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EU project fear bollocks again!

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51 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:


Stibbly. For 10 years I have flown the Union Jack and the Tricolour side by side at Chez Withers. That said for the last year the Jack has flown at half mast, to reflect this sorry mess. Yesterday a wood pigeon flew over and deposited a load of blackberry shite right down it.  I sincerely hope it is not an omen. To be honest,  I cried.

Wither's you do have to be honest and admit that beyond your dreadful medical traumas those "seams of comedy" are simply not there.

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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:


Stibbly. For 10 years I have flown the Union Jack and the Tricolour side by side at Chez Withers. That said for the last year the Jack has flown at half mast, to reflect this sorry mess. Yesterday a wood pigeon flew over and deposited a load of blackberry shite right down it.  I sincerely hope it is not an omen. To be honest,  I cried.

Being a plastic froggie, I'm surprised you didn't shoot the poor cunt, stuff a selection of smaller birds up it arse and drown it in garlic and call it fine cuisine. With any luck an Ebola plagued boat will make fall on the French Riviera.


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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Being a plastic froggie, I'm surprised you didn't shoot the poor cunt, stuff a selection of smaller birds up it arse and drown it in garlic and call it fine cuisine. With any luck an Ebola plagued boat will make fall on the French Riviera.


Ebola en Croute has a certain piquancy seldom seen outside of France, Stubbs.  Their cuisine is the sole reason as to why they are a weak and feeble nation.  From Joan of Arc to Sacha Distel, each and all failed miserably as with like those of today. Why, the daffy cunts carn't even speek propar. 

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only thing that this dirty French cunt stuffs up any birds arse is his cheesy little Camembert stinking maggot.

I'd suggest you put a sock in it boy. If every cunt lived with such a wanton regard for planet earth as your cretinous self, your manor will be 2 foot under water within the next decade. Turn off the lights or learn to swim because the rest of the UK don't want you. 

Would create a fantastic area for wading birds however.


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Guest killemall

how can the beeb be trusted on anything regarding brexit, the cunts have received millions in donations from the eu so of course they never have anything positive to say on brexit ,bastard cunting liberal elitist fuckers need infecting with ebola ,every last one of them.

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31 minutes ago, killemall said:

how can the beeb be trusted on anything regarding brexit, the cunts have received millions in donations from the eu so of course they never have anything positive to say on brexit ,bastard cunting liberal elitist fuckers need infecting with ebola ,every last one of them.

Hi killem..you sound like a complete fukkin idiot..what you like about the brexit then..not that it matters but go on anyway 


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Guest killemall
9 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Hi killem..you sound like a complete fukkin idiot..what you like about the brexit then..not that it matters but go on anyway 


well i don`t like the fact that faceless cunts in brussels can change the laws of our country & we can do nothing about it, also for once our useless shitpile of politicians have the chance to actually do a decent days work & actually produce a decent deal for us & the rest of europe if they can stop their childish squabbling & do a bit of work for a change. the media only portrays doom & gloom & never offers anything positive on the matter.lets be fair pretty much most of europe is totally fucked ,huge unemployment in places like spain & italy, these bankrupt economies are only staying in the eu to get bailed out.

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7 minutes ago, killemall said:

well i don`t like the fact that faceless cunts in brussels can change the laws of our country & we can do nothing about it, also for once our useless shitpile of politicians have the chance to actually do a decent days work & actually produce a decent deal for us & the rest of europe if they can stop their childish squabbling & do a bit of work for a change. the media only portrays doom & gloom & never offers anything positive on the matter.lets be fair pretty much most of europe is totally fucked ,huge unemployment in places like spain & italy, these bankrupt economies are only staying in the eu to get bailed out.

What laws were changed that ya feel oppressed by and what kinda deal ya want from the eurotyrants


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Guest killemall

the human rights law for one, favours the criminal not the victim.in terms of deals, well i expect the eu will want to punish us & no doubt will cut off it`s nose to spite it`s face.i dont think we deserve any special treatment, but as rodney said, can`t we all get along?i don`t see why we should be punished either, it`s an opportunity to do things differently .i don`t listen to the press which is just lefty pc london obsessed & just sticks to it`s libtard agenda & will not entertain there can be some benefits for us.

