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Attention Seeking Cunt

Guest Queefer

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Guest Queefer

As if TV news isn't bad enough why has this attention seeking cunt got more airtime than all "soaps" put together.  Who is this cunt, where has he been let out from on day release?  

Whatever your personal views on Brexit can we all agree on the need to ram this cunt's placards up his arse, decapitate him, stake him out on College Green and let the ravens finish the job. Smurfy cunt.


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15 minutes ago, Queefer said:

Who is this cunt...

As you would already know if you had carried out even the most rudimentary research, you bone idle cunt, this is Steven Bray, and he's been doing this for 17 months now and counting.

He is a rare coin trader from Port Talbot in South Wales, apparently, and not as you might have guessed a web-based purveyor of dodgy glass doodads, I'd be surprised if he's a stranger to JibJabs, though.

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Guest Queefer
6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

As you would already know if you had carried out even the most rudimentary research, you bone idle cunt, this is Steven Bray, and he's been doing this for 17 months now and counting.

He is a rare coin trader from Port Talbot in South Wales, apparently, and not as you might have guessed a web-based purveyor of dodgy glass doodads, I'd be surprised if he's a stranger to JibJabs, though.

Are you suggesting he should be allowed to live 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

As you would already know if you had carried out even the most rudimentary research, you bone idle cunt, this is Steven Bray, and he's been doing this for 17 months now and counting.

He is a rare coin trader from Port Talbot in South Wales, apparently, and not as you might have guessed a web-based purveyor of dodgy glass doodads, I'd be surprised if he's a stranger to JibJabs, though.

Like fuck he is.

It's Pazernacker in a rare moment away from his Doritos-and-cum encrusted keyboard.

You never bought into all that fake Paddywhackery bollocks did you?

His real name's Piers and he comes from Godalming.

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1 hour ago, Queefer said:

As if TV news isn't bad enough why has this attention seeking cunt got more airtime than all "soaps" put together.  Who is this cunt, where has he been let out from on day release?  

Whatever your personal views on Brexit can we all agree on the need to ram this cunt's placards up his arse, decapitate him, stake him out on College Green and let the ravens finish the job. Smurfy cunt.


I agree with the gentleman. Let's have a people's vote: ram the placard up his arse or not? 

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14 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Like fuck he is.

It's Pazernacker in a rare moment away from his Doritos-and-cum encrusted keyboard.

You never bought into all that fake Paddywhackery bollocks did you?

His real name's Piers and he comes from Godalming.

Im not that interesting jiggers baby..and its been a long time since i felt passionate enough about a cause to make me pick up somthing 


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13 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Im not that interesting jiggers baby..and its been a long time since i felt passionate enough about a cause to make me pick up somthing 


And like so many of them on both sides  you have absolutely no idea what the fuck the EU actually is.

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Guest Queefer
18 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

What little I know about Port Talbot suggests it is very likely that coin traders are rare in Port Talbot.

Unless you count the spiced up Taffy cunts bumming small change

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19 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

As you would already know if you had carried out even the most rudimentary research, you bone idle cunt, this is Steven Bray, and he's been doing this for 17 months now and counting.

He is a rare coin trader from Port Talbot in South Wales, apparently, and not as you might have guessed a web-based purveyor of dodgy glass doodads, I'd be surprised if he's a stranger to JibJabs, though.


SODEM was born.

The Day of Action quickly transformed into the “Daily Parliament Protest” that we see today. Being outside Parliament means we can oppose Brexit and show support to the MPs and Lords fighting on our behalf. It sends a clear message both to the public and the politicians that Brexit is not the will of the people and it is OK to say so.

Steve is outside Parliament from 11am – 6pm every day that MPs are in session.  Anyone is welcome to join him.  And every day they do.

Come and make your voice heard.  Flags available!

In Steve’s words: ‘It’s not a done deal.’


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1 minute ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:


SODEM was born.

The Day of Action quickly transformed into the “Daily Parliament Protest” that we see today. Being outside Parliament means we can oppose Brexit and show support to the MPs and Lords fighting on our behalf. It sends a clear message both to the public and the politicians that Brexit is not the will of the people and it is OK to say so.

Steve is outside Parliament from 11am – 6pm every day that MPs are in session.  Anyone is welcome to join him.  And every day they do.

Come and make your voice heard.  Flags available!

In Steve’s words: ‘It’s not a done deal.’


The dopey cunt can't even get the what the European Movement is right, even if we have full Brexit we are not leaving the European Movement.


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22 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

I found it last Friday when I had to use a suposiTORY

You know we only want what's best for you...

so we've found you a nice retirement home. You get porridge and stewed prunes every morning, and soup for dinner, so no pesky chewing! And best of all, the telly in the common room is permanently tuned to ITV3, so you will never miss an episode of Midsomer Murders. And you get your very own panic button for when you shit yourself. @camberwell gypsy Will pick you up at 9 am tomorrow. Pack your medication, Tena-pants and a fluffy dressing gown. You won't need proper pants, they've got special rubber ones with drawstrings.

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You know we only want what's best for you...

so we've found you a nice retirement home. You get porridge and stewed prunes every morning, and soup for dinner, so no pesky chewing! And best of all, the telly in the common room is permanently tuned to ITV3, so you will never miss an episode of Midsomer Murders. And you get your very own panic button for when you shit yourself. @camberwell gypsy Will pick you up at 9 am tomorrow. Pack your medication, Tena-pants and a fluffy dressing gown. You won't need proper pants, they've got special rubber ones with drawstrings.

Good .. @Panzerknacker will go in my place .. the 24 Midsomer Murders will take his mind off Brexit and he can also run keep fit classes.

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