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Geoff Thompson

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Mr Thompson would like our universities to give all their money away so black and "ethnic" students can have a free ride because of something that was abolished 200 years ago.

How about you fuck off and live the life of your ancestors in an ebola infested swamp you ungrateful hypocritical bastard.



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Guest Queefer
2 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Mr Thompson would like our universities to give all their money away so black and "ethnic" students can have a free ride because of something that was abolished 200 years ago.

How about you fuck off and live the life of your ancestors in an ebola infested swamp you ungrateful hypocritical bastard.



University of East London ! -  you'd be better watching Blue Peter for 3 years.

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19 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Mr Thompson would like our universities to give all their money away so black and "ethnic" students can have a free ride because of something that was abolished 200 years ago.

How about you fuck off and live the life of your ancestors in an ebola infested swamp you ungrateful hypocritical bastard.



The cunts want compensating for something that happened 2 centuries ago.. why don't they ask the descendants of the black slave traders to pay up, then they could take all that money and distribute it among white nations, by way of an apology for AIDS, Lenny Henry, Diane Abbott, and the transformation of all the major cities into filthy fucking violence ruled drug ghettoes. 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The cunts want compensating for something that happened 2 centuries ago.. why don't they ask the descendants of the black slave traders to pay up, then they could take all that money and distribute it among white nations, by way of an apology for AIDS, Lenny Henry, Diane Abbott, and the transformation of all the major cities into filthy fucking violence ruled drug ghettoes. 

Something tells me that he won't be banging on Saudi Arabia's door. They would hear him out and then cut off his bollocks. After all, the Arab-Zanzibar slave trade went on for thousands of years yet how many citizens of Saudi are black? 

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35 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

I am all in favour .. we should be seeking compensation from the Italians for the Roman invasion and from France for the Norman invasions .. and also don't forget the fucking Danes for the Viking invasions.

Bloody hell Pen, this is your first comment worthy of a like in a while, which underlines your status as a horrifically fucking thick, angry and confused old mincer.

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51 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Bloody hell Pen, this is your first comment worthy of a like in a while, which underlines your status as a horrifically fucking thick, angry and confused old mincer.

Two years 34 million cunts voted in a referendum .. 95% of those cunts no matter which way they voted did not know what they were actually voting about. I have little doubt that you were one of the 95%

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I thought you meant the former Aussie psycho fast bowler

The gym's good there. I did one of my sports medicine practical exams there. 

Is that the one in the Thai massage parlour?

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2 hours ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

I am all in favour .. we should be seeking compensation from the Italians for the Roman invasion and from France for the Norman invasions .. and also don't forget the fucking Danes for the Viking invasions.

What about the poor bastards snatched by the Barbary corsairs from our shores and taken back to North Africa for slaves? 

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Guest judgetwi
7 hours ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

Two years 34 million cunts voted in a referendum .. 95% of those cunts no matter which way they voted did not know what they were actually voting about. I have little doubt that you were one of the 95%

Oh really? And where did you get the 95% figure from?

The Guardian? Sir Bob Goboff? The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation?

And exactly how many of those 34 million people have you interviewed to determine that they ain’t as smart as you? My guess is fucking zero.

Unlike you I can’t speak for 34 million people but I don’t need some brainwashed dimmo telling me I didn’t know what I was voting for.

Fucking arrogant, supercilious arsehole. Fuck off.

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2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Oh really? And where did you get the 95% figure from?

The Guardian? Sir Bob Goboff? The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation?

And exactly how many of those 34 million people have you interviewed to determine that they ain’t as smart as you? My guess is fucking zero.

Unlike you I can’t speak for 34 million people but I don’t need some brainwashed dimmo telling me I didn’t know what I was voting for.

Fucking arrogant, supercilious arsehole. Fuck off.

So am I a remoaner?

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The cunts want compensating for something that happened 2 centuries ago.. why don't they ask the descendants of the black slave traders to pay up, then they could take all that money and distribute it among white nations, by way of an apology for AIDS, Lenny Henry, Diane Abbott, and the transformation of all the major cities into filthy fucking violence ruled drug ghettoes. 

No, let them win their case then we can put forward a fucking immense series of compensation claims agains Germany for two worlds wars, I think recompence  should be a Porsche 911 turbo for each family affected by bombing, a BMW M3 for each family affected by rationing and a crate of larger for any commonwealth family whose grandfather was sent over the top only to be cut down in seconds by murderous machine gun fire.  

We could then settle up with the French for 1066 and all that they did after that.  Let’s say they give everyone in England a holiday home in Aquitaine where we belong as rulers.   Maybe stretch to a lifetime supply of finest French wine and cheese for all English people with a good strong Saxon name, so that leaves out any cunt called Keanu, or Mohamed.

No doubt buoyed by our high court ruling for the above we will move onto the fucking Romans.   Those cunts owe us some serious compensation, even if it’s for not building that fucking wall big enough to keep out the sweaty jocks even today.  We should ask for a rebuild, then have every Roman 18 year old girl repay as national service for the sexual services our girls did 2000 years ago. 

Iam working on a claim with Stone Age man and the fucking dinosaurs, but that’s pushing a point a bit.  

Fucking slave claim, 200 years ago, who the fuck are these chip on their shoulder fucking twats.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
On 10/25/2018 at 7:59 PM, Couldn't give a shit said:

Mr Thompson would like our universities to give all their money away so black and "ethnic" students can have a free ride because of something that was abolished 200 years ago.

How about you fuck off and live the life of your ancestors in an ebola infested swamp you ungrateful hypocritical bastard.



I thought he was an Australian pace bowler from the 70s/80s.

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On 10/26/2018 at 10:00 AM, Jiggerycock said:

Another in the seemingly daily parade of fuckwitted grotesques that strut and fret their hour upon the stage of social justice.

Hundred years ago, we'd be down at Colney Hatch, laughing at these nutters. Now we not only give them airtime but credence too.


It’s cunts like the BBC and tabloid shit lazy reporters who choose to give this shit airtime.   Proper journalism died with watergate.  Since then it’s been titilation stories of three in a bed romps with MPs and hookers, Footballers and hookers, Aliens and hookers.  Bus found on the moon and Elvis works at Tescos in Peckham.    The interweb now allows true depth and meaningful stories to be buried behind a thousand million shit comments on the web that cloud every serious event.   Fake news,

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If we are looking at funding University places for a vilified underclass who are completely discriminated against by society, and whose welfare, health and education are dealt with as a complete non-priority by the government, how about we start with white working class boys?

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

If we are looking at funding University places for a vilified underclass who are completely discriminated against by society, and whose welfare, health and education are dealt with as a complete non-priority by the government, how about we start with white working class boys?

Excellent point Decimus! When the heroic Phillip Davies MP has raised this subject in parliamentary debates and during select committee meetings, he has been screamed down by rabid feminists like Jess Phillips and black racists like the odious David Lammy. Their twisted logic dictates that free rides should only be given to wimmin and minorities while white boys from disadvantaged backgrounds should just  fuck off and get an Open university degree, which is completely fucking useless when competing for the same job with somebody who has had their arse wiped at Oxbridge by lefty tutors who give them better marks on essays to display their racial and feminism awareness credentials.


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