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I tell you what I want


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10 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

SJW? Fuck you. 

I have to say with loudmouth wankers like yourself increasingly centre stage, "the door" is becoming an increasingly attractive option. 

We are all tired of experts, says Michael Gove. Now ignorance rules for the first time since Gutenburg. Hearing stupid people bang on about getting their country back is like fingernails down a blackboard. It was never yours to begin with, fuckstick. 

I reluctantly had to use a bus in an English seaside town the other day. With my ticket, came a dystopian view of Britain 2030.  

A nation of fat pink men in Union Jack shorts waddling between Wetherspoons clutching their ESA cheque and loudly berating anyone and everyone for the state of the nation without a cogent argument in sight, while their rat children stare drooling into their screens and lose the capacity for thought, much less language. 

The Barbarians are not just at the gate, they've smashed through it and set the library on fire. 

Little wonder there's a massive flight of capital already underway from the UK - led by Messrs Redwood and Rees-Mogg without a backward glance (which is perfectly possible with two faces). 

Good fucking luck you brainless Cunt. You've been absolutely played. 

PS. Your "right as an Englishman" won't keep you warm in the coming winters when Vlad cuts off the gas. 

Yes, we all agree with these sentiments doc, but really should be putting some your patients to sleep when you encounter one of the aforementioned pasty pink lard arses and their cunt kids.

We need to cull at least 25% of our population, all white thick as fuck spongers, happy to take and moan at the same time.

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What I really want is for you to fucking shut the fuck up,I have seen some absolute spackers join and very quickly leave this site,let's hope you follow suit.This is cunts corner not Window Licking,Spacktoid Mongs Corner. Fuck along now little Johnny Bullshit.

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2 hours ago, Punkape said:

Somerset Capital don’t have any hedge funds. They have unit trusts, OEIC’s and IT’s.

 You’re a financial fuckwit.

I have people for that sort of thing Punky, and am amazed you take an interest in such vulgar matters as investment strategy. 

How very nouveau. 


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