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Emily Dawes

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

What a vile, despicable absolute fucking cunt.

I hope she goes ahead with it, then gets caught by an enraged mob of veterans who horse whip her through the streets and stamp her fucking head off of the side of the pavement.

Rare like.  Not enough violence in your offering though.

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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

From what I read I think you’ll find it’s Ghanaian cock she fills her stupid gob with. Just another immature attention seeker. She looks a bit of a mess......is that a dooberry I see hanging from her nose or should I go to Specsavers?

with a bit of luck she'll get anorexia and slip through a drain cover Jewdy

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7 hours ago, Decimus said:

What a vile, despicable absolute fucking cunt.

I hope she goes ahead with it, then gets caught by an enraged mob of veterans who horse whip her through the streets and stamp her fucking head off of the side of the pavement.

I would sew up a particularly hungry rat in her fish vice Deco

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You're a history man. Read 'Wolf of the Plains' by Conn Iggulden. The best version of Genghis Khan's story I've read yet.

I've read the entire conquerer series. Iggulden paces his novels well but there are a lot of inaccuracies in there.

If you haven't already, read his Emperor series. Historically inaccurate in that makes Caesar and Brutus the same age but the stories flow like shit through a laxative junkie.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You're a history man. Read 'Wolf of the Plains' by Conn Iggulden. The best version of Genghis Khan's story I've read yet.

If historical novels are your thing try the grail quest series by Bernard Cornwell who also wrote the Sharpe series. The main character is fictional but is slotted into real life events brilliantly.

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

This cunt is detestable in so many different ways: she's a yank who says "gonna" a lot; she's a vegan; she failed her exams, and is doing this SUSU president thing instead of actually re-sitting them; and (@Jiggerycock) she's very excited about sexual assault. At this point I stopped reading before I punched some cunt, but if anyone else digs out any further gems do let me know.


Excellent research, as always, Mr B but I managed to read it to the end.

Emily is a big fan of gender neutral toilets but you can’t accuse her of lack of awareness :

”the big problem is, you know, people don’t want to be, kind of, using the toilet in front of other people if that’s not what they’re used to.”

Go to the top of the class Emily! But she reassures us

“ gender neutral toilets are, not like, a scary thing. Nothing will really change if you are cisgender.”

So why are you crying about them in the first place you dozy cow?

Emily also wants a “mass water fountain installation” as part of her “push for sustainability.” This is so students can refill their water bottles and save the planet from plastic pollution because they just chuck them all over the shop like the lazy self entitled middle class cunts that they are.

According to Emily you can buy water fountains that count the number of bottles refilled thus “providing crunch sustainability data.”  What she is going to do with this data is never explained but it sounds right fucking clever to me.

This fascinating interview is brought to us by some cunt called Ivan Morris Poxton who “ drinks far too much tea for my own good.”

Fucking hell! If this is the future getting blown to fuck by a Jihadi from Bethnal fucking Green doesn’t seem that bad after all.

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1 minute ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

If historical novels are your thing try the grail quest series by Bernard Cornwell who also wrote the Sharpe series. The main character is fictional but is slotted into real life events brilliantly.

I've read all three, didn't it strike you that Cornwell gave it away halfway through the second book when Thomas went back to Hookton and lobbed the collection dish into the bushes, having already established that the Grail would likely be peasant pottery, and his mad priest father seemed to have been its Vexille custodian?

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53 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've read all three, didn't it strike you that Cornwell gave it away halfway through the second book when Thomas went back to Hookton and lobbed the collection dish into the bushes, having already established that the Grail would likely be peasant pottery, and his mad priest father seemed to have been its Vexille custodian?

Preferred the Sharpe novels and the two ACW novels but couldn't get into the others he wrote. 

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

I don't understand what she actually wants. A new mural that depicts black, burqa-wearing, disabled, gender-fluid lesbians going over the top with rainbow flags sticking out of the ends of their rifles?

They all happen to be white men as they were the poor cunts sent to be slaughtered, just like in every other war this country has fought. 

For equality's sake, I suggest any future draft is formed solely of trannies, dykes, ethnic minorities and feminists. I don't care if we win or lose, just that they all get annihilated so we're rid of the degenerate freaks.



