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Mark Carney House Price slump fear monger

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8 minutes ago, Frank said:

What are you trying to say?

Hey Frank, weren’t you on College Green yesterday , shouting abuse at that daft mare Anna Soubry? Apparently , you went a bit far by calling her a liar and a nazi. She’s so upset at this barracking that she wants the police involved. I’m not sure that politicians should be quite so insulated from the consequences of their actions...... if I was shouted at in the street no one would give a shit.

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9 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Hey Frank, weren’t you on College Green yesterday , shouting abuse at that daft mare Anna Soubry? Apparently , you went a bit far by calling her a liar and a nazi. She’s so upset at this barracking that she wants the police involved. I’m not sure that politicians should be quite so insulated from the consequences of their actions...... if I was shouted at in the street no one would give a shit.


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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:

You are having a laugh surely? Mavis loses the vote and appeals to the EU fascists for an extension to Article 50 to accommodate a 2nd referendum. They “reluctantly “ agree. ( even though this was planned 2+ years ago....you have to make it look right )

Project Fear goes into overdrive with even the most z list slebs recruited to pound home the message. Not that it matters, it will be rigged anyway.

If you ever thought voting made a difference nobody can possibly believe that now. Pansyboy knows this better than anybody, they made his mob vote 3 times to get the right result.

Muggy cunts.

Eric for PM.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

You are having a laugh surely? Mavis loses the vote and appeals to the EU fascists for an extension to Article 50 to accommodate a 2nd referendum. They “reluctantly “ agree. ( even though this was planned 2+ years ago....you have to make it look right )

Project Fear goes into overdrive with even the most z list slebs recruited to pound home the message. Not that it matters, it will be rigged anyway.

If you ever thought voting made a difference nobody can possibly believe that now. Pansyboy knows this better than anybody, they made his mob vote 3 times to get the right result.

Muggy cunts.

Usually, I would applaud your cynicism. However, two things that are not going to happen (without a change of government) are a second referendum or an extension of article 50. The conservatives can't change the leader for another year and a vote of no confidence in the government will not get a majority. So the exit date will remain unchanged. This isn't about two bob amendments, it is about what is on statute. There isn't any time to do anything meaningful to halt the process of leaving with no deal, other than significant concessions from the EU, which according to piss head Juncker are not forthcoming. Maybe when the cunt is sober, he will see he has been outwitted completely.

The big difference this time is not only the number of 17.4 million who voted for this, but it is the broad spectrum of people who voted this way......it wasn't just low life layabout ponces or cunts off the back of a lorry who count for fuck all.....it was plenty of dyed in the wool conservatives. The route of least damage for the conservatives is a no deal exit.

This is all a bit more than disregarding a dodgy manifesto promise written on the back of a betting slip and having no comeback like usual. We are leaving with no deal. 

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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Usually, I would applaud your cynicism. However, two things that are not going to happen (without a change of government) are a second referendum or an extension of article 50. The conservatives can't change the leader for another year and a vote of no confidence in the government will not get a majority. So the exit date will remain unchanged. This isn't about two bob amendments, it is about what is on statute. There isn't any time to do anything meaningful to halt the process of leaving with no deal, other than significant concessions from the EU, which according to piss head Juncker are not forthcoming. Maybe when the cunt is sober, he will see he has been outwitted completely.

The big difference this time is not only the number of 17.4 million who voted for this, but it is the broad spectrum of people who voted this way......it wasn't just low life layabout ponces or cunts off the back of a lorry who count for fuck all.....it was plenty of dyed in the wool conservatives. The route of least damage for the conservatives is a no deal exit.

This is all a bit more than disregarding a dodgy manifesto promise written on the back of a betting slip and having no comeback like usual. We are leaving with no deal. 

There were also plenty of "dyed in the wool" true Labour supporters who voted leave and from my experience a majority of the true milleniels (20 to 28 year olds) actually support Brexit.


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18 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Time is running out...  they’ll never sort it out...it’s no deal withdrawal. If I’m wrong....I’m wrong.

If only the retarded fathers of half the cunts here and in government had practised this method spotto? We wouldn't be in such a pickle and only have something warm up the thigh to show for it.

