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Emily Dawes

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 minute ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yes well since there's now 17.4 million racists goosestepping their way around this nation, Seig Heiling their way up their own Horst Wessels, it's down to selfless twats like this to do the Audie cunting Murphy bit and lead the resistance.

For the record, I voted for remain purely for future economic reasons but I'm rabidly anti immigration.

I've debated scores of these virtue signalling cretins over the comment sections on youtube and they ALL rage quit with the same nazi/racist name calling sign off.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 minute ago, Panzerknacker said:

Laffin...bunch of hen pecked keyboard warriors ..listen to yerselves..fukkin egits


Keep Laffin Mick. The 2040 plan is right on schedule in Ireland. You're going to wake up at 3am one morning with some Kosovan balls deep in your rectum.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
Just now, Panzerknacker said:

Worry about yerself scummy bootboy


No need Mick. One of the advantages of Brexit is that we won't have immigration policy dictated by corrupt Belgian and even more corrupt civil servents from Ireland who are disproportionately represented in Brussels. Ireland however, will be nothing more than suburban slum used to dump the detritus of the EU forever. Inshallah!

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
20 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Worry about yerself scummy bootboy


But if you're really nice to us we might let you back into the UK then you can have a united Ireland......under the Union Jack!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

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2 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

No need Mick. One of the advantages of Brexit is that we won't have immigration policy dictated by corrupt Belgian and even more corrupt civil servents from Ireland who are disproportionately represented in Brussels. Ireland however, will be nothing more than suburban slum used to dump the detritus of the EU forever. Inshallah!

This is meant with respect, Cgas. Don't you think Irish-borne Anglophobes came about because we invaded their country, and the British-engendered hatred has naturally been passed down through each generation, ending up in Pansy's piss-stenched bedsit?

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

This cunt is detestable in so many different ways: she's a yank who says "gonna" a lot; she's a vegan; she failed her exams, and is doing this SUSU president thing instead of actually re-sitting them; and (@Jiggerycock) she's very excited about sexual assault. At this point I stopped reading before I punched some cunt, but if anyone else digs out any further gems do let me know.


Ivan Morris Poxton

Editor 2018-19 | International Editor 2017/18. Final year Modern History and Politics student from Bedford. Drinks far too much tea for his own good.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

This is meant with respect, Cgas. Don't you think Irish-borne Anglophobes came about because we invaded their country, and the British-engendered hatred has naturally been passed down through each generation, ending up in Pansy's piss-stenched bedsit?

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.

The Irish had been attacking the English coast for hundreds of years sacking towns and taking slaves before the first "invasion" began which was at the behest of an Irish warlord who needed some Norman muscle to do his dirty work for him. Oliver Cromwell gave them a good kicking for unwisely involving themselves in the English civil war and then they tried to put a Catholic on the throne in the run up to the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not for one second suggesting that the British didn't behave like utter cunts at times in Ireland because that would be a lie but it isn't the one way street that the Nationalists would have the world believe.

Ironically, my maternal Grandparents were Catholics from Co Wicklow so genetically I'm half Irish. My Grandfather served in the Free state army in the 1930s but crossed the border and joined the British army in 1940 when Britain and co were getting their arses handed to them by the boche. He served in North Africa, Sicily, crossed with the 3rd Division on D-day, fought all the way to Bremen liberating a couple of concentration camps on the way. 2 days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Eamon De Valera issued EPO 362, a nasty little proclamation which came to be known as the starvation order which barred all members of the free state army who joined the British armed forces from public sector jobs and denied them pensions not to mention the unofficial union blacklists which denied them any meaningful employment. At a social level they were branded as traitors and ostracised often by members of their own families while De Valera and his cronies who slithered into the German Legation to offer condolences on the death of HITLER despite knowledge of the extermination camps being in the public domain was hailed a fucking genius for keeping Ireland out of the war.

On returning home from the war, my grandfather was called a west Brit and a planter (serious insults back in those days) and attacked by 3 men with hatchets outside a pub. They were forced to move to the UK and never went home again, not even for family funerals. Letters that were sent to their siblings were never answered.

The Irish government finally apologised for the starvation order in 2011 when a jew called Alan Shatter became Irish justice minister. It didn't mean much to my grandfather as he had been dead for 13 years.

When I hear the Irish get on their high horse about human rights, stolen land and the what great craic Ireland is I think about my fucking grandfather and what bunch of Hitler loving cowards they're descended from.

