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When The Sisterhood Is Ill Served By Feminists...

Mrs Roops

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I'm referring to the current "Upskirting" bill currently before the House.  This was previously introduced as a private members bill but was kiboshed by Tory duffer Christopher Chope who filibusted the proposed legislation a few weeks ago. The government has now sought to include the issue as part of the Voyeurism (Offences) Bill but now Labour MP Stella Creasey has thrown a spanner in the works by submitting an amendment which would increase the courts sentencing power if "misogyny" was seen as an aggravating feature. Parliamentary Amendments, when used correctly should only be used to amend the wording of Bills, commonly when proposed legislation is being passed between the two houses and not as a device to pander feminist ideology. Forget that voyeuristic photography is probably sexually motivated and not driven by misogyny, the latter would be very difficult to prove. 

There are plenty of robust laws to deal with the results of misogyny but I see no sense in ill-judged attempts to codify another thought crime. Most misogynists have deep-seated inadequacies and are easy to exploit and manipulate in any case.

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Speaking from a considerable distance in this case, I agree, bringing misogyny into the argument muddies the waters just a little. Upskirting would have little to do with being a woman hater, and more to do with being a sad, dirty fucker with sexual inadequacy issues, but that’s just my opinion. 

Wanting to make it a battle of the sexes doesn’t help anybody.

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9 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

Speaking from a considerable distance in this case, I agree, bringing misogyny into the argument muddies the waters just a little. Upskirting would have little to do with being a woman hater, and more to do with being a sad, dirty fucker with sexual inadequacy issues, but that’s just my opinion. 

Wanting to make it a battle of the sexes doesn’t help anybody.

Bloody hell SC, you got a like from Roops. That's worth 10 likes. 

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35 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm referring to the current "Upskirting" bill currently before the House.  This was previously introduced as a private members bill but was kiboshed by Tory duffer Christopher Chope who filibusted the proposed legislation a few weeks ago. The government has now sought to include the issue as part of the Voyeurism (Offences) Bill but now Labour MP Stella Creasey has thrown a spanner in the works by submitting an amendment which would increase the courts sentencing power if "misogyny" was seen as an aggravating feature. Parliamentary Amendments, when used correctly should only be used to amend the wording of Bills, commonly when proposed legislation is being passed between the two houses and not as a device to pander feminist ideology. Forget that voyeuristic photography is probably sexually motivated and not driven by misogyny, the latter would be very difficult to prove. 

There are plenty of robust laws to deal with the results of misogyny but I see no sense in ill-judged attempts to codify another thought crime. Most misogynists have deep-seated inadequacies and are easy to exploit and manipulate in any case.

The problem is that it might end up all too easy for people to make untrue allegations against others as seems to be happening with some of these "paedo hunters"


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Guest Bill Stickers
36 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm referring to the current "Upskirting" bill currently before the House.  This was previously introduced as a private members bill but was kiboshed by Tory duffer Christopher Chope who filibusted the proposed legislation a few weeks ago. The government has now sought to include the issue as part of the Voyeurism (Offences) Bill but now Labour MP Stella Creasey has thrown a spanner in the works by submitting an amendment which would increase the courts sentencing power if "misogyny" was seen as an aggravating feature. Parliamentary Amendments, when used correctly should only be used to amend the wording of Bills, commonly when proposed legislation is being passed between the two houses and not as a device to pander feminist ideology. Forget that voyeuristic photography is probably sexually motivated and not driven by misogyny, the latter would be very difficult to prove. 

There are plenty of robust laws to deal with the results of misogyny but I see no sense in ill-judged attempts to codify another thought crime. Most misogynists have deep-seated inadequacies and are easy to exploit and manipulate in any case.

Be that as it may, something needs to be done about Neil’s rampant selfie-stick  and periscope assisted voyeurism. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 minutes ago, nocti said:

We could build a website?

We could hire Roops as a consultant.

She’s got it all - experience moderating fringe, dark corners of the internet and a propensity to post pictures of her rat online. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Did that fucking pig Jess Phillips have anything to do with this? Stella Creasey aside, I can detect her trotters all over this.

