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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

'Eavens! Just think: with MC's imminent demise, you'll be in pole position to relinquish your status as the site's biggest idiot.  

You beat me to it. By a long shot. 

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22 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

I hate hippies, 1 child only as the world is too full and by the way you thick turd I am mixed race. You really are a fucking pig ignorant, shit for brains, dickless, little minded simpleton. Less than 0.1% of DNA dictates skin colour, the rest is shared amongst all humans. I do not give a flying fuck where somebody's ancestors came from, I live in the most diverse city in the UK where tolerance still exists and a disgusting gammon like you would be shunned and ridiculed, you pointless, overly rattled, terrible excuse for a human being.

Wow, so you think being mixed race is something that makes you and all others like you NON rascist.  I know from living in the same environment that the muzzers hate the Hindus, the Hindus hate the Sikhs, the Asians hate the blacks, the blacks hate the Asians, Australians hate Pom’s, etc etc.  There is nothing more rascist or sexist than a 50 year old Asian bloke with a wife he subverts and daughters he threatens to burn if they talk to a white boy.  I was brought up,in Oldham the most diverse town in the world and I know rascism.  I had an asian girlfriend who was told not to see me for pain of being cut out of the family.    THATs fucking rascism.  Go recalibrate whatever fucking moral high ground you think you have.  Being mixed or whatever background you are does NOT make you devoid of any rascist tendencies. Quite the opposite in my opinion.  I’ve seen asian families where father walks at the front with number one son, then the other sons follow and then the daughters and mother.  If one of the daughters steps up the line she gets beaten.  I’ve seen black guys openly abuse a white kid and slap him around because he was white in a black neighborhood.  So don’t give me that high and mighty only white people can be rascist.    My beef is born out of experience.  I admit it.  Don’t you lie saying you are such a goody two shoes.  We can never be bad.  Bollocks.

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19 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Shut up you ridiculous little prick. Quite a few punters are getting sick to the back teeth of your pointless arguing – and this includes me.

You'll notice I've awarded you quite a few likes in the past, borne from my genuine appreciation of your freedom of expression, but I think the game's up for you so far as CC is concerned. The past week has revealed you to be the analogy of a stroppy teenager who won't take no for an answer when he's been refused an alcoholic drink at the bar.

It amazes me that someone who portrays themself to be a Cotswold-based property developer (a role undoubtedly requiring people skills and compromise) can come across as being so vapid and cantankerous with the ineptitude to recognise the potential libel which often accompanies web-based commenting. You're not as free as you think you are. You're dealing with a moderator who's got a keen eye for stupidity; rather than accepting the way things are, you're having a tantrum each time someone points out your incredible ignorance. Instead of growing some thick skin, you've decided to compare yourself with Quentin Tarantino.

Would you call someone who's black a 'noir' to their face? Would you turn away thousands of pounds worth of business because a potential client is black? I suspect the answer to both of these points is no. So far as the first is concerned, you'd get punched in the fucking chops.

Your blatant xenophobia and inability to accept your fate is becoming a liability for the rest of us. Either shape up or fuck off.

Who gives a fuck what you think?  Being a cunt is what this is about you idiot.  Do you come on here to agree with everyone?  Being cantankerous is what comes with age, as does being more and more right wing.

it will come to you in time.

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20 hours ago, Bubba C said:

@Monumental cunt, you've taken another hiding by Roops, got anything to say for yourself? 

PS- Roops, if we are having a vote, please put me down for fucking Mongy off. He’s dreadful. 

Ooooh look at the pair of you LIKEs together.  Are you sisters?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Monumental cunt said:

Wow, so you think being mixed race is something that makes you and all others like you NON rascist.  I know from living in the same environment that the muzzers hate the Hindus, the Hindus hate the Sikhs, the Asians hate the blacks, the blacks hate the Asians, Australians hate Pom’s, etc etc.  There is nothing more rascist or sexist than a 50 year old Asian bloke with a wife he subverts and daughters he threatens to burn if they talk to a white boy.  I was brought up,in Oldham the most diverse town in the world and I know rascism.  I had an asian girlfriend who was told not to see me for pain of being cut out of the family.    THATs fucking rascism.  Go recalibrate whatever fucking moral high ground you think you have.  Being mixed or whatever background you are does NOT make you devoid of any rascist tendencies. Quite the opposite in my opinion.  I’ve seen asian families where father walks at the front with number one son, then the other sons follow and then the daughters and mother.  If one of the daughters steps up the line she gets beaten.  I’ve seen black guys openly abuse a white kid and slap him around because he was white in a black neighborhood.  So don’t give me that high and mighty only white people can be rascist.    My beef is born out of experience.  I admit it.  Don’t you lie saying you are such a goody two shoes.  We can never be bad.  Bollocks.