I hope this gives you some clarity with regard to my position on this matter dear boy.

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3 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.


Irish Americans are an anathema. Or an enema. They claim some sort of folk memory or spiritual link to their forebears, which in reality is just fanciful bollocks.

British expats are a twatty bunch as well. Exactly when do they decide to start  referring to Britain as 'the UK'? I'd gas them all and their pets.

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17 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.

The Irish had been attacking the English coast for hundreds of years sacking towns and taking slaves before the first "invasion" began which was at the behest of an Irish warlord who needed some Norman muscle to do his dirty work for him. Oliver Cromwell gave them a good kicking for unwisely involving themselves in the English civil war and then they tried to put a Catholic on the throne in the run up to the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not for one second suggesting that the British didn't behave like utter cunts at times in Ireland because that would be a lie but it isn't the one way street that the Nationalists would have the world believe.

Ironically, my maternal Grandparents were Catholics from Co Wicklow so genetically I'm half Irish. My Grandfather served in the Free state army in the 1930s but crossed the border and joined the British army in 1940 when Britain and co were getting their arses handed to them by the boche. He served in North Africa, Sicily, crossed with the 3rd Division on D-day, fought all the way to Bremen liberating a couple of concentration camps on the way. 2 days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Eamon De Valera issued EPO 362, a nasty little proclamation which came to be known as the starvation order which barred all members of the free state army who joined the British armed forces from public sector jobs and denied them pensions not to mention the unofficial union blacklists which denied them any meaningful employment. At a social level they were branded as traitors and ostracised often by members of their own families while De Valera and his cronies who slithered into the German Legation to offer condolences on the death of HITLER despite knowledge of the extermination camps being in the public domain was hailed a fucking genius for keeping Ireland out of the war.

On returning home from the war, my grandfather was called a west Brit and a planter (serious insults back in those days) and attacked by 3 men with hatchets outside a pub. They were forced to move to the UK and never went home again, not even for family funerals. Letters that were sent to their siblings were never answered.

The Irish government finally apologised for the starvation order in 2011 when a jew called Alan Shatter became Irish justice minister. It didn't mean much to my grandfather as he had been dead for 13 years.

When I hear the Irish get on their high horse about human rights, stolen land and the what great craic Ireland is I think about my fucking grandfather and what bunch of Hitler loving cowards they're descended from.

I hope this gives you some clarity with regard to my position on this matter dear boy.


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20 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.

The Irish had been attacking the English coast for hundreds of years sacking towns and taking slaves before the first "invasion" began which was at the behest of an Irish warlord who needed some Norman muscle to do his dirty work for him. Oliver Cromwell gave them a good kicking for unwisely involving themselves in the English civil war and then they tried to put a Catholic on the throne in the run up to the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not for one second suggesting that the British didn't behave like utter cunts at times in Ireland because that would be a lie but it isn't the one way street that the Nationalists would have the world believe.

Ironically, my maternal Grandparents were Catholics from Co Wicklow so genetically I'm half Irish. My Grandfather served in the Free state army in the 1930s but crossed the border and joined the British army in 1940 when Britain and co were getting their arses handed to them by the boche. He served in North Africa, Sicily, crossed with the 3rd Division on D-day, fought all the way to Bremen liberating a couple of concentration camps on the way. 2 days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Eamon De Valera issued EPO 362, a nasty little proclamation which came to be known as the starvation order which barred all members of the free state army who joined the British armed forces from public sector jobs and denied them pensions not to mention the unofficial union blacklists which denied them any meaningful employment. At a social level they were branded as traitors and ostracised often by members of their own families while De Valera and his cronies who slithered into the German Legation to offer condolences on the death of HITLER despite knowledge of the extermination camps being in the public domain was hailed a fucking genius for keeping Ireland out of the war.

On returning home from the war, my grandfather was called a west Brit and a planter (serious insults back in those days) and attacked by 3 men with hatchets outside a pub. They were forced to move to the UK and never went home again, not even for family funerals. Letters that were sent to their siblings were never answered.

The Irish government finally apologised for the starvation order in 2011 when a jew called Alan Shatter became Irish justice minister. It didn't mean much to my grandfather as he had been dead for 13 years.

When I hear the Irish get on their high horse about human rights, stolen land and the what great craic Ireland is I think about my fucking grandfather and what bunch of Hitler loving cowards they're descended from.