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37 minutes ago, killemall said:

the human rights law for one, favours the criminal not the victim.in terms of deals, well i expect the eu will want to punish us & no doubt will cut off it`s nose to spite it`s face.i dont think we deserve any special treatment, but as rodney said, can`t we all get along?i don`t see why we should be punished either, it`s an opportunity to do things differently .i don`t listen to the press which is just lefty pc london obsessed & just sticks to it`s libtard agenda & will not entertain there can be some benefits for us.

The presumption of innocence is a corner stone of the law in a democratic civilised country ..most of what you see as European interferences are things that can be fixed by the sitting government ..our lot used to blame Europe on a lot of our unpopular laws n taxes ..all that changed after you voted to leave ..your leaving has had some benefits to how Europe is viewed and has opened up debate on how it deals with immigration and the trafficking across the med..we've no problem with the movement of eu citizen's..we do have a problem with importing the third world ..yer enemies are closer to home 


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Guest killemall
7 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The presumption of innocence is a corner stone of the law in a democratic civilised country ..most of what you see as European interferences are things that can be fixed by the sitting government ..our lot used to blame Europe on a lot of our unpopular laws n taxes ..all that changed after you voted to leave ..your leaving has had some benefits to how Europe is viewed and has opened up debate on how it deals with immigration and the trafficking across the med..we've no problem with the movement of eu citizen's..we do have a problem with importing the third world ..yer enemies are closer to home 


who said i voted?also i made no mention of immigration at all?are you a millenialist by chance brought up listening to the bbc agenda driven home throughout school & university ? i like to have original thought & grew up questioning why the bbc news was always so one sided?i can see from other members you have a very strong opinion on this matter.honestly i can`t stand politicians & from what i have seen eu politicians are even more freeloading than our own useless shower.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, killemall said:

who said i voted?also i made no mention of immigration at all?are you a millenialist by chance brought up listening to the bbc agenda driven home throughout school & university ? i like to have original thought & grew up questioning why the bbc news was always so one sided?i can see from other members you have a very strong opinion on this matter.honestly i can`t stand politicians & from what i have seen eu politicians are even more freeloading than our own useless shower.

Greetings Killermanjaro. You show some promise, however Panza is no true mentalist. He's just Irish. 

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44 minutes ago, killemall said:

who said i voted?also i made no mention of immigration at all?are you a millenialist by chance brought up listening to the bbc agenda driven home throughout school & university ? i like to have original thought & grew up questioning why the bbc news was always so one sided?i can see from other members you have a very strong opinion on this matter.honestly i can`t stand politicians & from what i have seen eu politicians are even more freeloading than our own useless shower.

Deny it all ya like but the vote was won on the percieved arrival of  tides of duskies ..That will still come after march 2018..children of the empire and visas for trade deals and such


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Guest judgetwi

What about all the sleb Taxdodgers who will be leaving, as they have promised to do? How can we live without those fucking parasites?

As for Panzyboy, has anyone considered the possibility that he might be Sir Bob  Goboff or Bonio during their more lucid periods?

Either way all three of them can keep their foreign fucking noses out of our business.


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14 hours ago, killemall said:

the human rights law for one, favours the criminal not the victim.in terms of deals, well i expect the eu will want to punish us & no doubt will cut off it`s nose to spite it`s face.i dont think we deserve any special treatment, but as rodney said, can`t we all get along?i don`t see why we should be punished either, it`s an opportunity to do things differently .i don`t listen to the press which is just lefty pc london obsessed & just sticks to it`s libtard agenda & will not entertain there can be some benefits for us.

"Human Rights Law" is in fact 18 articles and conventions agreed by way of international treaty between the 47 member Council of Europe. The laws are enforced by the European Court of Human Rights and is separate from the 28 member European Union and the European Court of Justice.

@Panzerknacker is a butt-hurt Anglophobe who has belatedly realised that the Emerald Isle is merely a prefecture of the United States of Europe in all but name.

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