Just fuck off, I didn't say that, you are putting words in my post that were not there. You are stupendously thick. I have never seen anybody else as anything other than another human being. Being mixed I find your attitude towards non gammon coloured people as highly disgusting and showing of your lack of character.

You are a huge oxygen thief.

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37 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Just fuck off, I didn't say that, you are putting words in my post that were not there. You are stupendously thick. I have never seen anybody else as anything other than another human being. Being mixed I find your attitude towards non gammon coloured people as highly disgusting and showing of your lack of character.

You are a huge oxygen thief.

Are you like me, half French?  

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On 9/10/2018 at 11:18 PM, Monumental cunt said:

Did you have hippy parents and do you wear open toed Sandles, eat Tofu, and have three children, Tobi, Teddy and Milo who have been brought up by an Eastern European Nanny. Your only interaction with immigrants is the good cheap labour you and your Chablis drinking friends recommend to each other, for doing the garden or building that £600,000 extension.  Is the only black person you have met was at a dinner party and he was a Dr of science at Oxford and the only Asian you have ever spoken to is your dentist.  Go and live in Oldham, it will change you.  I bet you will be a neo nazi bnp voting spastic within 6 months.........just like me.

Truthfull reply.

Soooo Mr Mental, you actually live in Oldham.

Presumably the Cotswold stone, previously referred to, is B&Q 'stone-effect' cladding on your Victorian  artisan's terrace...

All your base are belong to us!

PS Please make your mind up re liable vs liobel vs liabil, liabel etc. 'Libel' for preference but any one, used consistently, would save my sanity.

Have a nice day and remember to take your medication.

Edited by Piston
'ironic' plural...fuckit
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On 9/9/2018 at 10:37 AM, Mrs Roops said:

This is a self-serving, specious diatribe of a binary thinking idiot of monumental proportions. Far from "never issuing slanderous or liableous (sic) comments on here purporting to be facts about people in the public eye" you may recall quoting the former chairman of an NGO to add credibility to one of your fantasies. The purported view articulated by you was the polar opposite of what he had spent a lifetime fighting for. My intention was to eventually remove your libellous comment, fortunately you were manipulated into a corner which ultimately revealed what a mendacious idiot you are.

On a more general note, Wolfie is correct in that a rival forum was eventually driven underground because they thought they were bomb-proof. That said, and moving forward, removing libellous comment is fairly easy to spot and remove though one does need to pay attention to detail. If a comment can't be corroborated then it is removed. What is more difficult is the implied comment - The game changer to The Corner wasn't so much as a Cambridge classicist shoving a red imp's forked tail up his own arse but Sally Bercow forking out thousands of pounds in defence costs for the seemingly innocuous Tweet, "Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent emoji*" Now, you may jump up and down about free speech but its very easy to be brave whilst snugly covered by a blanket of anonymity that others provide. You want to exercise "rights" but only if someone else pays for the fallout. You wouldn't recognise irony even if it bit you on the arse.

I rather doubt that he would recognise his arse either.

In a brightly lit room, with full length mirrors and both his hands free... he would come up 'elbow' every time.

Time for the Liverpool Care Pathway?

