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Brexit..the meltdown has begun


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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Blah blah blah. The usual arrogant remoaner shit. Just fuck off mate, just run away like the bottler you are. Nobody cares about you going to some country where you can exploit the poor people you pretend to love so much.

As soon as those same poor people arrive on your doorstep you shit yourself and run away.  Yeah, you leave scum like me to deal with them while you mock us as knuckle draggers, racists and  thickos. Fuck you cunt. Enjoy yourself while you can shithead. 

See previous. Ramipril, Judge, and lots of it. Anger sounds even more odd when slurred through a facial paralysis. 

On 11/28/2018 at 11:33 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:

You seem like a very angry man, I’m sure you are no stranger to a coat-holding tussle in a flat-roofed pub car park among the burning cars and discarded carpet. 

The inevitable massive stroke will be no doubt even more tragic when the St Nigel of the Infinite Bullshit Hospital has no staff to look after your Gammon arse and you rather appropriately get shunted into a side room to wither and die. Poetic. 


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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

As soon as those same poor people arrive on your doorstep you shit yourself and run away.  Yeah, you leave scum like me to deal with them while you mock us as knuckle draggers, racists and  thickos. Fuck you cunt. Enjoy yourself while you can shithead. 

And to be clear, it’s not the poor people arriving on my doorstep that have made me decide to leave. It’s the foaming-mouth lunacy of my fellow Brit, quite content to commit blatant self harm at the behest of a nobhead like Farage. When you lose all respect for your colleagues and neighbours, and they turn on you for not following their poisonous line, maybe it’s time to leave. Stage one fascism is to denounce those who disagree as anti patriots. I don’t like where this ends. 

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Guest judgetwi
11 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

And to be clear, it’s not the poor people arriving on my doorstep that have made me decide to leave. It’s the foaming-mouth lunacy of my fellow Brit, quite content to commit blatant self harm at the behest of a nobhead like Farage. When you lose all respect for your colleagues and neighbours, and they turn on you for not following their poisonous line, maybe it’s time to leave. Stage one fascism is to denounce those who disagree as anti patriots. I don’t like where this ends. 

That’s strange. I can’t move for thick as shit , spoon fed, project fear, Establishment remoaner arse lickers.......and you have to leave the country to find them.

The unmistakable whiff of bullshit.

Fuck off, not needed, don’t come back cunt.

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1 minute ago, judgetwi said:

That’s strange. I can’t move for thick as shit , spoon fed, project fear, Establishment remoaner arse lickers.......and you have to leave the country to find them.

The unmistakable whiff of bullshit.

Fuck off, not needed, don’t come back cunt.

You won your silly little poll 2.5 years ago. It’s not made any of you any happier, has it?

Well done on the magnanimity in victory thing, it’s really classy. 

Forgive me dissenting from your flag waving stupidity, perhaps when Nige or Tommy finally come to power you could round up people like me who disagree and put us in camps to really concentrate on this. Get Gove to do it, he’s an expert on dealing with opinionated types in a post-truth world. 

Better to fuck off, as you say. Only 100 or so days till I do. 

Just keep paying my NHS pension, there’s a good chap. Mojitos are not cheap. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You won your silly little poll 2.5 years ago. It’s not made any of you any happier, has it?

Well done on the magnanimity in victory thing, it’s really classy...

That's a valid point, just a shame the Remainers were not equally as gracious in defeat.

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36 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Rumour has it they got the YTS trainee to dip into the petty cash tin to buy yours, Panz.

Its true roops baby..our small towns and green fields hold little appeal to yer average Russian oligarch with shopping bags full of cash ..whereas the soon to be third country status UK  has much more potential to wash Ivans rouble clean 


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3 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Its true roops baby..our small towns and green fields hold little appeal to yer average Russian oligarch with shopping bags full of cash ..whereas the soon to be third country status UK  has much more potential to wash Ivans rouble clean 


Its true Rouble laundromats seem to congregate behind British brass plates but the UK is arguably the world centre of international finance and the British produce the world's finest and most sophisticated financial engineers. The good news is that there is now legislation and protocols in place as the OECD Financial Task Force is pumping out leads to the NCA's Financial Intelligence Unit. The bad news is that both in the USA & UK suspects have to prove their innocence when faced with "Explain your wealth" orders (ie you're guilty unless you prove your innocence, contrary to the USA fifth amendment and UK common law and Magna Carta) Also and in keeping with Whitehall's knack to either throw copious amounts of money to white elephants or to under fund worthy projects, the UK has chosen to do the latter in controlling money laundering. The NCA, Companies House and Serious Fraud Office simply do not have the resources to cope with illicit money supply.

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Guest Kunte Kinte
16 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Blah blah blah. The usual arrogant remoaner shit. Just fuck off mate, just run away like the bottler you are. Nobody cares about you going to some country where you can exploit the poor people you pretend to love so much.

As soon as those same poor people arrive on your doorstep you shit yourself and run away.  Yeah, you leave scum like me to deal with them while you mock us as knuckle draggers, racists and  thickos. Fuck you cunt. Enjoy yourself while you can shithead. 

