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I tell you what I want


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Guest Alfie Noakes
9 minutes ago, John Bull said:


Brainless, gormless and completely made up troll. Fuck off back to the slime you crawled out of you dickless fuckwitt. (My ex wife and son (dna checked by the way) prove my lack of virgin status) you are white trash and your ancestors came from Africa like everyone elses, so suck on that you total oxygen thief.

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1 minute ago, Alfie UK Noakes said:

Brainless, gormless and completely made up troll. Fuck off back to the slime you crawled out of you dickless fuckwitt. (My ex wife and son (dna checked by the way) prove my lack of virgin status) you are white trash and your ancestors came from Africa like everyone elses, so suck on that you total oxygen thief.

Are you owen jones you triggered virgin

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Guest Alfie Noakes
4 minutes ago, John Bull said:

Are you owen jones you triggered virgin

No, but you have African (black dna) just like all humans. But I expect a gormless transvestite like you won't accept evidence and would rather believe the world is flat and that somehow white people will still exist in 500 years.

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Just now, Alfie UK Noakes said:

No, but you have African (black dna) just like all humans. But I expect a gormless transvestite like you won't accept evidence and would rather believe the world is flat and that somehow white people will still exist in 200 years.

I dont take scientific lessons from cunts who skateboard to work and listen to will young. Fairy

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 minutes ago, John Bull said:

I dont take scientific lessons from cunts who skateboard to work and listen to will young. Fairy

I am in my 50's you stupid little child, you ignorant apprentice gammon dickless little tool, go back to school!

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1 minute ago, Alfie UK Noakes said:

I am in my 50's you stupid little child, go back to school!

then you have no excuse to be rolling down the road like an old cunt bart simpson listening to queers on your fake dre beats

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 minute ago, John Bull said:

then you have no excuse to be rolling down the road like an old cunt bart simpson listening to queers on your fake dre beats

I drive down the road in my fully paid for British built car, listening to clown core. While you wait for the bus, troll wanker.

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Just now, Alfie UK Noakes said:

I drive down the road in my fully paid for British built car, listening to clown core. While you wait for the bus, troll wanker.

do you shout cowabubga out the window you tony hawk cunt

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 minutes ago, John Bull said:

do you shout cowabubga out the window you tony hawk cunt

I carry myself in public with grace, subtlety and ducorum, i.e. a gentleman. You are such low life scum that I expect the EDL rejected you and you will never get over it.

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1 minute ago, Alfie UK Noakes said:

I carry myself in public with grace, subtlety and ducorum, i.e. a gentleman. You are such low life scum that I expect the EDL rejected you and you will never get over it.

Hard to compose yaself wen your skating down the road in hivis and knee pads with will young blaring out youre ears

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11 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Has the sunshine bus crashed near corner HQ and pack of drooling flids overpowered Mrs R? It's the only way to explain this ghastly influx of new cretins and their pig shit thick ramblings 

Either that or the retarded penguins are back for another go 

I briefly scanned the site yesterday evening without logging in. My intention was to write a brief homily this morning reminding seasoned punters on how awkward their own first posts & noms were and that people could be perhaps a little more conciliatory.

I'm now minded to think that there is some deliberate trolling going on or, due to a statistical blip, a bunch of over sugared retards have inadvertently wandered in, not fully understanding what the hallowed halls of this fine site stands for.

@The Fourth Reich, do you know what your nomenclature actually means and what it stands for? Comments, if you please...

@John Bull, my pro-Brexit leanings are well understood and at times the battle has been a lonely one but I am resolute. That said, your retardness has almost converted me to the Remain camp, such is the idiocy of your advocacy.

Both of you need to demonstrate that you are capable of articulating thoughts on other matters, otherwise you're gonna be nuked.

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1 hour ago, John Bull said:

Its still a free country no matter how hard SJWs like you try. Ive got a right as an englishman to say what I want you dont like it you know where the door is virgin

SJW? Fuck you. 

I have to say with loudmouth wankers like yourself increasingly centre stage, "the door" is becoming an increasingly attractive option. 

We are all tired of experts, says Michael Gove. Now ignorance rules for the first time since Gutenburg. Hearing stupid people bang on about getting their country back is like fingernails down a blackboard. It was never yours to begin with, fuckstick. 

