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Fucking Scum


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Unfortunately, I live relatively close to the festering anal sore that is the ridiculously named "Great" Yarmouth. For completely unfathomable reasons known only to readers of The Daily Express, July and August sees the place awash with absolute fucking scum who make the locals appear like well adjusted, affluent members of society.

I'm getting a first hand experience of this terrifying phenomena whilst on a train home after a quick trip into Norwich, and it is absolutely packed full of these time-warp pieces of shit. Despite the fact that no sane person has holidayed in GY since the 1970's and the advent of cheap foreign package holidays, swarms of these cunts are almost hanging out the windows, desperately clutching hold of handfuls of Sun Holiday 50p vouchers.

All the usual suspects are here, pearly kings and queens straight off the London train, fucking stinking of poverty, shoulder-to-shoulder with their northern compatriots who are for the most part tattooed apes decked out in Doncaster Rovers t-shirts.

If I had my choice, anyone too poor to even afford a weekend away in one of Withers' goose shit infested gites, would be summarily executed and buried with a fistful of Yarmouth rock shoved up their arse.

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Guest sean5302

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

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2 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

Welcome, sean. 

In future posts, please leave the banality to a minimum, and you'll do just fine.

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5 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

Fascinating. Although I’d have you down as more of a sausage lover. 

Lol lol.


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22 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

I don't do well with folk from Yorkshire.

Fuck off.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
37 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

The North? Shit!

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Guest sean5302

What a miserable shower of bastards. Cunts, maybe.

I know I'm going to feel at home here.

I live just outside Leeds, a massive metropolitan city but with more parkland than anywhere else in the UK.

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Guest sean5302
24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I don't do well with folk from Yorkshire.

Fuck off.

Well, from what I've read of your stuff, you don't do well with folk from anywhere.

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20 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

What a miserable shower of bastards. Cunts, maybe.

I know I'm going to feel at home here.

I live just outside Leeds, a massive metropolitan city but with more parkland than anywhere else in the UK.

I've always considered myself working class. Then I went to Leeds and now I consider myself royalty. 

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25 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

Well, from what I've read of your stuff, you don't do well with folk from anywhere.

Are you a student .. the sort that chants. "We're here! We're queer! We can't pay nine grand a year! .. you will go well as part of the clique.

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Guest sean5302
8 minutes ago, Slippers said:

Are you a student .. the sort that chants. "We're here! We're queer! We can't pay nine grand a year! .. you will go well as part of the clique.

No. When I went I got a maintenance grant and there were no tuition fees. That really winds the Snowflakes up.

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Guest sean5302
1 minute ago, scotty said:

Fuck me, just what the corner needed, another ancient cunt. 

For an educated man, I thought you'd have had a better turn of phrase.

Yes, I retired at 50, some years ago. I now seem to have time on my hands to wind folk up.

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Guest sean5302
1 minute ago, Slippers said:

I thougt that you were "working" Yorkshire 40 years ago?


Hmm. 40 years ago I'd be starting my first job. We used to have jobs here then. Now it's all queers who've come up from the south. Somebody looked atthem "funny" and the Police haven't got time to comfort them. They work for the DPP and suchlike here.

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2 hours ago, sean5302 said:

Nice to go on holiday to somewhere different.

Pokey, tiny little places like you see on "Doc Martin".

This summer has been hot, so no need to travel very far south. When you live in God's own county, it makes a change to see how the yokels live.

Bit like having a steak at home, you occasionally fancy a beef burger.

It's too early to say for sure, but you just might not be the very thickest new cunt this month. Counter-intuitive as it may sound, though, nobody's going to take you seriously until you get yourself a fucking avatar.

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Guest sean5302
4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've got a suggestion:


Looks a bit young. How did you find your avatar ie someone much younger-looking than yourself Dec?

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