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6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

This cunt is detestable in so many different ways: she's a yank who says "gonna" a lot; she's a vegan; she failed her exams, and is doing this SUSU president thing instead of actually re-sitting them; and (@Jiggerycock) she's very excited about sexual assault. At this point I stopped reading before I punched some cunt, but if anyone else digs out any further gems do let me know.


Her mum Marjorie was a fucking nightmare as well. 

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3 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

It doesn't have any bearing on my life now. I just refuse to let gobshite bogwogs run their mouths off about my country unchecked. 

The Irish love to give history lessons but spit their dummies out when they receive one.

For someone who has the handle of couldn't give a shit..you seem to give very much of a shit ..to me your just another ignoramus whos just too stupid to understand how the world works 


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4 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.

The Irish had been attacking the English coast for hundreds of years sacking towns and taking slaves before the first "invasion" began which was at the behest of an Irish warlord who needed some Norman muscle to do his dirty work for him. Oliver Cromwell gave them a good kicking for unwisely involving themselves in the English civil war and then they tried to put a Catholic on the throne in the run up to the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not for one second suggesting that the British didn't behave like utter cunts at times in Ireland because that would be a lie but it isn't the one way street that the Nationalists would have the world believe.

Ironically, my maternal Grandparents were Catholics from Co Wicklow so genetically I'm half Irish. My Grandfather served in the Free state army in the 1930s but crossed the border and joined the British army in 1940 when Britain and co were getting their arses handed to them by the boche. He served in North Africa, Sicily, crossed with the 3rd Division on D-day, fought all the way to Bremen liberating a couple of concentration camps on the way. 2 days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Eamon De Valera issued EPO 362, a nasty little proclamation which came to be known as the starvation order which barred all members of the free state army who joined the British armed forces from public sector jobs and denied them pensions not to mention the unofficial union blacklists which denied them any meaningful employment. At a social level they were branded as traitors and ostracised often by members of their own families while De Valera and his cronies who slithered into the German Legation to offer condolences on the death of HITLER despite knowledge of the extermination camps being in the public domain was hailed a fucking genius for keeping Ireland out of the war.

On returning home from the war, my grandfather was called a west Brit and a planter (serious insults back in those days) and attacked by 3 men with hatchets outside a pub. They were forced to move to the UK and never went home again, not even for family funerals. Letters that were sent to their siblings were never answered.

The Irish government finally apologised for the starvation order in 2011 when a jew called Alan Shatter became Irish justice minister. It didn't mean much to my grandfather as he had been dead for 13 years.

When I hear the Irish get on their high horse about human rights, stolen land and the what great craic Ireland is I think about my fucking grandfather and what bunch of Hitler loving cowards they're descended from.

I hope this gives you some clarity with regard to my position on this matter dear boy.

Yer ancestor deserted the free state army to join the british army thats why he was blackballed ..if he did the same in the british army he'd have been imprisoned.....he got off lightly ..id have shot the cunt 


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8 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Yer ancestor deserted the free state army to join the british army thats why he was blackballed ..if he did the same in the british army he'd have been imprisoned.....he got off lightly ..id have shot the cunt 


We've all got our own views on history generally passed down and coloured by the attitudes of our forebears. I was brought up in a staunch nationalist household so I was always going to be blinkered when it came to Ireland.

However, the way that the Republic treated those men was absolutely shameful. As soon as the mass genocide of the Nazis became common knowledge, a general amnesty should have been granted at the least, and at the most they should have been celebrated for making a stand whilst the rest of the country cowered in neutrality.

Shame on you.

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This Dawes bint then.

Cleansing history might make you more at ease with your past; but sometimes it is best to be confronted by ALL your history - not just the pleasant bits.

Stand in front of the mural and tell your children the full story - it is a great learning moment.

....or...y'know, grandstand on with glib, zero-calorie phrases that tickle the g-spots of your Trustafarian mates, but actually mark you out as a card-carrying gobshite.

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18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

We've all got our own views on history generally passed down and coloured by the attitudes of our forebears. I was brought up in a staunch nationalist household so I was always going to be blinkered when it came to Ireland.

However, the way that the Republic treated those men was absolutely shameful. As soon as the mass genocide of the Nazis became common knowledge, a general amnesty should have been granted at the least, and at the most they should have been celebrated for making a stand whilst the rest of the country cowered in neutrality.

