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Design of New £50 Note

Guest Queefer

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Guest Queefer

The Bank of England , having little else to do, have asked for a spot of help in designing their new banknote.

Currently leading the field to feature on the new £50 note is Stephen Hawking. There are many, including some on here, who have done good work on black holes in the past but political correctness seems to be winning again. Just because Hawking ticks the dead, disabled, ugly and scientist boxes should not influence the choice of who features on the new £50 note. In suggesting nominations it should be remembered that :

  1. There are numerous other minority groups who should have a chance of having their "standard bearer" featured
  2. As ever, should individual nominees tick more than one box this will be seen as a benefit.
  3. We see no reason at all why scientists should be preferred.
  4. Candidates need to be dead although this can be organised retrospectively.
  5. Proposers with less than £50 in the whole world are not permitted to participate.


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Why make a fuss, I don’t know. The tiny amount in circulation will hardly come into contact with your average punter, unless he works in the City and has a penchant for coke. Most of the notes will be held by Russkie pricks, chinks and assorted illegal shit purveyors. Might as well stick a mugshot of Yeltsin or Escobar on it. 

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On 11/2/2018 at 6:25 PM, White Cunt said:

Why make a fuss, I don’t know. The tiny amount in circulation will hardly come into contact with your average punter, unless he works in the City and has a penchant for coke. Most of the notes will be held by Russkie pricks, chinks and assorted illegal shit purveyors. Might as well stick a mugshot of Yeltsin or Escobar on it. 

If you gamble and win on the tables you always get paid out in fifties.

Remember to always cover zero on roulette 


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On 11/2/2018 at 6:56 PM, Queefer said:

Aaron Philips the transgender disabled model of African American origin has to be a strong contender. Knows more about black holes than Hawking 


Is that Apes mum?

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