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Cuntbreeds in queues !!

Jake The Muss

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These unflinching selfish cuntbreeds have the worst kind of DNA ever created, as i walked in to the bank i saw there was only two people in front of me but only one cashier, never mind i said, won't be in here too long but fuck a shit bricked duck. The half-wit at the cashier was handing two full fucking carrier bags of coins over to be counted, so what looked like a five minute visit turned into my lunch break being plucked and fucked. I don't reckon that i'm out of line for saying these time wasting wasters should be put online in one of my torture video's.

The dozy whore looked like a reject from the Jeremy Kyle show, so i would assume the coins was from poncing in the streets, i gave a look that must of read, i'm going put my hatchet across your cunting ugly cunthead if look at me.

Cuntity Cunts !!

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Guest judgetwi

I’m sorry but it’s always women who hold people up in queues and 90% of the time they are fat bitches. Fat bitch at the bus stop is on her Transport for London app. 


It’s 40 seconds late she tells everyone.  Now it’s forty five sconds she announces as if she is the chief inspector for London Transport and is going to give them a right bollocking.

The bus appears on the horizon......,tut tut it’s 60 seconds late according to this phone weilding fat old slag.

So fat bitch steps up , tells the driver he is a minute late and he should be sacked on the spot. Then, and only then, the fucking loser starts searching around in her  capacious bag for her purse which contains her Oyster card.

Meanwhile cunts like me, who have been standing there with our cards in our hands for the last ten minutes have to wait for this piece of shit to sort her fucking life out.

Needless to say this cunt doesn’t understand that the reason the bus is late is because of arseholes like her who think the whole fucking world revolves around them.

Apologies for the underlining but my phone decided to do that and I am fucked if I know how to change it.


Cue the usual suspects..... only poor people go on the bus. I am rich , you are poor so shut up you cunt! Sad nothing to say wankers.  Bring it on.

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17 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I’m sorry but it’s always women who hold people up in queues and 90% of the time they are fat bitches. Fat bitch at the bus stop is on her Transport for London app. 


It’s 40 seconds late she tells everyone.  Now it’s forty five sconds she announces as if she is the chief inspector for London Transport and is going to give them a right bollocking.

The bus appears on the horizon......,tut tut it’s 60 seconds late according to this phone weilding fat old slag.

So fat bitch steps up , tells the driver he is a minute late and he should be sacked on the spot. Then, and only then, the fucking loser starts searching around in her  capacious bag for her purse which contains her Oyster card.

Meanwhile cunts like me, who have been standing there with our cards in our hands for the last ten minutes have to wait for this piece of shit to sort her fucking life out.

Needless to say this cunt doesn’t understand that the reason the bus is late is because of arseholes like her who think the whole fucking world revolves around them.

Apologies for the underlining but my phone decided to do that and I am fucked if I know how to change it.


Cue the usual suspects..... only poor people go on the bus. I am rich , you are poor so shut up you cunt! Sad nothing to say wankers.  Bring it on.

The last bus I took was the 142 from Burnt Oak Broadway to Brent Cross circa 1984. I had a Saturday afternoon job at Lilley & Skinner and now my shoes are made at Lobbs. I made it happen, Judge. Where did you go wrong?

Life is wonderful in the Dolomites. 

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Guest judgetwi

We can’t all be fantasists with hours to spend watching “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” like you Frank. The weather has been quite good so why don’t you get out and mow the lawn or attend to your hydrangeas you decrepit old cunt? Maybe if you were a bit more active you wouldn’t shit yourself so often. Only thinking of you Frank.

What are “lobbs” by the way? Sounds a bit gay to me. You don’t want to get yourself involved in that kind of nonsense at your time of life.

Trust me.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

We can’t all be fantasists with hours to spend watching “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” like you Frank. The weather has been quite good so why don’t you get out and mow the lawn or attend to your hydrangeas you decrepit old cunt? Maybe if you were a bit more active you wouldn’t shit yourself so often. Only thinking of you Frank.

What are “lobbs” by the way? Sounds a bit gay to me. You don’t want to get yourself involved in that kind of nonsense at your time of life.

Trust me.

You always sound a bit bitter. Are things ok at home with your boyfriend , bby?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You always sound a bit bitter. Are things ok at home with your boyfriend , bby?

Welcome back, Quince!


