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Emily Dawes

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

No doubt another SJW who enjoys sucking Somali cock. Burn the slag at the stake in front of the cenotaph then kick the fuck out of her parents for polluting a university with their filthy offspring.


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Guest Queefer

Total and utter fucking cunt - where does she think she is ? Hand her to the Gurkha regiment with instructions to turn her axe wound into a Kukri training ground.  She would doubtless appreciate this multi cultural approach to our problem .

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Guest judgetwi

From what I read I think you’ll find it’s Ghanaian cock she fills her stupid gob with. Just another immature attention seeker. She looks a bit of a mess......is that a dooberry I see hanging from her nose or should I go to Specsavers?

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She originally tweeted that the memorial should be covered over because it depicted white men, ridiculous enough in itself. But made more ridiculous by her apology, which states that she was trying to highlight 'strong female leadership'. These student cunts are all fucking living in an alternative reality where nothing actually makes sense and anything that does must be fascism. 

I hope this cunt in particular receives her comeuppance in the form of bad AIDS, administered by a pack of crack-heads during a particularly violent gang rape.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

What a vile, despicable absolute fucking cunt.

I hope she goes ahead with it, then gets caught by an enraged mob of veterans who horse whip her through the streets and then stamp her fucking head off of the side of the pavement.

I'll be right at the front with a metal sjambok and a strong arm.



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Guest Couldn't give a shit
17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

She originally tweeted that the memorial should be covered over because it depicted white men, ridiculous enough in itself. But made more ridiculous by her apology, which states that she was trying to highlight 'strong female leadership'. These student cunts are all fucking living in an alternative reality where nothing actually makes sense and anything that does must be fascism. 

I hope this cunt in particular receives her comeuppance in the form of bad AIDS, administered by a pack of crack-heads during a particularly violent gang rape.

I had considered a similar punishment but she would take to Twitter after to say how invigorated she felt allowing poor oppressed black men  to defile her impure white body.

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I don't understand what she actually wants. A new mural that depicts black, burqa-wearing, disabled, gender-fluid lesbians going over the top with rainbow flags sticking out of the ends of their rifles?

They all happen to be white men as they were the poor cunts sent to be slaughtered, just like in every other war this country has fought. 

For equality's sake, I suggest any future draft is formed solely of trannies, dykes, ethnic minorities and feminists. I don't care if we win or lose, just that they all get annihilated so we're rid of the degenerate freaks.


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Guest Queefer
24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't understand what she actually wants. A new mural that depicts black, burqa-wearing, disabled, gender-fluid lesbians going over the top with rainbow flags sticking out of the ends of their rifles?

They all happen to be white men as they were the poor cunts sent to be slaughtered, just like in every other war this country has fought. 

For equality's sake, I suggest any future draft is formed solely of trannies, dykes, ethnic minorities and feminists. I don't care if we win or lose, just that they all get annihilated so we're rid of the degenerate freaks.



Excellent plan - let's raise the batallions now: 

Queens Own Dodgy Dressers( Mounted Regiment) The Right-on Fusiliers, Royal Ass Force, Duchess of Cornwall's Rug Munchers, The Leyton Mosqueteers , The Eat Out Rifles, Para- Cute Regiment, The Wank Regiment , HMS Windrush , 

All these front line forces will be armed with transparent feathers and fuck all else. 

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Guest 'eavensabove

Give it a few years, and she'll be Corbyn's Home Secretary, or the Banksy equivalent of slag-chops Tracy Emin.  

Before I write the bitch off entirely, what did her finished artwork look like?   I mean, let's face it the mural was a right load of fucking old shite. A bit of an eyesore if you ask me, and hardly representational of the subject matter. The perspective is all askew too and the choice of colour is all over the shop. It's certainly the work of an amateur who has very little pallet knife or brush skills, and  fucking hopeless at portraying hands, and who the fuck would paint the Gatwick Express train at a standstill at Clapham Junction in the background?  


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Guest judgetwi
15 minutes ago, Queefer said:


Excellent plan - let's raise the batallions now: 

Queens Own Dodgy Dressers( Mounted Regiment) The Right-on Fusiliers, Royal Ass Force, Duchess of Cornwall's Rug Munchers, The Leyton Mosqueteers , The Eat Out Rifles, Para- Cute Regiment, The Wank Regiment , HMS Windrush , 

All these front line forces will be armed with transparent feathers and fuck all else. 

........and an elite Special Forces unit, The Grenfell Claimants Brigade.

They disguise themselves as the enemy, tell them a sob story and steal all their money.

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7 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Times have changed. I for one wholeheartedly agree that women and non-whites should be seen as equals and be sent off to fight in the next war. Right on sister! I'll stay here and do the cooking, cleaning and ironing.

I wouldn't worry, Drew. No military in the world would be desperate enough to call up a 4'11 little bald weasel with chronic alcoholism and sixteen toes.

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This cunt is detestable in so many different ways: she's a yank who says "gonna" a lot; she's a vegan; she failed her exams, and is doing this SUSU president thing instead of actually re-sitting them; and (@Jiggerycock) she's very excited about sexual assault. At this point I stopped reading before I punched some cunt, but if anyone else digs out any further gems do let me know.


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Guest Couldn't give a shit
29 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

This cunt is detestable in so many different ways: she's a yank who says "gonna" a lot; she's a vegan; she failed her exams, and is doing this SUSU president thing instead of actually re-sitting them; and (@Jiggerycock) she's very excited about sexual assault. At this point I stopped reading before I punched some cunt, but if anyone else digs out any further gems do let me know.


How about this little ditty....

"You know, I don’t know whether you know, obviously we are a largely sort of white campus, and most of our international students come from China, Malaysia and Asia, and then apart from those two big groups, we’re not very diverse, and I think we need to make sure our communities of colour know that they’re being supported when it comes to Brexit".

Brexit has fuck all to do with Asia and for somebody who studies physics she appears to have a problem with basic mathematics as this is an overwhelmingly white country where it's highly fucking likely that white people will make up the majority on campus.

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39 minutes ago, Queefer said:

There's a lot of mirrors in St Andrews and Blackfriars. Your two halves of Poringland Piss Flap Porter are playing tricks on you, Cunty

There's a grand total of zero mirrors in The Halls. You're probably thinking of the highly reflective finish on the stair lift down to the cloisters that you undoubtedly use, you spazmoid.

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15 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

How about this little ditty....

"You know, I don’t know whether you know, obviously we are a largely sort of white campus, and most of our international students come from China, Malaysia and Asia, and then apart from those two big groups, we’re not very diverse, and I think we need to make sure our communities of colour know that they’re being supported when it comes to Brexit".

Brexit has fuck all to do with Asia and for somebody who studies physics she appears to have a problem with basic mathematics as this is an overwhelmingly white country where it's highly fucking likely that white people will make up the majority on campus.

Yes well since there's now 17.4 million racists goosestepping their way around this nation, Seig Heiling their way up their own Horst Wessels, it's down to selfless twats like this to do the Audie cunting Murphy bit and lead the resistance.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

For equality's sake, I suggest any future draft is formed solely of trannies, dykes, ethnic minorities and feminists. I don't care if we win or lose, just that they all get annihilated so we're rid of the degenerate freaks.


You're forgetting the male offspring of rich degenerates, and entitled rich slags at private schools like Eton, Harrow etc. fuck 'em all off the inbred cunts.

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