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7 hours ago, The Beast said:

Usually, I would applaud your cynicism. However, two things that are not going to happen (without a change of government) are a second referendum or an extension of article 50. The conservatives can't change the leader for another year and a vote of no confidence in the government will not get a majority. So the exit date will remain unchanged. This isn't about two bob amendments, it is about what is on statute. There isn't any time to do anything meaningful to halt the process of leaving with no deal, other than significant concessions from the EU, which according to piss head Juncker are not forthcoming. Maybe when the cunt is sober, he will see he has been outwitted completely.

The big difference this time is not only the number of 17.4 million who voted for this, but it is the broad spectrum of people who voted this way......it wasn't just low life layabout ponces or cunts off the back of a lorry who count for fuck all.....it was plenty of dyed in the wool conservatives. The route of least damage for the conservatives is a no deal exit.

This is all a bit more than disregarding a dodgy manifesto promise written on the back of a betting slip and having no comeback like usual. We are leaving with no deal. 

On the nail.

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6 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

On the nail.


14 hours ago, The Beast said:

Usually, I would applaud your cynicism. However, two things that are not going to happen (without a change of government) are a second referendum or an extension of article 50. The conservatives can't change the leader for another year and a vote of no confidence in the government will not get a majority. So the exit date will remain unchanged. This isn't about two bob amendments, it is about what is on statute. There isn't any time to do anything meaningful to halt the process of leaving with no deal, other than significant concessions from the EU, which according to piss head Juncker are not forthcoming. Maybe when the cunt is sober, he will see he has been outwitted completely.

The big difference this time is not only the number of 17.4 million who voted for this, but it is the broad spectrum of people who voted this way......it wasn't just low life layabout ponces or cunts off the back of a lorry who count for fuck all.....it was plenty of dyed in the wool conservatives. The route of least damage for the conservatives is a no deal exit.

This is all a bit more than disregarding a dodgy manifesto promise written on the back of a betting slip and having no comeback like usual. We are leaving with no deal. 

Yes.... and we would be leaving with no deal if the socialist were in power as well.  Comrade Korbyn is a Brexit man not that you would really know, but he is.    Junkers is a fucking cunt and if Labour got in he would hand them just as shit a deal and comrade Korbyn would be faced with the same answer as the virgin queen......fuck off you EU unelected fucking beurcratic cunt.  Out, fuck a deal.  Just leave.

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Guest judgetwi
22 hours ago, The Beast said:

Usually, I would applaud your cynicism. However, two things that are not going to happen (without a change of government) are a second referendum or an extension of article 50. The conservatives can't change the leader for another year and a vote of no confidence in the government will not get a majority. So the exit date will remain unchanged. This isn't about two bob amendments, it is about what is on statute. There isn't any time to do anything meaningful to halt the process of leaving with no deal, other than significant concessions from the EU, which according to piss head Juncker are not forthcoming. Maybe when the cunt is sober, he will see he has been outwitted completely.

The big difference this time is not only the number of 17.4 million who voted for this, but it is the broad spectrum of people who voted this way......it wasn't just low life layabout ponces or cunts off the back of a lorry who count for fuck all.....it was plenty of dyed in the wool conservatives. The route of least damage for the conservatives is a no deal exit.

This is all a bit more than disregarding a dodgy manifesto promise written on the back of a betting slip and having no comeback like usual. We are leaving with no deal. 

A nice idea, if only I could believe it. These people are globalist fanatics and they are not just going to let the clock run down. A couple of months ago Steptoe was asked about the no deal Brexit and said “We won’t allow it to happen.” By “we” he didn’t mean the Labour Party but the political class as a whole. There is no reason why Article 50 shouldn’t be extended as long as the EU fascists agree. Those cunts don’t want us to leave and they certainly don’t want us to leave without the 39 billion to replenish their wine cellar.

I hope to fuck you are right but I just don’t see it.

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3 hours ago, judgetwi said:

A nice idea, if only I could believe it. These people are globalist fanatics and they are not just going to let the clock run down. A couple of months ago Steptoe was asked about the no deal Brexit and said “We won’t allow it to happen.” By “we” he didn’t mean the Labour Party but the political class as a whole. There is no reason why Article 50 shouldn’t be extended as long as the EU fascists agree. Those cunts don’t want us to leave and they certainly don’t want us to leave without the 39 billion to replenish their wine cellar.

I hope to fuck you are right but I just don’t see it.

I didn't see it either and I am not the only cunt.