I hope this gives you some clarity with regard to my position on this matter dear boy.

The Normans, Oliver Cromwell, Hitler. Not only are you inapplicably citing some of the biggest cunts in history, you're looking back throughout this whole comment – as though it significantly affects your life now. You were born after everything happened. Why not look forward?

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 minute ago, ratcum said:

Irish Americans are an anathema. Or an enema. They claim some sort of folk memory or spiritual link to their forebears, which in reality is just fanciful bollocks.

British expats are a twatty bunch as well. Exactly when do they decide to start  referring to Britain as 'the UK'? I'd gas them all and their pets.

"Irish" Americans are like brainwashed children. I like picking the ones off who think they're Irish but after cross examination turn out to descended from Ulster Scots.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
Just now, Wolfie said:

The Normans, Oliver Cromwell, Hitler. Not only are you inapplicably citing some of the biggest cunts in history, you're looking back throughout this whole comment – as though it significantly affects your life now. You were born after everything happened. Why not look forward?

It doesn't have any bearing on my life now. I just refuse to let gobshite bogwogs run their mouths off about my country unchecked. 

The Irish love to give history lessons but spit their dummies out when they receive one.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The Normans, Oliver Cromwell, Hitler. Not only are you inapplicably citing some of the biggest cunts in history, you're looking back throughout this whole comment – as though it significantly affects your life now. You were born after everything happened. Why not look forward?

If I were to choose a name for someone who successfully invaded us and generally kicked our arses, it wouldn't be Norman.

Or The Normans.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
5 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

These tea-jettisoning ball-bouncing bastards actually chose this logo. What a bunch of cunts.


Did you feel a sense of irony when the Boston marathon was bombed?

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Guest Ollyboro
42 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

That's the Irish nationalist viewpoint peddled by Sinn Fein and thick so called Irish-Americans Wolfie old chap.

The Irish had been attacking the English coast for hundreds of years sacking towns and taking slaves before the first "invasion" began which was at the behest of an Irish warlord who needed some Norman muscle to do his dirty work for him. Oliver Cromwell gave them a good kicking for unwisely involving themselves in the English civil war and then they tried to put a Catholic on the throne in the run up to the Battle of the Boyne.

I'm not for one second suggesting that the British didn't behave like utter cunts at times in Ireland because that would be a lie but it isn't the one way street that the Nationalists would have the world believe.

Ironically, my maternal Grandparents were Catholics from Co Wicklow so genetically I'm half Irish. My Grandfather served in the Free state army in the 1930s but crossed the border and joined the British army in 1940 when Britain and co were getting their arses handed to them by the boche. He served in North Africa, Sicily, crossed with the 3rd Division on D-day, fought all the way to Bremen liberating a couple of concentration camps on the way. 2 days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Eamon De Valera issued EPO 362, a nasty little proclamation which came to be known as the starvation order which barred all members of the free state army who joined the British armed forces from public sector jobs and denied them pensions not to mention the unofficial union blacklists which denied them any meaningful employment. At a social level they were branded as traitors and ostracised often by members of their own families while De Valera and his cronies who slithered into the German Legation to offer condolences on the death of HITLER despite knowledge of the extermination camps being in the public domain was hailed a fucking genius for keeping Ireland out of the war.

On returning home from the war, my grandfather was called a west Brit and a planter (serious insults back in those days) and attacked by 3 men with hatchets outside a pub. They were forced to move to the UK and never went home again, not even for family funerals. Letters that were sent to their siblings were never answered.

The Irish government finally apologised for the starvation order in 2011 when a jew called Alan Shatter became Irish justice minister. It didn't mean much to my grandfather as he had been dead for 13 years.

When I hear the Irish get on their high horse about human rights, stolen land and the what great craic Ireland is I think about my fucking grandfather and what bunch of Hitler loving cowards they're descended from.

I hope this gives you some clarity with regard to my position on this matter dear boy.

You're forgetting that Hitler had a lot of good ideas.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
21 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The Normans, Oliver Cromwell, Hitler. Not only are you inapplicably citing some of the biggest cunts in history, you're looking back throughout this whole comment – as though it significantly affects your life now. You were born after everything happened. Why not look forward?

I should also point out that I'm a bit of a history buff as well which drives the Mrs batshit at times. Lol

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