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Nichi Hodgson

Guest Couldn't give a shit

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

James Whale has been suspended from Talk radio for not showing this fucking fruitcake enough sensitivity after she revealed that she had been "orally raped" by a random stranger who jumped into her taxi.

James Whale is highly adept at exposing attention seeking fuckwits on his show. I'm only surprised that he didn’t ask her why she didn't bite down.

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From The Guardian: "Nichi Hodgson is a sex and relationships broadcaster"

From Wikipedia: "Nichi Hodgson is a British journalist, broadcaster, author and former dominatrix."

Presumably no stranger to the taste of cock, then, but that doesn't mean some stranger is entitled to tickle her tonsils with his, willy nilly. A gentleman always goes tits first.

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I've just listened to the interview, and as far as I can tell, he was asking legitimate questions about an event that the alleged victim was rather hazy about.

She criticises the police for not doing anything as CCTV is deleted after 30 days, even though she apparently reported the incident the next day. When asked why she did not provide the number of the taxi, she claims that she was too drunk to remember, despite the fact this was undoubtedly on her phone or could quite quickly be discovered by a formal police investigation.

Finally, she had the audacity to state that she didn't take it further as she did not want to be subjected to a lengthy court case that would have resulted in an acquittal, despite vocally supporting the #metoo movement and women doing everything they can to bring sexual assaulters to account.

She's right about one thing, it would have been an acquittal, as she is quite clearly making the whole incident up. When asked to provide corroborating evidence, she clearly couldn't and instead threw a hissy fit and got a man suspended from his job. 

Apparently it would seem that in this country women can now make up fantastical stories about rape that have the potential to cost a man his liberty, and no one is allowed to question the validity of their bullshit through fear of a media backlash.

Can someone tell me when the entire male British population became emasculated enough to allow this shit to happen?


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This is an appalling nom and will invite the usual suspects to crawl out of the woodwork. Despite conviction rates for reported rape and sexual offences being so low I don't think even the most rabid of feminists have called for the "beyond reasonable doubt" threshold of criminal guilt to be weakened to the civil case standard of "balance of probabilities".

I know little of Ms Hodgson and even less of what she stands for, but to castigate an alleged sex-crime victim for having a "hissy fit" when faced with an onslaught of victim shaming (for that was what it was) and for an image conscious idiot of a radio presenter to act as self appointed QC for an unidentified assailant only reinforces the notion that we still have someway to go to recognising the way society treats complainants.

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26 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Despite conviction rates for reported rape and sexual offences being so low I don't think even the most rabid of feminists have called for the "beyond reasonable doubt" threshold of criminal guilt to be weakened to the civil case standard of "balance of probabilities".

Luckily a general election came along, or this petition might have garnered as many as 50 votes.


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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is an appalling nom and will invite the usual suspects to crawl out of the woodwork. Despite conviction rates for reported rape and sexual offences being so low I don't think even the most rabid of feminists have called for the "beyond reasonable doubt" threshold of criminal guilt to be weakened to the civil case standard of "balance of probabilities".

I know little of Ms Hodgson and even less of what she stands for, but to castigate an alleged sex-crime victim for having a "hissy fit" when faced with an onslaught of victim shaming (for that was what it was) and for an image conscious idiot of a radio presenter to act as self appointed QC for an unidentified assailant only reinforces the notion that we still have someway to go to recognising the way society treats complainants.

So what is your opinion on the recent scandal regarding the deliberate concealment of crucial evidence by the police from defence counsel in a number of rape cases which resulted in innocent men's lives being utterly destroyed?

Also, do you think that false rape complainants should be given harsher penalties?

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've just listened to the interview, and as far as I can tell, he was asking legitimate questions about an event that the alleged victim was rather hazy about.

I've checked out the audio and video, and it's safe to say that while Whale is an oily fucking cunt (nothing new there) Hodgson's story has more holes in it than, er, well, let's just say it's got a lot of holes in it.