I believe the EU has already said it would be possible to extend the timeframe of article 50. Why would this need to be done? A second referendum is not going to happen and the EU has stated it will not renegotiate the deal. From what I can see, all legal doors are shut on altering the date of 29th March. When parliament rejects the deal next week, the ball is in Mr Junker's court to avoid a no deal Brexit.

Never mind the likes of Mrs Soubry and her ilk, they are only interested in overturning and ignoring the result of the referendum by whatever means, democratic or otherwise. However, they have run out of time to get anything onto statute. Whether by default or design, they and the EU have been turned over.

As an aside, nearly 7000 civil servants have been working on a no deal scenario for over a year.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I didn't see it either and I am not the only cunt.

I believe the EU has already said it would be possible to extend the timeframe of article 50. Why would this need to be done? A second referendum is not going to happen and the EU has stated it will not renegotiate the deal. From what I can see, all legal doors are shut on altering the date of 29th March. When parliament rejects the deal next week, the ball is in Mr Junker's court to avoid a no deal Brexit.

Never mind the likes of Mrs Soubry and her ilk, they are only interested in overturning and ignoring the result of the referendum by whatever means, democratic or otherwise. However, they have run out of time to get anything onto statute. Whether by default or design, they and the EU have been turned over.

As an aside, nearly 7000 civil servants have been working on a no deal scenario for over a year.

Great, but what makes you think there won’t be a 2nd referendum? Please don’t tell me because Mavis has already ruled it out because that doesn’t mean a fucking thing. Once you are into April and the whole world hasn’t collapsed Project Fear is totally fucked and the remoaners have nothing else. I just don’t believe they will allow that to happen.

Once again, i’m hoping i’m totally wrong but I know a bunch of snide, self interested cunts when I see one......the Palace of Westminster is overflowing with them.

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3 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Great, but what makes you think there won’t be a 2nd referendum? Please don’t tell me because Mavis has already ruled it out because that doesn’t mean a fucking thing. Once you are into April and the whole world hasn’t collapsed Project Fear is totally fucked and the remoaners have nothing else. I just don’t believe they will allow that to happen.

Once again, i’m hoping i’m totally wrong but I know a bunch of snide, self interested cunts when I see one......the Palace of Westminster is overflowing with them.

Would you have said we would be at this juncture?..... a deal so rotten, that no cunt likes, which effectively is remain completely tied in, more so than the status quo, or the other option, no deal, effectively a clean break, exactly what leaving means. Which of these two is more likely now? For all the amendments, scaremongering, smoke and mirrors and paid up whinging toss-pots, these are the only two options on statute.

As for a second referendum, it is a complete non-starter. Three months to organise one, being optimistic, but being that it is not clear what would go on the ballot paper, six months is nearer any probable timescale. Then at the end of it, if the result is not overwhelming for one side it will be contested, just as we have seen the past two and a half years.

There has to be an end point to this process and as a collective, Parliament knows this. After 29th March arrives and goes, this is just the end of the beginning. Any party that appears to prolong this process will be unelectable. These bastards do not like losing their nice cushy jobs. Remember, the general election is won in England. Every region bar London voted to leave. Add to this, the opposition leader is a lifelong Eurosceptic, I suggest he has been in cahoots with a no deal Brexit all along and is only keeping the remaining Blairites on side with his "nothing is off the table" bullshit. 

The fringes are getting vocal with those who are wriggling and conniving to stop Brexit. They need to be patient and hold their nerve. The exit door is still open and there is nothing legally that can stop it.

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8 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Would you have said we would be at this juncture?..... a deal so rotten, that no cunt likes, which effectively is remain completely tied in, more so than the status quo, or the other option, no deal, effectively a clean break, exactly what leaving means. Which of these two is more likely now? For all the amendments, scaremongering, smoke and mirrors and paid up whinging toss-pots, these are the only two options on statute.

As for a second referendum, it is a complete non-starter. Three months to organise one, being optimistic, but being that it is not clear what would go on the ballot paper, six months is nearer any probable timescale. Then at the end of it, if the result is not overwhelming for one side it will be contested, just as we have seen the past two and a half years.