I reluctantly had to use a bus in an English seaside town the other day. With my ticket, came a dystopian view of Britain 2030.  

A nation of fat pink men in Union Jack shorts waddling between Wetherspoons clutching their ESA cheque and loudly berating anyone and everyone for the state of the nation without a cogent argument in sight, while their rat children stare drooling into their screens and lose the capacity for thought, much less language. 

The Barbarians are not just at the gate, they've smashed through it and set the library on fire. 

Little wonder there's a massive flight of capital already underway from the UK - led by Messrs Redwood and Rees-Mogg without a backward glance (which is perfectly possible with two faces). 

Good fucking luck you brainless Cunt. You've been absolutely played. 

PS. Your "right as an Englishman" won't keep you warm in the coming winters when Vlad cuts off the gas. 

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Guest luke swarm
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I briefly scanned the site yesterday evening without logging in. My intention was to write a brief homily this morning reminding seasoned punters on how awkward their own first posts & noms were and that people could be perhaps a little more conciliatory.

I'm now minded to think that there is some deliberate trolling going on or, due to a statistical blip, a bunch of over sugared retards have inadvertently wandered in, not fully understanding what the hallowed halls of this fine site stands for.

@The Fourth Reich, do you know what your nomenclature actually means and what it stands for? Comments, if you please...

@John Bull, my pro-Brexit leanings are well understood and at times the battle has been a lonely one but I am resolute. That said, your retardness has almost converted me to the Remain camp, such is the idiocy of your advocacy.

Both of you need to demonstrate that you are capable of articulating thoughts on other matters, otherwise you're gonna be nuked.


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3 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

SJW? Fuck you. 

I have to say with loudmouth wankers like yourself increasingly centre stage, "the door" is becoming an increasingly attractive option. 

We are all tired of experts, says Michael Gove. Now ignorance rules for the first time since Gutenburg. Hearing stupid people bang on about getting their country back is like fingernails down a blackboard. It was never yours to begin with, fuckstick. 

I reluctantly had to use a bus in an English seaside town the other day. With my ticket, came a dystopian view of Britain 2030.  

A nation of fat pink men in Union Jack shorts waddling between Wetherspoons clutching their ESA cheque and loudly berating anyone and everyone for the state of the nation without a cogent argument in sight, while their rat children stare drooling into their screens and lose the capacity for thought, much less language. 

The Barbarians are not just at the gate, they've smashed through it and set the library on fire. 

Little wonder there's a massive flight of capital already underway from the UK - led by Messrs Redwood and Rees-Mogg without a backward glance (which is perfectly possible with two faces). 

Good fucking luck you brainless Cunt. You've been absolutely played. 

PS. Your "right as an Englishman" won't keep you warm in the coming winters when Vlad cuts off the gas. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg has specialised in Emerging Markets since leaving Oxford University.Somerset Capital,the company he jointly set up has always focused on that particular investment remit.

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1 minute ago, Panzerknacker said:

Howya séan ..welcome to the corner ..good to see ya making friends ..pull up a stool tell us all about yerself 


I'm not sure he has any stools left, Panzy, given the amount of shite he's sprayed about the place in the last 24 hours. 

For Gods sake don't encourage him, he'll only make some juvenile reference to balaclavas or potatoes. Or potatoes in balaclavas. 

Oh, and expect to be called virgin - i do hope you have bandages available. 

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3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg has specialised in Emerging Markets since leaving Oxford University.Somerset Capital,the company he jointly set up has always focused on that particular investment remit.

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a caricature of himself, Punky. You'd know all about that. 

If I didn't think he'd enjoy it, I'd flay the cunt over a gun carriage all the way to The Tower.

Good day to you.  

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3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg has specialised in Emerging Markets since leaving Oxford University.Somerset Capital,the company he jointly set up has always focused on that particular investment remit.

Well yes that's true, but in this case the opening of an Irish office is a vehicle with access to an EU financial passport in case a "no deal" with regards to trade.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well yes that's true, but in this case the opening of an Irish office is a vehicle with access to an EU financial passport in case a "no deal" with regards to trade.

Correct. He is hedging his hedge fund. Playing both sides. Covering his bases. Batting for both.....oh, no, sorry. 

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