I always knew most judges were cunts - but you should not only be debenched but put on the bench and sodomised by a million Indo-Pakistanis who will flood into the UK - as before - when you close the door on the cultural family you have on your doorstep. You can wear your bloody infected anus on your head as a sign of your pus ridden psychotic anti-EU mania. 

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You won your silly little poll 2.5 years ago. It’s not made any of you any happier, has it?

Well done on the magnanimity in victory thing, it’s really classy. 

Forgive me dissenting from your flag waving stupidity, perhaps when Nige or Tommy finally come to power you could round up people like me who disagree and put us in camps to really concentrate on this. 

1. We won, nothing's happened yet, why would we be happy?

2. Right wing populists aren't known for their magnanimity, see above.

3. Hurry up and fuck off, lest you find yourself (really) working for a living.


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Guest judgetwi
8 hours ago, Kunte Kinte said:

I always knew most judges were cunts - but you should not only be debenched but put on the bench and sodomised by a million Indo-Pakistanis who will flood into the UK - as before - when you close the door on the cultural family you have on your doorstep. You can wear your bloody infected anus on your head as a sign of your pus ridden psychotic anti-EU mania. 

Oh dear. Not pretending to be a Nigerian anymore? I don’t need any pretentious wanker telling me who my “cultural family” are, whatever that means. I think you are referencing skin colour which you obviously have a problem with.

Thanks anyway. 

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7 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Oh dear. Not pretending to be a Nigerian anymore? I don’t need any pretentious wanker telling me who my “cultural family” are, whatever that means. I think you are referencing skin colour which you obviously have a problem with.

Thanks anyway. 

"color" is the spelling that KK is most likely to be familiar with 😼

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Guest Kunte Kinte
17 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Oh dear. Not pretending to be a Nigerian anymore? I don’t need any pretentious wanker telling me who my “cultural family” are, whatever that means. I think you are referencing skin colour which you obviously have a problem with.

Thanks anyway. 

A lot of assumptions about my roots. Ha ha ha. Looks like you want an invite to our next Sunday night roast on the savannahs. Bring a bottle. 

So we can stick it up your arse and twist it while we are pickling your eyeballs. 

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@Panzerknacker I have read everything you have said here and from it what you actually want is for the Irish Republic to once again become part of what is now called the United Kingdom. Before you question that, you have made it clear that you want a United Europe with a European government and all that entails which also include the offshore island that presently form the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, for obvious reason any mainland European government will see these islands as one and the same and what form their existing governments and regional assemblies will simply function as nothing more than council  chambers. By implication this will make you Irish, therefore British and of course European .. You cannot have it both ways. Ireland cannot be an independent country within the European Union.

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2 hours ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

@Panzerknacker I have read everything you have said here and from it what you actually want is for the Irish Republic to once again become part of what is now called the United Kingdom. Before you question that, you have made it clear that you want a United Europe with a European government and all that entails which also include the offshore island that presently form the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, for obvious reason any mainland European government will see these islands as one and the same and what form their existing governments and regional assemblies will simply function as nothing more than council  chambers. By implication this will make you Irish, therefore British and of course European .. You cannot have it both ways. Ireland cannot be an independent country within the European Union.

If it limits the ability of our elected fukwits to damage the nation im all for gettin all cozy with the EU pen baby..


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Guest Kunte Kinte
4 hours ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

@Panzerknacker I have read everything you have said here and from it what you actually want is for the Irish Republic to once again become part of what is now called the United Kingdom. Before you question that, you have made it clear that you want a United Europe with a European government and all that entails which also include the offshore island that presently form the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, for obvious reason any mainland European government will see these islands as one and the same and what form their existing governments and regional assemblies will simply function as nothing more than council  chambers. By implication this will make you Irish, therefore British and of course European .. You cannot have it both ways. Ireland cannot be an independent country within the European Union.

I see you as a stand in for John Mills in Ryan's Daughter which was a shit faggit film anyway by a arch imperialist fascist racist called Lanky Lean. Fucking cunt. I fucking blame you for everything EVEN that fucking cunt movie. Take it up the arse on the beach in that cave. 

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57 minutes ago, Kunte Kinte said:

I see you as a stand in for John Mills in Ryan's Daughter which was a shit faggit film anyway by a arch imperialist fascist racist called Lanky Lean. Fucking cunt. I fucking blame you for everything EVEN that fucking cunt movie. Take it up the arse on the beach in that cave. 

Fuck off and mind your own business.

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7 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Maybe you should read up on how the European parliament works and who actually sits there and how they got there pen baby


I have read up and I have seen what their "powers" are .. actually they are nothing more than a discussion forum.

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Guest Kunte Kinte
10 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Maybe you should read up on how the European parliament works and who actually sits there and how they got there pen baby


Unfortunately the English MEPS were/are the largely unelected runts of the pack with Farage sized gobs. The latter exemplar of British gobshite spent his fucking life undermining the EU at every turn yet he still says he is going to pick up his 50k per year EU pension (index linked for life). 

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