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Jessica Fletcher, interfering cunt

Guest Filthy Cunt

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Guest Alfie Noakes
13 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Cats are evil creatures. I have a big Alsation called Blondi.

I will find you and I will kill you horribly, you filthy scum. Kill yourself before I do. I found out where you live.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Don't think she'll get the chance now Baws has splashed his address all over the PMs. There are some right cunts on here

I'll wager Baws splashed more than his address....err, wait

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Guest Erroreptile404
20 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

I have an Ascot 100 myself. Just right for incinerating the neighbour's cat in after a few hours of torturing it with acid.

Cunts like you need a pickaxe handle wrapped around their fucked twisted heads.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
23 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Cunts like you need a pickaxe handle wrapped around their fucked twisted heads.

I would be satisfied with the pickaxe implanted in their mongy deformed planetoid like heads.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
9 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

God help the state of his pants if some cunt drops the box of matches in front of him

I'm out of likes Stubbs.  I tend to squander them with total disregard these days.  One certain sad wanker got his knickers in a twist because I never give him one.  I'm certain this post will send him off into yet another pram emptying tantrum.  

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On 8/16/2018 at 10:34 AM, Filthy Cunt said:

Jessica Fletcher aka Angela Lansbury is an annoying interfering cunt. How come this bitch (who looks like Churchill, the insurance dog) turns up every fucking time there is a murder. Wherever she goes. Even when she takes a dump, you can be sure that a murder has been committed not far away  Then after the murderer has taken months to plan the perfect crime with the likelihood of getting away with it, the ugly bitch has to turn up and stick her snout into things that simply should not concern her all because no one wants to have sex with the fat old dried up spinster

At least Columbo is a detective and is paid for it.  She is just an interfering old cunt with too much time on her hands. Fuck her 

Why dont they make a TV series where a carefully planned murder is unsolved and the murderer can then move onto serial killing, and gets away with each time, without some cunts meddling in their business trying to ruin it   I have never ever been somewhere where a murder has been committed or about to happen , not once. 

I am off for my counselling session 


Are you one of the five I created at that karaoke bar on Mykonos last Saturday? You certainly seem shit enough.

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Guest The Fourth Reich
9 hours ago, Noakes the navigator said:

I will find you and I will kill you horribly, you filthy scum. Kill yourself before I do. I found out where you live.

Ah! Finally! The site keyboard warrior reveals himself! Please don't renew your Netflix subscription, repeatedly watching Taken is obviously taking its toll on your mental health.

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Guest The Fourth Reich
2 hours ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Cunts like you need a pickaxe handle wrapped around their fucked twisted heads.

Your Faux outrage is most amusing when taking into consideration some of your more fruity posts on here. Perhaps you should just kill yourself and stop boring me with your rank hypocrisy.

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On 8/16/2018 at 10:34 AM, Filthy Cunt said:

Jessica Fletcher aka Angela Lansbury is an annoying interfering cunt. How come this bitch (who looks like Churchill, the insurance dog) turns up every fucking time there is a murder. Wherever she goes. Even when she takes a dump, you can be sure that a murder has been committed not far away  Then after the murderer has taken months to plan the perfect crime with the likelihood of getting away with it, the ugly bitch has to turn up and stick her snout into things that simply should not concern her all because no one wants to have sex with the fat old dried up spinster

At least Columbo is a detective and is paid for it.  She is just an interfering old cunt with too much time on her hands. Fuck her 

Why dont they make a TV series where a carefully planned murder is unsolved and the murderer can then move onto serial killing, and gets away with each time, without some cunts meddling in their business trying to ruin it   I have never ever been somewhere where a murder has been committed or about to happen , not once. 

I am off for my counselling session 


I know it’s only tv and films but some of them actually try and be true gritty reflections of reality.   However I share the frustration of this nomination.   No fucker ever pops up looking like Mary fucking poppins and solves the mystery within a weekend, using a few items stored in her lady bag.   What happens in real life is some drugged up psychotic cunt wonders into the path of an innocent guy or girl and the dark voices persuade them to do terrible things and then dump the body somewhere shit like the back of a waste tip or a railway embankment.  No favourite Aunty character comes to try and solve the murder, fucking hell no Inspector Morse rolls up in his mkII jaguar s type, not even a gritty shitty sweaty jock called Taggart turns up.    What you get is a couple of bumbling young traffic warden types who joined the police because their only other job prospects involved a call center or Aldi.   They call for the SOC team to come and do forensics which is hardly CSI Miami, it’s more like Darryl from Leamington.   One of the bumbling dicks types up a non descript report read by nobody and posts it into a file that’s never opened.    Only if the case becomes big news do the feds put any effort into the case, like posting a shit video on crime watch and do a short interview to camera for BBC West Midlands just before the weather from Shifali.  That’s your fucking lot.   Unless the killer basically grasses himself up in the pub then the mystery is never solved, unless the dark voices keep speaking to him and the bodies pile up that fucking high that the news at ten picks up the story.     Then we get pictures of five fat cunts with dogs and sticks walking around a piece of scrub land five miles from the first murder, to make it look like they know what they are doing.  As soon as the cameras are gone it’s back to the station for a cuppa and then a spot of fining people for doing 56 in a 50.  Even if you host the fucking crime watch show and get your head blown off stood on your own doorstep in London during the day, these fucking useless cunts don’t find out who did it.     So maybe I have just talked myself into thinking Mrs Fucking Marple is a top bird and there should be several in each town and let’s shut the fucking police stations.......ohh no that’s already happened.  Cunts.

