter.

Now, what’s your opinion about your man Pep Guardiola, who is supporting the rainbow laces campaign and going all snowflake about the  Gays?

This is a bloke who fills his overflowing pockets with money from cunts who happily execute our bumloving friends.

Any comment on that contradiction brightboy?

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