There has to be an end point to this process and as a collective, Parliament knows this. After 29th March arrives and goes, this is just the end of the beginning. Any party that appears to prolong this process will be unelectable. These bastards do not like losing their nice cushy jobs. Remember, the general election is won in England. Every region bar London voted to leave. Add to this, the opposition leader is a lifelong Eurosceptic, I suggest he has been in cahoots with a no deal Brexit all along and is only keeping the remaining Blairites on side with his "nothing is off the table" bullshit. 

The fringes are getting vocal with those who are wriggling and conniving to stop Brexit. They need to be patient and hold their nerve. The exit door is still open and there is nothing legally that can stop it.

Never mind all of this fucking shit, what does a no deal Brexit hold for the future of The Corner?

Will you delete any member who does not appear to have English as a first language, leaving us with just four posters?

And when the economy goes to shit, will you accept donations in kind instead of sterling? i.e. a picture of Camberwell Gypsy's post-op gash or a pair of Frank's jeans that even your infant son couldn't fit into?

These are the issues that matter.

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14 minutes ago, The Bishop of Phlegm said:

@Decimus essential reading 📖 may I recommend The Bluffers Guide To Brexit & The Bluffers Guide To The EU. 

You haven't got a clue as you clearly demonstrated today with your ridiculous assumption that a smaller economy would equal greater financial prosperity for the average citizen. 

I'd wager that you think Maynard Keynes was the inventor of wine gums.

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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

I didn't see it either and I am not the only cunt.

I believe the EU has already said it would be possible to extend the timeframe of article 50. Why would this need to be done? A second referendum is not going to happen and the EU has stated it will not renegotiate the deal. From what I can see, all legal doors are shut on altering the date of 29th March. When parliament rejects the deal next week, the ball is in Mr Junker's court to avoid a no deal Brexit.

Never mind the likes of Mrs Soubry and her ilk, they are only interested in overturning and ignoring the result of the referendum by whatever means, democratic or otherwise. However, they have run out of time to get anything onto statute. Whether by default or design, they and the EU have been turned over.

As an aside, nearly 7000 civil servants have been working on a no deal scenario for over a year.

You’re so up to speed on all this bollocks, proper, you must have made a mint on the forex. 

Stupid fucking cunt. 

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12 minutes ago, Frank said:

You’re so up to speed on all this bollocks, proper, you must have made a mint on the forex. 

Stupid fucking cunt. 

I can imagine him now, File-O-Fax in one hand and a BT cellnet in the other, sat in the porters tea room screaming "SELL, SELL, SELL!" down the phone to Mrs. P as she furiously updates his Gumtree and EBay accounts.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You haven't got a clue as you clearly demonstrated today with your ridiculous assumption that a smaller economy would equal greater financial prosperity for the average citizen. 

I'd wager that you think Maynard Keynes was the inventor of wine gums.

He was, he also invented the Milton Keynes sterilisation process. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Would you have said we would be at this juncture?..... a deal so rotten, that no cunt likes, which effectively is remain completely tied in, more so than the status quo, or the other option, no deal, effectively a clean break, exactly what leaving means. Which of these two is more likely now? For all the amendments, scaremongering, smoke and mirrors and paid up whinging toss-pots, these are the only two options on statute.

As for a second referendum, it is a complete non-starter. Three months to organise one, being optimistic, but being that it is not clear what would go on the ballot paper, six months is nearer any probable timescale. Then at the end of it, if the result is not overwhelming for one side it will be contested, just as we have seen the past two and a half years.

There has to be an end point to this process and as a collective, Parliament knows this. After 29th March arrives and goes, this is just the end of the beginning. Any party that appears to prolong this process will be unelectable. These bastards do not like losing their nice cushy jobs. Remember, the general election is won in England. Every region bar London voted to leave. Add to this, the opposition leader is a lifelong Eurosceptic, I suggest he has been in cahoots with a no deal Brexit all along and is only keeping the remaining Blairites on side with his "nothing is off the table" bullshit. 

The fringes are getting vocal with those who are wriggling and conniving to stop Brexit. They need to be patient and hold their nerve. The exit door is still open and there is nothing legally that can stop it.

Brighton voted to stay in, it wasn't just London.

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55 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Brighton voted to stay in, it wasn't just London.

Alf who are you trying to kid? You struggle with the number of letters available in a username, make no less than four alterations to your ludicrous take on Brexit this morning, then expect us to take you seriously. You’re a fucking thick retired seaside dwelling spark. Know your place. 

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