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2 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Wow, so you think being mixed race is something that makes you and all others like you NON rascist.  I know from living in the same environment that the muzzers hate the Hindus, the Hindus hate the Sikhs, the Asians hate the blacks, the blacks hate the Asians, Australians hate Pom’s, etc etc.  There is nothing more rascist or sexist than a 50 year old Asian bloke with a wife he subverts and daughters he threatens to burn if they talk to a white boy.  I was brought up,in Oldham the most diverse town in the world and I know rascism.  I had an asian girlfriend who was told not to see me for pain of being cut out of the family.    THATs fucking rascism.  Go recalibrate whatever fucking moral high ground you think you have.  Being mixed or whatever background you are does NOT make you devoid of any rascist tendencies. Quite the opposite in my opinion.  I’ve seen asian families where father walks at the front with number one son, then the other sons follow and then the daughters and mother.  If one of the daughters steps up the line she gets beaten.  I’ve seen black guys openly abuse a white kid and slap him around because he was white in a black neighborhood.  So don’t give me that high and mighty only white people can be rascist.    My beef is born out of experience.  I admit it.  Don’t you lie saying you are such a goody two shoes.  We can never be bad.  Bollocks.

Which Mosque did you attend in Oldham ?

Did you ever get over to Rochdale and spend time with Cyril Smith?


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4 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Who gives a fuck what you think?  Being a cunt is what this is about you idiot.  Do you come on here to agree with everyone?  Being cantankerous is what comes with age, as does being more and more right wing.

it will come to you in time.

Oh, the right-wing cantankerousness came to me eons ago; it pains me to say it but I suspect I'm quite a bit older than you. In fact, I recall seeing a photo of your soft, skinny property developer's hands which had seemingly never made contact with any masonry, plaster or wood during their short life. You uploaded it via your post below, when your supposed Audi RS5 was allegedly stolen by a professional gang of Asians. After receiving an absolute cunting, your photo 'conveniently' became inaccessible. For the avoidance of doubt, would you care to upload it again, which will provide a clearer indication of your age?

I'm waiting.

On 7/12/2018 at 2:42 PM, Monumental cunt said:

I know you lot in the student fuckwit clique on here, would rather have a bunch of fucking asian thieving refugees round your house for tea and to fuck your ###### , before you DARE actually call them cunts.   But the bare facts are the fucking Asian community is just full of dirty stealing snidely shifty sinbad al quaidia cunts.  Who do fuck all work and just go rob white folks for a living.

photo evidence required of course. Because you fucking lot can’t believe there is a world outside your bedroom.

Picture of police notes...fake Cotswold stone in background of course.  My fucking finger pointing at it.  You asian loving cuntsE25ECB87-1854-4BBA-80A3-BCD642735900.jpeg.b07dd2b2b8ffa0b99f3a58296ca7d11e.jpeg


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54 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Oh, the right-wing cantankerousness came to me eons ago; it pains me to say it but I suspect I'm quite a bit older than you. In fact, I recall seeing a photo of your soft, skinny property developer's hands which had seemingly never made contact with any masonry, plaster or wood during their short life. You uploaded it via your post below, when your supposed Audi RS5 was allegedly stolen by a professional gang of Asians. After receiving an absolute cunting, your photo 'conveniently' became inaccessible. For the avoidance of doubt, would you care to upload it again, which will provide a clearer indication of your age?

I'm waiting.

Early to mid 30s if the limited information I have is correct .. swap "Cotswolds" for edge of peak district in coal mining area.

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5 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Wow, so you think being mixed race is something that makes you and all others like you NON rascist.  I know from living in the same environment that the muzzers hate the Hindus, the Hindus hate the Sikhs, the Asians hate the blacks, the blacks hate the Asians, Australians hate Pom’s, etc etc.  There is nothing more rascist or sexist than a 50 year old Asian bloke with a wife he subverts and daughters he threatens to burn if they talk to a white boy.  I was brought up,in Oldham the most diverse town in the world and I know rascism.  I had an asian girlfriend who was told not to see me for pain of being cut out of the family.    THATs fucking rascism.  Go recalibrate whatever fucking moral high ground you think you have.  Being mixed or whatever background you are does NOT make you devoid of any rascist tendencies. Quite the opposite in my opinion.  I’ve seen asian families where father walks at the front with number one son, then the other sons follow and then the daughters and mother.  If one of the daughters steps up the line she gets beaten.  I’ve seen black guys openly abuse a white kid and slap him around because he was white in a black neighborhood.  So don’t give me that high and mighty only white people can be rascist.    My beef is born out of experience.  I admit it.  Don’t you lie saying you are such a goody two shoes.  We can never be bad.  Bollocks.

What’s rascism? 

