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Brexit Secretary


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Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

On top of that, I've heard that Tesco are going to use remote controlled helicopters to deliver their baked beans. Le monde has gone fou.... Fou, I tell you. 

lol lol lol


Edited by scotty
@Iam Ape
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20 minutes ago, scotty said:

Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

When you look at the rest, probably yes.

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43 minutes ago, scotty said:

Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

What's the fucking point this far down the line?

There's no wriggle room - it's either take it, another referendum or WTO.

You may as well get the best AI robot you can find and let that have a crack at it

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, scotty said:

We are not bringing back john major. 

By some accounts, John Redwood is in the running. There's no slimier Vulcan-eared woodworm than him. That's the Tory's for you. The slightest hint of a PM challenge, and they all come crawling out of the floorboards. There's just one person and one person alone that should be in charge, and that's King Charles and his two gallant Princes, at his side,  or what else are they for? 

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Guest Queefer
3 hours ago, scotty said:

We are not bringing back john major. 

They say that the British nation always provides a saviour in times of emergency - Churchill, Wellington, some say Thatcher...

Who will it me now - Saddiq Khan , Chuka Umunna, Shani Chakrabarti ?

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4 hours ago, scotty said:

Ok, so two have come and gone. Davis seemed like a reasonable appointment to me; a fairly well regarded politician who'd campaigned for Leave, previous cabinet experience etc, not a bad shout. Then Raab, who although I'd never heard of him his background would at first sight appear to be a sensible choice given his legal and logistical background. (I say at first sight, I'm trying to get my head around someone walking out because of a deal which he's spearheaded himself.) 

Now they've both walked, the mind numbing, barrel scraping walking abortion that is Michael Gove has been offered the poison chalice. Christ on a fucking bike, is that honestly the best we can do? And better yet, he's offered to accept the job on condition he's allowed to renegotiate the deal. I wouldn't trust him to negotiate a three step flight of fucking stairs, somebody wake me up and tell me it was just a bad dream. Please. 

More erudite and discerning analysis from the Cuntscorner political correspondent....


Fuck off.

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It doesn't matter. Mrs May will get fucked over during the weekend, when the markets are closed. There has been too much volatility this week.  

Plenty of cunts will be putting short orders on the GBPUSD and plenty of other GBP pairs from about 21:30 hrs this evening, half hour before the close. It will open lower on Sunday at 22:00 hrs. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, The Beast said:

It doesn't matter. Mrs May will get fucked over during the weekend, when the markets are closed. There has been too much volatility this week.  

Plenty of cunts will be putting short orders on the GBPUSD and plenty of other GBP pairs from about 21:30 hrs this evening, half hour before the close. It will open lower on Sunday at 22:00 hrs. 

"IF" she can survive this current mess of hers, then true politics sucks. She's surely got to rank as one of the worst PMs ever, but she just does not get it. 

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3 hours ago, Lord Punkape said:

More erudite and discerning analysis from the Cuntscorner political correspondent....


Fuck off.

I can reword it if you like punkers, add a few references to homosexuality and the catholic church, would that make it more palatable for you? 

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8 minutes ago, scotty said:

I can reword it if you like punkers, add a few references to homosexuality and the catholic church, would that make it more palatable for you? 

Pukeape only likes posts that include a Tesco reference, something about baked beans and/or radio controlled helicopters and lots of ‘lol’. So basically anything that the French cretin @Witheredscrote writes.

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