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On 14/08/2018 at 10:03, Guest said:

Ive been told to articulate my thoughts on a subject close too my hart be careful wot you wish for I got a feeling some of the SJWs int gonna like this.

Things I want after brexit

1- the imediate deportation of anyone who cant trace there family tree back six generations and prove that it is 100 pcnt english. this includes the sweaties taffs and Mick's, I dont want there sort here either.

2- the irridaction of islam and judaism and any other fucking mumbo jumbo religion. This is a Christian country and if you dont like it you can take your prayr rugs and funny hats and fuck off to france.

3- making St georgs day a national holiday. Were English and shud be proud of it. no more drinking guinnes and fucking about dressed up like gay leprecorns.

4- getting rid of benefits for single mothers. If you cant afford to breed stop having kids. I dont care how blond or blue eyed they are if you cant buy nappys out of your own pocket we dont need you draining the post brexit England

5- compulsorie oaths of alegiance to the queen. Anyone who refuses will be tried for treason and shot.

6- see above. Return of death penalty for treason, murder, rape, kiddie fiddling and pro eu leanings.

Dont like it you know where the fucking door is

Rule britania

@Decimus. you can’t mention my second favourite multi after Terry Tibbs and not dig him up. lol 

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On 18/08/2018 at 16:41, Guest Wizardsleeve said:

Frank, you were done here ages ago.  What makes you think you can ride on Baws backside for anything he has yet to accomplish?  

I miss Wizz 😭

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck off, you musth cocked animal. Wizz despised you as much as the rest of us, possibly more.


On 19/05/2024 at 11:47, Eric Cuntman said:

@Decimus. you can’t mention my second favourite multi after Terry Tibbs and not dig him up. lol 

All very good but the Queen is dead  and Charles is a pervert .Its like swearing aligence  to the sex offenders register. 

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