I must admire Whale's restraint, though, for not asking whether she might be able to pick the perp out of a line-up using her sense of taste alone.

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Guest luke swarm
20 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:


I must admire Whale's restraint, though, for not asking whether she might be able to pick the perp out of a line-up using her sense of taste alone.

like the nomination itself, this comment is just in extremely bad taste. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, Slippers said:

I did think that you had "mellow"ed.

I know that post has some meaning to you.  Do us all a favour, and keep it that way.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 minutes ago, Slippers said:

ok. Mike.

First it was Ivan, then Franklin, now Mike.  You have gone over the cliff.  For some cunt admitted to being a multi, you have a lot of cheek accusing me! 

Fuck off and kill yourself, you unbelievably dull creature.  

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

First it was Ivan, then Franklin, now Mike.  You have gone over the cliff.  For some cunt admitted to being a multi, you have a lot of cheek accusing me! 

Fuck off and kill yourself, you unbelievably dull creature.  

Sorry Ivan.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
14 minutes ago, Slippers said:

I am not important to you am I .. I mean its not as if you are following me around the forum is it?

Pot, kettle...

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Guest judgetwi
10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is an appalling nom and will invite the usual suspects to crawl out of the woodwork. Despite conviction rates for reported rape and sexual offences being so low I don't think even the most rabid of feminists have called for the "beyond reasonable doubt" threshold of criminal guilt to be weakened to the civil case standard of "balance of probabilities".

I know little of Ms Hodgson and even less of what she stands for, but to castigate an alleged sex-crime victim for having a "hissy fit" when faced with an onslaught of victim shaming (for that was what it was) and for an image conscious idiot of a radio presenter to act as self appointed QC for an unidentified assailant only reinforces the notion that we still have someway to go to recognising the way society treats complainants.

Yeah, “appalling” in your trendy middle class world. Anybody who is a “wimminz” or a “gay” is automatically a hero and a victim in your world.

Well let me tell you that there is always a backlash against the Establishment. Eventually real people will have had enough of dumb cunts like you. All your abuse and stupid. cartoons will count for nothing.


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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Yeah, “appalling” in your trendy middle class world. Anybody who is a “wimminz” or a “gay” is automatically a hero and a victim in your world.

Well let me tell you that there is always a backlash against the Establishment. Eventually real people will have had enough of dumb cunts like you. All your abuse and stupid. cartoons will count for nothing.


Steady judgie, if I recall, the only appalling victim the brilliant mrs R is familiar with is the soiled tampon hanging out of her haddock sluice that she forced upon every poor cunt here. In fact, every bugger who saw it could be classed as a victim. Just imagine if bubba and frank posted photos of their little willies, pre frotting, with objects sticking out the japs eyes? I'm sure the "female" puntership would claim their eyes had been raped

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16 hours ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

So what is your opinion on the recent scandal regarding the deliberate concealment of crucial evidence by the police from defence counsel in a number of rape cases which resulted in innocent men's lives being utterly destroyed?

Also, do you think that false rape complainants should be given harsher penalties?

My post was more about societal attitudes rather than gender disparities in the criminal justice system but since you ask, its disappointing for both the alleged victim and the alleged defendant, not only for the reason you've alluded to but also to the victim who has justice denied due to errors made in the judicial process, thanks in part to the appalling stewardship of former Justice Secretary Chris Grayling who bought in the privatising of the Probation Service amongst other things. Like him or loath him, at least Michael Gove, who has a reputation for attention to detail was in the process of unravelling Grayling's mess but was prevented by Mrs May in completing the work.

In answer to your second question I believe the entire sentencing guidelines with regards to sex offenders needs overhauling.

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Mr Whale is guilty of poor judgement and bad taste. There isn’t anything that can be investigated so it was best left alone. He gave her the oxygen of publicity purely to pull her to pieces. I don’t know the truth of the matter, none of us do. This should have been left well alone.

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