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2 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Your Faux outrage is most amusing when taking into consideration some of your more fruity posts on here. Perhaps you should just kill yourself and stop boring me with your rank hypocrisy.


What kind of faggotty wankstain, poofy little cuntwanker uses French while he's trying to mug some cunt off? 

Queer boy. I swear to god, if you tried that shit with me, your windpipe would already be non-functioning.

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Guest judgetwi
On 8/16/2018 at 10:34 AM, Filthy Cunt said:

Jessica Fletcher aka Angela Lansbury is an annoying interfering cunt. How come this bitch (who looks like Churchill, the insurance dog) turns up every fucking time there is a murder. Wherever she goes. Even when she takes a dump, you can be sure that a murder has been committed not far away  Then after the murderer has taken months to plan the perfect crime with the likelihood of getting away with it, the ugly bitch has to turn up and stick her snout into things that simply should not concern her all because no one wants to have sex with the fat old dried up spinster

At least Columbo is a detective and is paid for it.  She is just an interfering old cunt with too much time on her hands. Fuck her 

Why dont they make a TV series where a carefully planned murder is unsolved and the murderer can then move onto serial killing, and gets away with each time, without some cunts meddling in their business trying to ruin it   I have never ever been somewhere where a murder has been committed or about to happen , not once. 

I am off for my counselling session 


 No need for counselling wanker. Just get rid of the telly.......,your little brain might be able to adjust to real life eventually. 

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Guest The Fourth Reich
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


What kind of faggotty wankstain, poofy little cuntwanker uses French while he's trying to mug some cunt off? 

Queer boy. I swear to god, if you tried that shit with me, your windpipe would already be non-functioning.

Your use of words gives away much about your own sexual desires. You associate homosexuality with violence giving clear indications of your sado-masochistic tendencies toward men who bugger other men and this makes you feel insecure so you feel the need to publicly express revulsion to hide your sordid desires from your peers. 

Adolf would have sent you to Treblinka you filthy bastard.

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3 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Your use of words gives away much about your own sexual desires. You associate homosexuality with violence giving clear indications of your sado-masochistic tendencies toward men who bugger other men and this makes you feel insecure so you feel the need to publicly express revulsion to hide your sordid desires from your peers. 

Adolf would have sent you to Treblinka you filthy bastard.

No, it's still shit.

try it again.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
10 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Ah! Finally! The site keyboard warrior reveals himself! Please don't renew your Netflix subscription, repeatedly watching Taken is obviously taking its toll on your mental health.

I was a real warrior once, something a little turd like you could never be and if you really torture cats and other innocent creatures then you are a just a small dicked, non entity and ineffectual little spastic with a very low IQ using words like faux you raging homosexual. I do not watch TV, as that propaganda machine produces complete fucking retro retards like you. 

You insult a whole generation of people who fought  Hitler, oh and by the way we won!


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3 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Your use of words gives away much about your own sexual desires. You associate homosexuality with violence giving clear indications of your sado-masochistic tendencies toward men who bugger other men and this makes you feel insecure so you feel the need to publicly express revulsion to hide your sordid desires from your peers. 

Adolf would have sent you to Treblinka you filthy bastard.

Are you aware, adolfs favourite perversion was taking a dump on his girlfriends? Another widely believed hobby of his was forcing Eva Braun to be brutally spit roasted by hung darkies whilst a dozen Jews spaffed on her face.

Just sayin'

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17 minutes ago, Noakes the navigator said:

I was a real warrior once, something a little turd like you could never be and if you really torture cats and other innocent creatures then you are a just a small dicked, non entity and ineffectual little spastic with a very low IQ using words like faux you raging homosexual. I do not watch TV, as that propaganda machine produces complete fucking retro retards like you. 

You insult a whole generation of people who fought  Hitler, oh and by the way we won!


Out of likes. IOU. 

Animal cruelty is my trigger. If I got my hands on this cunt, the suffering would be legendary.

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Are you aware, adolfs favourite perversion was taking a dump on his girlfriends? Another widely believed hobby of his was forcing Eva Braun to be brutally spit roasted by hung darkies whilst a dozen Jews spaffed on her face.

Just sayin'

His sex-drive never wavered, despite a missing testicle.

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Guest Filthy Cunt
14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

 No need for counselling wanker. Just get rid of the telly.......,your little brain might be able to adjust to real life eventually. 

....................and I suggest that you burn any equipment that you have which is capable of connection to the internet 

Actually better still, burn your house to the ground, with you in it

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Guest Erroreptile404
21 hours ago, The Fourth Reich said:

Your Faux outrage is most amusing when taking into consideration some of your more fruity posts on here. Perhaps you should just kill yourself and stop boring me with your rank hypocrisy.

It's not "faux" at all, like others here i despise scumbags who harm animals and you know what they say about cunts who start killing animals. 

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