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RASCI Responsibility Matrix, sometimes also just RASCI Matrix. It is one of the methods used to assign and display responsibilities of individuals or jobs in a task (project, service or process) in the organization. RASCI (sometimes RASIC) is an acronym from the initial letters of words:

R - Responsible - who is responsible for carrying out the entrusted task?

A - Accountable (also Approver) - who is responsible for the whole task and who is responsible for what has been done?

S - Support - who provides support during the implementation of the activity / process / service?

C - Consulted - who can provide valuable advice or consultation for the task?

I - Informed - who should be informed about the task progress or the decisions in the task?

How to use RASCI matrix in practice and what is for?

RASCI matrix is used for the allocation and assignment of responsibilities to the team members in projects, processes or their parts. Use the letters R A S C I in the matrix in order to descibe level of responsibility. There is a rule applied that the overall responsibility (A - Accountability) has the only one person. The people involved (R - Responsibility) should be adequate to the task. Method RASCI is a simple form of competence model and expansion of RACI matrix by people that support the execution of their mission.

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2 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

RASCI Responsibility Matrix, sometimes also just RASCI Matrix. It is one of the methods used to assign and display responsibilities of individuals or jobs in a task (project, service or process) in the organization. RASCI (sometimes RASIC) is an acronym from the initial letters of words:

R - Responsible - who is responsible for carrying out the entrusted task?

A - Accountable (also Approver) - who is responsible for the whole task and who is responsible for what has been done?

S - Support - who provides support during the implementation of the activity / process / service?

C - Consulted - who can provide valuable advice or consultation for the task?

I - Informed - who should be informed about the task progress or the decisions in the task?

How to use RASCI matrix in practice and what is for?

RASCI matrix is used for the allocation and assignment of responsibilities to the team members in projects, processes or their parts. Use the letters R A S C I in the matrix in order to descibe level of responsibility. There is a rule applied that the overall responsibility (A - Accountability) has the only one person. The people involved (R - Responsibility) should be adequate to the task. Method RASCI is a simple form of competence model and expansion of RACI matrix by people that support the execution of their mission.

Someone always has to take it too far.

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On 9/12/2018 at 10:10 AM, Piston said:

Soooo Mr Mental, you actually live in Oldham.

Presumably the Cotswold stone, previously referred to, is B&Q 'stone-effect' cladding on your Victorian  artisan's terrace...

All your base are belong to us!

PS Please make your mind up re liable vs liobel vs liabil, liabel etc. 'Libel' for preference but any one, used consistently, would save my sanity.

Have a nice day and remember to take your medication.

Was born in Oldham, moved south as it’s grim up north. Boy done good.

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On 9/12/2018 at 11:49 AM, Wolfie said:

Oh, the right-wing cantankerousness came to me eons ago; it pains me to say it but I suspect I'm quite a bit older than you. In fact, I recall seeing a photo of your soft, skinny property developer's hands which had seemingly never made contact with any masonry, plaster or wood during their short life. You uploaded it via your post below, when your supposed Audi RS5 was allegedly stolen by a professional gang of Asians. After receiving an absolute cunting, your photo 'conveniently' became inaccessible. For the avoidance of doubt, would you care to upload it again, which will provide a clearer indication of your age?

I'm waiting.


Genuine theft mate no joke.  Police absolutely fucking hopeless.  Thinking of getting an Alfa Guilia Quadrafoglio but cars are getting jacked like sweets in a shop these days and feds doing nothing about armed gangs breaking into people’s houses to jack the keys.  Relaying with an iPad is also rife I now know.   No law abiding tax paying chap can have a decent car these days.  If I get one I will post a soft developers handed fuck off sign with your name on a piece of paper on the windscreen whilst parked outside my stone clad council house in Oldham....Cotswolds.....where ever you think I live.  Who cares what you think.

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On 9/12/2018 at 10:30 AM, Punkape said:

Which Mosque did you attend in Oldham ?

Did you ever get over to Rochdale and spend time with Cyril Smith?


He was a big fat bastard.  Nah never go to Rochdale as it’s not allowed, it’s off the manor and they are all totally fucking mental once you get beyond Tandlehills.    As for the mosque, I would be interested to go in one and see what the fuss is all about.

do you sing songs to god in a cold building every Sunday?  Does it work for you?

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