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Local and regional radio.....what the fuck for?

Guest N/A

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Now I do still believe there is still a place in the media and entertainment for RADIO.    Although it’s something from the Stone Age and we don’t all still sit around the bacolite set listening to the transmitions  from Alli Palli.  Millions still do tune in to a friendly voice or a magic moment of music.  I personally have it tuned in the car to talk sport, and there is a place for this in the car.

However, what is the fucking point of radio warwickshire and all its associated shit local radio stations around the cuntry.   Who the fuck tunes into yesterday’s hits today on Chorley FM. Cumming in your ears.  

There are hundreds of these shit local radio stations dotted around the place serving absolutely no function whatsoever.    Even my Grandad watched CNN for his news, my mother in law uses an iPad.   Listening figures for these local stations must be lucky to reach double figures these days.

Shut the cunts down and save in BBC license fee.  Wasteful cunts.

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6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

 I personally have it tuned in the car to talk sport, and there is a place for this in the car.

Sadly this admission alone makes you a bit of a dick, MC. Talk sport is a godawful station in the fine Rupert Murdoch tradition of aiming just below the lowest common denominator. Beloved by yobbo gum-chewing van drivers everywhere, basically the content is this; washed up men drone on about a game they are all too fat or too thick to know much about anymore. That fat bastard Alan Brazil bends over for the betting industry every morning with his tales of largesse in the Champagne tent at Lingfield, finished with a knowing wink down the microphone about his journey home, a cheap trick for a convicted drink driver. Then some other talentless cunt waxes lyrical about Ronaldo for an hour while blokes called Gaz ring in between signing on and their first boiler repair to declare him either an overrated poof or invite him round to shag their wife. Their Sri Lankan cricket coverage was shouty, stupid, and utter garbage. I managed about twenty minutes before my ears bled in protest at Darren Gough. I’d gladly pay the licence fee for TMS alone, which for all its cake metaphors and public school nonsense, at least treats the audience like adults. 


6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Who the fuck tunes into yesterday’s hits today on Chorley FM. Cumming in your ears.

And “bit of a dick” is sadly confirmed with the mangled quoting of Peter Kay, hero to gobshite office Colins in loud shirts everywhere. Garlic Bread, you cunt? Try an original thought and fuck off. 

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It's the 'death by a thousand cuts' to mass-media.

So if you're that fun-size section of the Venn Diagram that has their world rocked mightily by Bhangra / Funk / Death Metal crossover, why there's a radio station out there that caters just for you - probably, and since all you need is the technology not the talent to put your (non) thoughts out to awaiting world (I mean, Exhibit A - this website) then you and the one other John Peel wannabee in the world that inhabits your ghetto, can get your FM jollies playing at each other until the DAT tape runs out.

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Guest Queefer
6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Now I do still believe there is still a place in the media and entertainment for RADIO.    Although it’s something from the Stone Age and we don’t all still sit around the bacolite set listening to the transmitions  from Alli Palli.  Millions still do tune in to a friendly voice or a magic moment of music.  I personally have it tuned in the car to talk sport, and there is a place for this in the car.

However, what is the fucking point of radio warwickshire and all its associated shit local radio stations around the cuntry.   Who the fuck tunes into yesterday’s hits today on Chorley FM. Cumming in your ears.  

There are hundreds of these shit local radio stations dotted around the place serving absolutely no function whatsoever.    Even my Grandad watched CNN for his news, my mother in law uses an iPad.   Listening figures for these local stations must be lucky to reach double figures these days.

Shut the cunts down and save in BBC license fee.  Wasteful cunts.

Agreed -  pointless drivelling Smashey and Nicey parodies wombling on about cats up trees and leaves on lines. Just listen to the sad twats who phone in to these stations - who actually gives a shite what "Doris from Hempnall" thinks about anything. Should all be machine gunned to improve the gene pool.

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2 hours ago, Queefer said:

Agreed -  pointless drivelling Smashey and Nicey parodies wombling on about cats up trees and leaves on lines. Just listen to the sad twats who phone in to these stations - who actually gives a shite what "Doris from Hempnall" thinks about anything. Should all be machine gunned to improve the gene pool.

I agree if you stretch the machine gunning to all listeners. 

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Sadly this admission alone makes you a bit of a dick, MC. Talk sport is a godawful station in the fine Rupert Murdoch tradition of aiming just below the lowest common denominator. Beloved by yobbo gum-chewing van drivers everywhere, basically the content is this; washed up men drone on about a game they are all too fat or too thick to know much about anymore. That fat bastard Alan Brazil bends over for the betting industry every morning with his tales of largesse in the Champagne tent at Lingfield, finished with a knowing wink down the microphone about his journey home, a cheap trick for a convicted drink driver. Then some other talentless cunt waxes lyrical about Ronaldo for an hour while blokes called Gaz ring in between signing on and their first boiler repair to declare him either an overrated poof or invite him round to shag their wife. Their Sri Lankan cricket coverage was shouty, stupid, and utter garbage. I managed about twenty minutes before my ears bled in protest at Darren Gough. I’d gladly pay the licence fee for TMS alone, which for all its cake metaphors and public school nonsense, at least treats the audience like adults. 


And “bit of a dick” is sadly confirmed with the mangled quoting of Peter Kay, hero to gobshite office Colins in loud shirts everywhere. Garlic Bread, you cunt? Try an original thought and fuck off. 

I agree talk spurt is a radio station full of bobbers, but it’s like being on here.  There is a diverse number of opinions, most of which are utter bollocks and characters that are on the radio and on here that one simply hates.    But that’s what drives the debate.   There is no debate without two sides.   If I was to agree with everything You, Ape, or Punkers said it would be boring.

I do agree that talk spurt is a pile of shit but I acknowledge it has a place when driving the car.  I never listen to the radio in the home and I cannot see the point of Local Radio at all.  That’s even lower down the food chain.

So I agree but you can fuck off all the same.

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Sadly this admission alone makes you a bit of a dick, MC. Talk sport is a godawful station in the fine Rupert Murdoch tradition of aiming just below the lowest common denominator. Beloved by yobbo gum-chewing van drivers everywhere, basically the content is this; washed up men drone on about a game they are all too fat or too thick to know much about anymore. That fat bastard Alan Brazil bends over for the betting industry every morning with his tales of largesse in the Champagne tent at Lingfield, finished with a knowing wink down the microphone about his journey home, a cheap trick for a convicted drink driver. Then some other talentless cunt waxes lyrical about Ronaldo for an hour while blokes called Gaz ring in between signing on and their first boiler repair to declare him either an overrated poof or invite him round to shag their wife. Their Sri Lankan cricket coverage was shouty, stupid, and utter garbage. I managed about twenty minutes before my ears bled in protest at Darren Gough. I’d gladly pay the licence fee for TMS alone, which for all its cake metaphors and public school nonsense, at least treats the audience like adults. 


And “bit of a dick” is sadly confirmed with the mangled quoting of Peter Kay, hero to gobshite office Colins in loud shirts everywhere. Garlic Bread, you cunt? Try an original thought and fuck off. 

Do they have the Doncaster Belles 2nd Eleven left back, talking about how she'd deal with the surging runs of Mexican ace Carlos Divesalot?

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