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Mark Carney House Price slump fear monger

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13 hours ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

You are done .. I can't wait until Stubby is back from his Shrub Jays to finish you off.

This time last year, when you were still pretending to be an octogenarian woman, I'd have launched into a weapons grade cunting along the lines of "the last time you finished something off it was a dozen GI's in Southampton docks as they waited to set sail for operation overlord" However, as you've now settled on the persona of trainspotter I'd not let my kids (or any other cunts) go within 10 miles of, I'll just use the CC SOP of telling you fuck off and drink bleach.


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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This time last year, when you were still pretending to be an octogenarian woman, I'd have launched into a weapons grade cunting along the lines of "the last time you finished something off it was a dozen GI's in Southampton docks as they waited to set sail for operation overlord" However, as you've now settled on the persona of trainspotter I'd not let my kids (or any other cunts) go within 10 miles of, I'll just use the CC SOP of telling you fuck off and drink bleach.


I'm only 93 Stubby 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This time last year, when you were still pretending to be an octogenarian woman, I'd have launched into a weapons grade cunting along the lines of "the last time you finished something off it was a dozen GI's in Southampton docks as they waited to set sail for operation overlord" However, as you've now settled on the persona of trainspotter I'd not let my kids (or any other cunts) go within 10 miles of, I'll just use the CC SOP of telling you fuck off and drink bleach.


Stubbs, it's a waste of good CC protocol.  If you pay a visit to this site, any time of day or night and do not log in, you're going to see the no life no mark fucking cunt here.  Clearly no job, no fucking purpose in life, and no fucking hope.  Sad is an understatement. But the fucking mong keeps on trying to bait us into a pointless exchange of utter drivel that only he and fucking Frank can conjure.  Both of them should be chained to a tarmac and slowly butchered alive.  

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Guest judgetwi
On 1/9/2019 at 7:13 PM, The Beast said:

Would you have said we would be at this juncture?..... a deal so rotten, that no cunt likes, which effectively is remain completely tied in, more so than the status quo, or the other option, no deal, effectively a clean break, exactly what leaving means. Which of these two is more likely now? For all the amendments, scaremongering, smoke and mirrors and paid up whinging toss-pots, these are the only two options on statute.

As for a second referendum, it is a complete non-starter. Three months to organise one, being optimistic, but being that it is not clear what would go on the ballot paper, six months is nearer any probable timescale. Then at the end of it, if the result is not overwhelming for one side it will be contested, just as we have seen the past two and a half years.

There has to be an end point to this process and as a collective, Parliament knows this. After 29th March arrives and goes, this is just the end of the beginning. Any party that appears to prolong this process will be unelectable. These bastards do not like losing their nice cushy jobs. Remember, the general election is won in England. Every region bar London voted to leave. Add to this, the opposition leader is a lifelong Eurosceptic, I suggest he has been in cahoots with a no deal Brexit all along and is only keeping the remaining Blairites on side with his "nothing is off the table" bullshit. 

The fringes are getting vocal with those who are wriggling and conniving to stop Brexit. They need to be patient and hold their nerve. The exit door is still open and there is nothing legally that can stop it.

You underestimate these cunts Doc. They have the money and power and they haven’t come this far to be fucked over by a bunch of plebs scrawling their X on a piece of paper.

According to their ideology you are asking them to reverse history. Those cunts don’t see the world the way we do.

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Guest 'eavensabove
13 hours ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

'eavens, Frank does not exist, he is simply a figment of your imagination.

You don't say... 

Your smart, I'll give you that. 

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