The oinking Madame Thornberry will no doubt have her say on this subject too. She has no personal reason to fear upskirting from drooling perverts mind you, her thighs have chafed together for so many years now they have effectively fused to form a fleshy bridge beneath her overgrown lady garden. 

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Ah but, the thing about 'progressive' law (for which read 'multicultural-multisexual identity politics' law) is that it's deeply, deeply caring.

It cares about feelings.....well, the feelings of those it's decided belong to a victim group of some sort, that is. It's empathy law, not patriarchal law which brutally emphasises oppressive, heartless elements like the need to test actual evidence in a lawful tribunal under the rules of due process.

Thanks to the enlightened interventions of Messrs Blair, Brown, Cameron and May, the statute book and the principles that once informed it have undergone a radical makeover.

Gone are all those toxic masculine/patriarchal attacks on victims (now a protected group consisting of anyone who claims to be one) like the presumption of innocence, due process of law and of course those horribly male, horribly white criminal statutes. You know, the ones that insisted that, for justice to be served, and to ensure that no one was wrongly convicted, criminal acts must be spelled out with the utmost precision.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm referring to the current "Upskirting" bill currently before the House.  This was previously introduced as a private members bill but was kiboshed by Tory duffer Christopher Chope who filibusted the proposed legislation a few weeks ago. The government has now sought to include the issue as part of the Voyeurism (Offences) Bill but now Labour MP Stella Creasey has thrown a spanner in the works by submitting an amendment which would increase the courts sentencing power if "misogyny" was seen as an aggravating feature. Parliamentary Amendments, when used correctly should only be used to amend the wording of Bills, commonly when proposed legislation is being passed between the two houses and not as a device to pander feminist ideology. Forget that voyeuristic photography is probably sexually motivated and not driven by misogyny, the latter would be very difficult to prove. 

There are plenty of robust laws to deal with the results of misogyny but I see no sense in ill-judged attempts to codify another thought crime. Most misogynists have deep-seated inadequacies and are easy to exploit and manipulate in any case.

Yeah. Instead of dealing with the Brexit/ no Brexit  tremendous pile of shit, lets spend more time and energy on splitting hairs in the minutiae of some pervert flogging bill. 

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Once again proud kilt-wearing Scotsmen have been overlooked by this bunch of labiacentric harridans. You have no fucking idea what a hate crime really is until you experience the sort of harassment we suffer at weddings once the blue-rinse brigade get a couple of sherries in them.

And you're happy enough to be chalked up as another conquest on their Zimmer frames, you dirty auld cunt

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Once again proud kilt-wearing Scotsmen have been overlooked by this bunch of labiacentric harridans. You have no fucking idea what a hate crime really is until you experience the sort of harassment we suffer at weddings once the blue-rinse brigade get a couple of sherries in them.

Surely with the sub-zero temperatures, the appendages shrink to such an amount that they'd need a decent SLR with a lens to rival the Hubble telescope if they're going to get a shot of anything, giving you enough of a clue and ample time to spin round a lay a nut on the dithering old cunts.

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20 minutes ago, nocti said:

Surely with the sub-zero temperatures, the appendages shrink to such an amount that they'd need a decent SLR with a lens to rival the Hubble telescope if they're going to get a shot of anything, giving you enough of a clue and ample time to spin round a lay a nut on the dithering old cunts.


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13 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Yeah. Instead of dealing with the Brexit/ no Brexit  tremendous pile of shit, lets spend more time and energy on splitting hairs in the minutiae of some pervert flogging bill. 

Life must go on outside the Brexit debate, in any case aside from parliamentary committee business and Ministerial & Prime Ministers Questions on the subject there's not much for either house to debate until the final EU exit terms are announced.

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17 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Once again proud kilt-wearing Scotsmen have been overlooked by this bunch of labiacentric harridans. You have no fucking idea what a hate crime really is until you experience the sort of harassment we suffer at weddings once the blue-rinse brigade get a couple of sherries in them.


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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

her thighs have chafed together for so many years now they have effectively fused to form a fleshy bridge beneath her overgrown lady garden. 

Like a fucking Mermaid without the forked tail, but strangely, still still smelling of kippers.

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