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Brexit Secretary


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28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'll be fucked if I'm setting up an account with those Spectator cunts to read this.

Do us a favour, will you, and in contravention of all laws of copyright and common decency, cut and paste the entire article.

?! the link in your quote box works fine for me ...but I'm doing all this via laptop/windows.

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Guest 'eavensabove

May has wasted 2 years to come-up with jack shite. What with her being a remoaner, it's like putting the old bill in charge of scrapping armed police. The whole of mainland Europe, laugh at her, and it is they that have manipulated her so-called 500 pages of 'Get Us Out Quick.'  Another referendum would take at least another year and the paddy's will still be up in arms, border or not. Europe, sucks. It always has, and I for one don't want any part of it. I aint no European, I'm English  and if was not then I'd fuck off to Brussels. It's the pitiful Union that has dragged us down to their level, and all that is has achieved is to strip us bare, tell us what we can or cannot do, and allowed every Tom Dick & Pedro to rob us all blind...  There were no 500 pages involved when we voted 'out.' There was just one, and all this bollocks about 'deal' or 'no deal' doesn't enter the equation. To fuck with any deal. No negotiating with foreign scum.  OUT means OUT and it's high time that we stopped fucking about, and shoved Europe back into it's own putrid shit. This poxy country of ours, will always be poxy until we rid ourselves completely of the virus that is Europe. AMEN 

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56 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

But there's also that pesky border. Does anyone see any actual downside in just selling Northern Ireland to Eire for a nominal pound? (Or a mere 1.12 Euros as things currently stand.) It would be cheaper than building a big fuck off 30 foot high wall along the entire length.

Pissing off some bowler-hatted Neanderthals would be an equally small price to pay. If they don't like it, re-house them all in Norfolk, which would have the added benefit of letting @Decimus experience first hand what poor old Glasgow has had to put up with for the last few centuries.

The border situation has been over exaggerated, aided and abetted by that half gunga din nob jockey Varadkar, because Eire is indebted to the fucking EU, thus their patsy. I would gladly fuck the huns off and reunite Eire, but any break up of the Union is a red line for nut jobs like Rees Mogg and Peter Bone. 

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16 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The border situation has been over exaggerated, aided and abetted by that half gunga din nob jockey Varadkar, because Eire is indebted to the fucking EU, thus their patsy. I would gladly fuck the huns off and reunite Eire, but any break up of the Union is a red line for nut jobs like Rees Mogg and Peter Bone. 

And throw your loyal subjects and coalition government rulers under the bus?


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Guest Erroreptile404

I know a pile of rectal discharge like Reddit isn't really a reputable source, but you ought to see all the teenage european armchair general spacktards on there wanting and hoping to see the UK fall, but at the same time still want us to be/think we're going to be the defence force for europe and they're going to get access to british innovation and technology after we leave. Fucking hypocritical cunts.

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12 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

I know a pile of rectal discharge like Reddit isn't really a reputable source, but you ought to see all the teenage european armchair general spacktards on there wanting and hoping to see the UK fall, but at the same time still want us to be/think we're going to be the defence force for europe and they're going to get access to british innovation and technology after we leave. Fucking hypocritical cunts.

Whose your avatar? Is it Jimmy from "Jimmy Jimmy"  by the Undertones?

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Guest Queefer
12 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

I know a pile of rectal discharge like Reddit isn't really a reputable source, but you ought to see all the teenage european armchair general spacktards on there wanting and hoping to see the UK fall, but at the same time still want us to be/think we're going to be the defence force for europe and they're going to get access to british innovation and technology after we leave. Fucking hypocritical cunts.

Reddit members average IQ is approx 23 - so ignore the twats.

Send the Johny Foreignerthe bills for 2 world wars - who is laughing now you cunts.

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Guest Erroreptile404
1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Whose your avatar? Is it Jimmy from "Jimmy Jimmy"  by the Undertones?

I think it's called "stoned guy meme" he doesn't actually have a mental disability as far as i know even though it looks like it lol.

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Guest Erroreptile404
10 minutes ago, Queefer said:

Reddit members average IQ is approx 23 - so ignore the twats.

Send the Johny Foreignerthe bills for 2 world wars - who is laughing now you cunts.

Exactly they're quite happy to spew anti Brit vitriol and shit all over the dead British and commonwealth soldiers. Noticed some of the polish on there doing the same too recently. Just hope Britain doesn't bother sticking it's neck on the line for a bunch of ungrateful cunts on the continent if theres ever a next time( with the exception of the Scandies). I also noticed recently spackeron thinks france is suddenly hot shit and they're a superpower now or something, cringeworthy garlic breathed, B.O ridden wankers.

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Guest Kunte Kinte
On 11/16/2018 at 8:51 AM, scotty said:

Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

On top of that, I've heard that Tesco are going to use remote controlled helicopters to deliver their baked beans. Le monde has gone fou.... Fou, I tell you. 

lol lol lol


You should job interview prospective candidates for the post of Chief Cunt in the Cuntservatives. Very Geoffrey Boycunt. 

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3 hours ago, Queefer said:

Reddit members average IQ is approx 23 - so ignore the twats.

Send the Johny Foreignerthe bills for 2 world wars - who is laughing now you cunts.

Double yours then.

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Guest Kunte Kinte
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I might have mentioned previously that I was in Dublin the day they introduced the smoking ban.

I knew then that it was the beginning of the end, but I had no idea it would go this far. ^

Cunt there's no bottom to your bottom you meant to say. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
43 minutes ago, Kunte Kinte said:

You said there was a bottom you hadn't found it. Word of advice. Undo your trousers....

It's not Saturday, I'm not gay, and the Corner isn't your personal Blue Oyster.  Fuck right off!  

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On 11/16/2018 at 8:51 AM, scotty said:

Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

On top of that, I've heard that Tesco are going to use remote controlled helicopters to deliver their baked beans. Le monde has gone fou.... Fou, I tell you. 

lol lol lol


Isn’t the Brexit secretary the bird who gets the coffees and some biscuits whilst us blokes sort out the difficult stuff she shouldn’t worry her pritty little head about?

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2 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Isn’t the Brexit secretary the bird who gets the coffees and some biscuits whilst us blokes sort out the difficult stuff she shouldn’t worry her pritty little head about?

It pains me to say it, but given a choice between you and Pen I'd take Pen, even though she bores the tits off me. The Oxford english dictionary defines asinine as Monumental Cunt.

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