Shame on you.

Fuck you and your shame ..what the nazis did they learned from you  and yer  expansionist empire tactics..dev knew the kind of cunts that were in whitehall and are still there today ..ireland returned downed allied airmen n sailors..they interned german ones neutral indeed...


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34 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Fuck you and your shame ..what the nazis did they learned from you  and yer  expansionist empire tactics..dev knew the kind of cunts that were in whitehall and are still there today ..ireland returned downed allied airmen n sailors..they interned german ones neutral indeed...


Do you know the history of the "The Stolen Village"? - Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates. Panz.

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54 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Fuck you and your shame ..what the nazis did they learned from you  and yer  expansionist empire tactics..dev knew the kind of cunts that were in whitehall and are still there today ..ireland returned downed allied airmen n sailors..they interned german ones neutral indeed...


While Nazism perfected the concentration camp, none would have been possible without the British Empire, granted. So I've given you a rare like, you vile, angry little cunt.

People are generally the same wherever you go, wouldn't you agree? Today, I'll meet five tossers and three people I might actually like. I'll see nine women I'd like to fuck, as well as several pigs who'll hurt my eyes; it wouldn't matter whether I'm in London, Berlin or Dublin. What a high opinion you appear to have of yourself – all based on your country's outdated bigotry borne from a generation mostly too old to have sex. Get over yourself, you easily-riled, raging little storm of anal discharge. 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
57 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Fuck you and your shame ..what the nazis did they learned from you  and yer  expansionist empire tactics..dev knew the kind of cunts that were in whitehall and are still there today ..ireland returned downed allied airmen n sailors..they interned german ones neutral indeed...


Complete bollocks! Ireland did as it was fucking told. Several communiques sent by Churchill via Viscount Brabourne to Eamon De Valera made it clear that allied servicemen were to be returned or we would come and get them. 

The Germans didn't need any schooling from us as they had already been building an empire prior to WWI. Why don't you read up on the Herero genocide in South West Africa 1904-1907 and then get back to me with some more easily rubutted crap you fucking imbecile. 

As for Dev's judge of character it would appear that he had a blindspot when it came to his best friend, the vile reigious bigot and paedophile John Charles McQuaid who drafted significant passages of your constitution.

Why did dev not put a stop to the mass rape and torture of those poor innocent orphans in Catholic concentration camps like Artane even when the evidence had been put before him? 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've read all three, didn't it strike you that Cornwell gave it away halfway through the second book when Thomas went back to Hookton and lobbed the collection dish into the bushes, having already established that the Grail would likely be peasant pottery, and his mad priest father seemed to have been its Vexille custodian?

All 3? Have you read 1356? That's the fourth novel.

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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Fuck you and your shame ..what the nazis did they learned from you  and yer  expansionist empire tactics..dev knew the kind of cunts that were in whitehall and are still there today ..ireland returned downed allied airmen n sailors..they interned german ones neutral indeed...


Ireland feared a British occupation, any cooperation was hardly altruistic, it was done out of political necessity.

As for equating Nazism with the British Empire, that's a lazy comparison at best, and outright fucking bollocks at worst. There's nothing in the annals of empire that compares in scale to what Germany did during WW2.

Face facts, Ireland sat back and cowered whilst millions of American, Commonwealth and allied soldiers bled to keep Europe, and by extension Ireland, free. The few Irishmen who contributed toward the final victory instead of hiding in Eire should have been rewarded, not vilified.

So yes, shame on you, and shame on your country.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Ireland feared a British occupation, any cooperation was hardly altruistic, it was done out of political necessity.

As for equating Nazism with the British Empire, that's a lazy comparison at best, and outright fucking bollocks at worst. There's nothing in the annals of empire that compares in scale to what Germany did during WW2.

Face facts, Ireland sat back and cowered whilst millions of American, Commonwealth and allied soldiers bled to keep Europe, and by extension Ireland, free. The few Irishmen who contributed toward the final victory instead of hiding in Eire should have been rewarded, not vilified.

So yes, shame on you, and shame on your country.

So its ok to fight for the rights of the poles n the Belgians but trample the rights of the paddys..typical brit logic bollix ..we know what yer like yiz cunts..youll never change..wait till ya see how many mates yiz have when yer pushed out of the club


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