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Wankers who support footballist teams hundreds of miles away

Stubby Pecker

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59 minutes ago, Viscount Ross of Albert said:

How many different EPL shirts do you have?


57 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

Tim Stubby has got dozens of them.


55 minutes ago, Viscount Ross of Albert said:

I've watched him buying them.

"They're for my nephew" he said to the sales lass.


53 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

You fancy me don't you Tim?

Here we go again. Schizo pen and her gang of one.... 

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Guest Ollyboro

I once had an argument with a Boro born and bred Liverpool fan. I asked him which club his mates supported. All of them supported Boro. So I put the following scenario to him: Liverpool are at the Riverside and he and his mates are jumped  by a bunch of thieving scouse wankers. Who does he fight with? "Er... depends if it was over football", was his weak as piss reply.

Having a successful football club provides a town, or city, a direct financial boost. So by supporting a team miles away a cunt is putting the success of that town above their own. Any northerner supporting Arsenal, or Spurs-or even worse Ch*lsea- is the worst kind of footballing Uncle Tom. Fuck me there 's the odd cunt wandering around Middlesbrough in a Ch*lsea top. Fucking Ch*lsea. These are the wankers who tried to smash the entire town up in 1988(although, to be fair, it did double the house prices). The fans of these clubs look down on northerners and always have done. And London-based cunts who support Manure, or Victimpool are supporting clubs from areas they actively put down and who despise them in return. It's the worst kind of bandwagon jumping and the perpetrators should be corralled into a disused quarry filled with festering shit. Miles away from their homes.

Edited by Ollyboro
Throbbing erection (my own) causing lack of focus
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On the other hand.....

It's not Victorian England anymore and there is now geographical mobility.

So whose the more loyal / committed supporter?

Some fat cunt who rolls out of his wanking chariot an hour before kick off and who can be home and in the pub before they turn the floodlights off?

Or someone spending a fortune on petrol, Ginsters pies at Toddington Service Station and being driven batshit mental by the on-going road works around Keele, just so you can see the latest bunch of 'jailhouse tattoos and dopey haircut' mercenaries wearing your team's shirt, miss a hatful of sitters at Stamford Bridge?

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7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Round here we have kids walking around in Barcelona and Real Madrid tops. The nearest these little fuckers have been to Spain is Saarfend on sea. And what's with these cunts wearing the Brazil national top? 

Fuck knows. But if they were walking round in German national tops, they would probably be arrested for right wing terrorism.

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21 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Round here we have kids walking around in Barcelona and Real Madrid tops. The nearest these little fuckers have been to Spain is Saarfend on sea. And what's with these cunts wearing the Brazil national top? 

While on the subject of all things Brazilian, I'd imagine its national football shirt fits you differently based on whether you've had your back waxed.  


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Guest Ollyboro
33 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

On the other hand.....

It's not Victorian England anymore and there is now geographical mobility.

So whose the more loyal / committed supporter?

Some fat cunt who rolls out of his wanking chariot an hour before kick off and who can be home and in the pub before they turn the floodlights off?

Or someone spending a fortune on petrol, Ginsters pies at Toddington Service Station and being driven batshit mental by the on-going road works around Keele, just so you can see the latest bunch of 'jailhouse tattoos and dopey haircut' mercenaries wearing your team's shirt, miss a hatful of sitters at Stamford Bridge?

Nowt to do with being a loyal and committed supporter. It's about the pathetic neediness which drives glory boy fans to jump on a more successful bandwagon. Yes, there are people who might have have moved to another area at a young age, whose family have supported a club for generations, in which case that's fair enough. I doubt these people make up 5% of the type of fan we're talking about. 

So when they start playing Premiership games at 6am GMT, in Beijing, or wherever, presumably you'll have nothing to complain about? Since it doesn't matter where fans are from, or where clubs are based,and these Chinese fans are fans too. In fact let's get rid of names that identify where a Club's based and call the teams The Warriors, or The Panthers. 

Edited by Ollyboro
Anothe throbbing erection (my own) causing lack of focus
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17 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

Nowt to do with being a loyal and committed supporter. It's about the pathetic neediness which drives glory boy fans to jump on a more successful bandwagon. Yes, there are people who might have have moved to another area at a young age, whose family have supported a club for generations, in which case that's fair enough. I doubt these people make up 5% of the type of fan we're talking about. 

So when they start playing Premiership games at 6am GMT, in Beijing, or wherever, presumably you'll have nothing to complain about? Since it doesn't matter where fans are from, or where clubs are based,and these Chinese fans are fans too. In fact let's get rid of names that identify where a Club's based and call the teams The Warriors, or The Panthers. 

Fair points but that horse has bolted years ago.

What you're talking about tis the logical extension of dopey staggered kick-off times and the very mooting about playing one game a season abroad somewhere.

And yes, I was talking about your notional '5% of fans' - right back at you with the 95% of 'holier than thou' phone in callers who think they're the bedrock of fandom even though they don't have to plan their entire weekend around the logistics of seeing their team play at home.

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Guest Ollyboro
35 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I wish I was one of these wankers, it would have saved me 32 years of having to watch Norwich do absolutely fuck all.

Oh to have been born in Munich. Fair enough it would have meant being a mullet sporting kraut with a massive dose of ancestral guilt, but I'd have seen my country win fuck knows how many tournaments and my club win trophies every fucking year. Still, I've always got England's 1997 Tournoi triumph and Boro's 2004 League Cup to cling on to.

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1 hour ago, Ollyboro said:

Nowt to do with being a loyal and committed supporter. It's about the pathetic neediness which drives glory boy fans to jump on a more successful bandwagon. Yes, there are people who might have have moved to another area at a young age, whose family have supported a club for generations, in which case that's fair enough. I doubt these people make up 5% of the type of fan we're talking about. 

So when they start playing Premiership games at 6am GMT, in Beijing, or wherever, presumably you'll have nothing to complain about? Since it doesn't matter where fans are from, or where clubs are based,and these Chinese fans are fans too. In fact let's get rid of names that identify where a Club's based and call the teams The Warriors, or The Panthers. 

Warriors? Dunno, their fans are hard bastards

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2 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Oh to have been born in Munich. Fair enough it would have meant being a mullet sporting kraut with a massive dose of ancestral guilt, but I'd have seen my country win fuck knows how many tournaments and my club win trophies every fucking year. Still, I've always got England's 1997 Tournoi triumph and Boro's 2004 League Cup to cling on to.

You'd have seen a good plane crash too

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Oh to have been born in Munich. Fair enough it would have meant being a mullet sporting kraut with a massive dose of ancestral guilt, but I'd have seen my country win fuck knows how many tournaments and my club win trophies every fucking year. Still, I've always got England's 1997 Tournoi triumph and Boro's 2004 League Cup to cling on to.

All we need now is For Applescruff to turn up and...I'll omit the rest.  

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23 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Granted football is for irons and is the sport with the least honour, but fuck me sideways, just because some bunch of northern cunts were half decent 20 years ago doesn't mean it should dominate your life. Any twat wearing a premier league football shirt within a 50 mile radius of glos should be beaten to death by a pack of neo nazi drunks who spend their Saturday afternoons supporting their local 4th tier side.

What are your thoughts about The Democratic Football Lads Alliance Tim?

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On 9/16/2018 at 9:59 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

It's long been rumoured that Manchester Utd plan to build a new stadium near London so that their fans can get to matches more easily.

Nope that’s simply not true, they just share the train up with the Tottenham fans.  They all have half and half Man U scarfs.

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