3 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I’m sorry but it’s always women who hold people up in queues and 90% of the time they are fat bitches. Fat bitch at the bus stop is on her Transport for London app. 


It’s 40 seconds late she tells everyone.  Now it’s forty five sconds she announces as if she is the chief inspector for London Transport and is going to give them a right bollocking.

The bus appears on the horizon......,tut tut it’s 60 seconds late according to this phone weilding fat old slag.

So fat bitch steps up , tells the driver he is a minute late and he should be sacked on the spot. Then, and only then, the fucking loser starts searching around in her  capacious bag for her purse which contains her Oyster card.

Meanwhile cunts like me, who have been standing there with our cards in our hands for the last ten minutes have to wait for this piece of shit to sort her fucking life out.

Needless to say this cunt doesn’t understand that the reason the bus is late is because of arseholes like her who think the whole fucking world revolves around them.

Apologies for the underlining but my phone decided to do that and I am fucked if I know how to change it.


Cue the usual suspects..... only poor people go on the bus. I am rich , you are poor so shut up you cunt! Sad nothing to say wankers.  Bring it on.

I thought you were above going after the tuskers as they are easy targets?  That being said, I can't argue with you.  When I have used public transport, the sweaty, disgusting fat fucks can't get up the steps without requiring an oxygen treatment, their fingers and hands are retaining more fluid than a hydro electric dam, their ankles are bigger round barrel and their eyelids are so fat, they can't keep them open long enough to apply any kind of make up.  They always look like somebody shit in their wheetabix when they ordered the sugar covered cake.  People who allow themselves to become so fat they can't fucking move, should be sent to FitFarm and abused relentlessly.  

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7 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Cue the usual suspects..... only poor people go on the bus. I am rich , you are poor so shut up you cunt! Sad nothing to say wankers.  Bring it on.

My golf club is so spectacular it has its own bus stop. None of the members use it, naturally, only the club cleaners and waiting staff. 

You’d have to use the bus as otherwise you wouldn’t get in. 

Fuck off. Lol. 


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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

We can’t all be fantasists with hours to spend watching “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” like you Frank. The weather has been quite good so why don’t you get out and mow the lawn or attend to your hydrangeas you decrepit old cunt? Maybe if you were a bit more active you wouldn’t shit yourself so often. Only thinking of you Frank.

What are “lobbs” by the way? Sounds a bit gay to me. You don’t want to get yourself involved in that kind of nonsense at your time of life.

Trust me.

Have you ever been on the Golden Hop 122 Judge?

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8 hours ago, Fender777 said:

These unflinching selfish cuntbreeds have the worst kind of DNA ever created, as i walked in to the bank i saw there was only two people in front of me but only one cashier, never mind i said, won't be in here too long but fuck a shit bricked duck. The half-wit at the cashier was handing two full fucking carrier bags of coins over to be counted, so what looked like a five minute visit turned into my lunch break being plucked and fucked. I don't reckon that i'm out of line for saying these time wasting wasters should be put online in one of my torture video's.

The dozy whore looked like a reject from the Jeremy Kyle show, so i would assume the coins was from poncing in the streets, i gave a look that must of read, i'm going put my hatchet across your cunting ugly cunthead if look at me.

Cuntity Cunts !!

You have a lunch break.

I’m pleased to hear this as many peasants,particularly in north,refer to the midday repast as “me dinner”.

Incidentally your references to torture,claw hammers etc is becoming a little passé so why focus of something socially inclusive instead ?

Warmest regards 



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1 minute ago, Punkape said:

You have a lunch break.

I’m pleased to hear this as many peasants,particularly in north,refer to the midday repast as “me dinner”.

Incidentally your references to torture,claw hammers etc is becoming a little passé so why focus of something socially inclusive instead ?

Warmest regards 



Do you go down to the golf club at dinner time Punker's?

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27 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

My golf club is so spectacular it has its own bus stop. None of the members use it, naturally, only the club cleaners and waiting staff. 

You’d have to use the bus as otherwise you wouldn’t get in. 

Fuck off. Lol. 


We pay our staff well so they drive to the club in their cars.Naturally there is a staff parking area which is separate from the members exclusively secure parking area.

C’est normale.


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11 minutes ago, Punkape said:

We pay our staff well so they drive to the club in their cars.Naturally there is a staff parking area which is separate from the members exclusively secure parking area.

