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Lee Furlong the dirty scouse binrat.

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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9 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Phew, Pen's come to the rescue. Frank must feel mightily relieved to have such a skilled wordsmith holding the fort. I once had a similar feeling when my little terrier put himself between me and 20 charging bullocks.

This isn't taking you anywhere Wobbles. Why not try humour or irony?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
2 hours ago, Lord Punkape said:

What the bollocks is your avatar now ?

Is it a plate of sun-dried tomatoes fit for a simpering, vegan ponce ?


Its streaky bacon you blind moron. You really look fucking stupid now.

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2 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Involved?  I'm solely responsible for his demise, you idiotic Buffoon.  I've played that cunt like a catfish on a pole since day he got shat out by the mongrels that begat him.  As for you, you'll never be half the man that his mother was. 

If you believe that then your delusions make you more unhinged than I previously thought. I did warn you about your behaviour nearly a month ago. Your ego has rather played you into the Mod Q.

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12 hours ago, Frank said:

'Guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poop'. You've been played like a fiddle, Eric.. and I'm not talking about my mathematical skills.



12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Oh, you were just setting a trap. 

That's what MC always says.

Thick cunt.

You're both fucking morons. Roops is clearly all too happy to step in here and widen the void between the two of you, because she fears the ultimate cunting perfection you would both accomplish in the event of an alliance.

Just think about it - you've got Eric - founder of FlidSpack, a punter who showed up and was originally universally despised as an overly sensitive flower, yet became accepted as one of the most popular people on here through his sheer volume of posts and ability to adapt quickly to the ways of the corner. 

Then there's Frank - an old, nasty, relentless bastard, who won't hesitate to exploit any vulnerability made public. A master manipulator who will shamelessly dance like an absolute spacker on camera and blatantly refuse any requests made by his critics to fuck off.

If the pair of you stopped bitching at each other like grumpy old women in a nursing home with bleeding haemorrhoids arguing over the last Annusol suppository and focused your collective powers on a single target they wouldn't stand a chance.  

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm genuinely quite sad to be witnessing the end of an era on this thread.

It's been uncomfortable viewing from the get go, Frank in the role of a ponderous old lion, getting ripped to pieces by a pack of young cubs who represent the current future of the site.

Nobody likes to see a former champion fade away whilst desperately attempting to cling on to past glories, so I sincerely hope that Frank doesn't return tonight to take part in his own Ali-Berbick 1981 embarrassment.

Let it go you old cunt, you're finished here.


From what I've read of posts previous to my tenure, he was finished when you signed up. 

I've grown weary of the washed up faggot fashionista, I think I'll let 'Eavens play with him for a while.

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48 minutes ago, Roadkill said:


You're both fucking morons. Roops is clearly all too happy to step in here and widen the void between the two of you, because she fears the ultimate cunting perfection you would both accomplish in the event of an alliance.

Just think about it - you've got Eric - founder of FlidSpack, a punter who showed up and was originally universally despised as an overly sensitive flower, yet became accepted as one of the most popular people on here through his sheer volume of posts and ability to adapt quickly to the ways of the corner. 

Then there's Frank - an old, nasty, relentless bastard, who won't hesitate to exploit any vulnerability made public. A master manipulator who will shamelessly dance like an absolute spacker on camera and blatantly refuse any requests made by his critics to fuck off.

If the pair of you stopped bitching at each other like grumpy old women in a nursing home with bleeding haemorrhoids arguing over the last Annusol suppository and focused your collective powers on a single target they wouldn't stand a chance.  

Listen, you brown ale guzzling Northumbrian pagan, I don't need you to tell me I'm a moron.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

The oft repeated fallacy is that I only ever reach the dizzy heights of the top of the leaderboard after being topped up by members of the so-called clique.

I can't remember the last time Bill or Bubble dished out more than six likes between them over the period of a week, everything I have is non-clique related.

Eric and Wolfie are flying high, mainly due to a mutual reciprocation of likes exchanged during your complete destruction. 

I don't know what else I can do other than a exchange shit puns until 3am in the morning, humour gyppo, or beg those useless cunts from the clique to hold up their end of the bargain.



Exchanging shit puns isn't to be underestimated. Anyway, further to the AIDS faggot's attempt at driving a wedge between the sites top performers, I have awarded a like to the above. His insinuation of tactical like withholding is absurd. You and I have always awarded mutually when deserved. Even when we've been at war for the top spot. That's the kind of honourable cunting that the slimy, resentful has-been will never understand.


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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

The oft repeated fallacy is that I only ever reach the dizzy heights of the top of the leaderboard after being topped up by members of the so-called clique.

I can't remember the last time Bill or Bubble dished out more than six likes between them over the period of a week, everything I have is non-clique related.

Eric and Wolfie are flying high, mainly due to a mutual reciprocation of likes exchanged during your complete destruction. 

I don't know what else I can do other than a exchange shit puns until 3am in the morning, humour gyppo, or beg those useless cunts from the clique to hold up their end of the bargain.



Don't bring me into all this bollocks Decs. I couldn't give a fuck what Frank does. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

If you believe that then your delusions make you more unhinged than I previously thought. I did warn you about your behaviour nearly a month ago. Your ego has rather played you into the Mod Q.

Fuck me! How much does frank donate to acquire this level of protection? I may be wrong but I don't think frank ever received any kind of reprimand for making disgusting comments about Mrs Ape, on 2 occasions recently. A far more direct contravention than my subtle inference, which I'm not denying was intended as you interpreted. I really don't want to get into a pointless argument over this but come on, the double standard isn't something that only I've noticed.

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4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck me! How much does frank donate to acquire this level of protection? I may be wrong but I don't think frank ever received any kind of reprimand for making disgusting comments about Mrs Ape, on 2 occasions recently. A far more direct contravention than my subtle inference, which I'm not denying was intended as you interpreted. I really don't want to get into a pointless argument over this but come on, the double standard isn't something that only I've noticed.

In real life, Mrs Ape would easily be able to kick the living shit out of the weedy little faggot.

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