C’est normale.


You would never get into my camera club .. because you are lower class. In truth you would never get in anyway because you would be far too fat to get through the door.

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2 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

You would never get into my camera club .. because you are lower class. In truth you would never get in anyway because you would be far too fat to get through the door.

For “camera club” I assume that’s cloaked language for pornography and dirty video club so I’m not interested.


Fuck off.

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5 minutes ago, Punkape said:

For “camera club” I assume that’s cloaked language for pornography and dirty video club so I’m not interested.


Fuck off.

Golf involves using "irons", "holes in one" and "recovering you balls from the rough" .. that speaks for itself.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
11 hours ago, Punkape said:

For “camera club” I assume that’s cloaked language for pornography and dirty video club so I’m not interested.


Fuck off.

I thought you loved to have a go on a Box Brownie.........., or was that a brown box.

Gay! LOL

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Guest luke swarm
20 hours ago, Fender777 said:

These unflinching selfish cuntbreeds have the worst kind of DNA ever created, as i walked in to the bank i saw there was only two people in front of me but only one cashier, never mind i said, won't be in here too long but fuck a shit bricked duck. The half-wit at the cashier was handing two full fucking carrier bags of coins over to be counted, so what looked like a five minute visit turned into my lunch break being plucked and fucked. I don't reckon that i'm out of line for saying these time wasting wasters should be put online in one of my torture video's.

The dozy whore looked like a reject from the Jeremy Kyle show, so i would assume the coins was from poncing in the streets, i gave a look that must of read, i'm going put my hatchet across your cunting ugly cunthead if look at me.

Cuntity Cunts !!

This is awful Fender, however I would like to know in which area you live in, I have a large whisky bottle in front of the fireplace full of 5 pence pieces which I was saving for a well deserved Butlins break ......but if the tarts in your area are willing to accept bags of coins in payment for their services then I would probably be tempted to spend my hard earned there. Times are hard and these people need the custom I suppose.

Please forgive all my sentences being underlined but I am a stupid thick twat who doesn't know how to switch off underline function just above  the above paragraph.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
12 hours ago, Punkape said:

We pay our staff well so they drive to the club in their cars.Naturally there is a staff parking area which is separate from the members exclusively secure parking area.

C’est normale.


You do of course park in the disabled space, as your boyfriend has Down’s syndrome. 

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21 hours ago, Frank said:

The last bus I took was the 142 from Burnt Oak Broadway to Brent Cross circa 1984. I had a Saturday afternoon job at Lilley & Skinner and now my shoes are made at Lobbs. I made it happen, Judge. Where did you go wrong?

Life is wonderful in the Dolomites. 

You've done well for yourself.

Disregarding your awful taste in Jesus Creepers, though, you haven't really made it in life until you've simultaneously been top of the weekly, monthly, yearly and all time leaderboard.

Until then, shut your fucking mouth and don't come back to me until you've earnt your place at the top table.

Edited by Decimus
Proudly sitting astride the fab four
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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've done well for yourself.

Disregarding your awful taste in Jesus Creepers, though, you haven't really made it in life until you've simultaneously been top of the weekly, monthly, yearly and all time leaderboard.

Until then, shut your fucking mouth and don't come back to me until you've earnt your place at the top table.

Look who is at number 3.

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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've done well for yourself.

Disregarding your awful taste in Jesus Creepers, though, you haven't really made it in life until you've simultaneously been top of the weekly, monthly, yearly and all time leaderboard.

Until then, shut your fucking mouth and don't come back to me until you've earnt your place at the top table.

Fuck off you inbred carrot crunching spackwit

You were better as John Bull

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18 hours ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

Look who is at number 3.

Proof, if ever it was needed, that anyone can find themselves at the clique's "top table". When it was reintroduced I did contemplate installing the leaderboard as a vertical side panel (on PC screens) and altering the header to  "Sidebar of Shame", but concluded that might be counter productive.

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On 8/30/2018 at 1:19 AM, Frank said:

The last bus I took was the 142 from Burnt Oak Broadway to Brent Cross circa 1984. I had a Saturday afternoon job at Lilley & Skinner and now my shoes are made at Lobbs. I made it happen, Judge. Where did you go wrong?

Life is wonderful in the Dolomites. 

Sodomites in the Dolomites......



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