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When is a warship not a warship


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Guest Kunte Kinte
On 8/1/2018 at 11:19 PM, sean5302 said:

I wasn't going to rise to the bait, but I will anyway.

Even the blessed Margaret Thatcher succumbed to using the military to increase her electability. The Malvinas, a group of islands 6000 miles away, and 300 miles from Argentina, were threatened and we sent our troops to "defend" them.

Tony Bliar used them in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Bosnia Herzegovina etc. For what, exactly?

I'd keep 5000 men and use technology such as drones to defend the UK. The rest would be off to the Jobcentre. There'd be one military and no more triplet of forces with admirals, generals and bollocks. Watch the film "wargames" to see the futility of nuclear weapons. If Labour get elected, we'll have Diane Abacus as home sec, Corbychev as PM and McDonnell as chancellor. They'll have subs with no missiles, Trident that Corbychev won't fire and another £36 billion black hole at the ministry of waste.

Who, in their right mind, would want to invade us? We can't run a railway. Hosepipe bans by water companies that leak 25% of all the water they supply, inadequate energy so we have to import it from Europe, an NHS that gives the worst health outcomes in Western Europe for cardiac, cancer and paediatric care, yet employs 1.7 million people, the vast majority of whom are unqualified, and it costs £140 billion per year. We are about to lose the financial hub in the City, as Europe will take that role over by insisting the Euro takes precedence.

If we'd lost the last war, we'd all be driving Audis and counting our wealth now rather than being in debt to the tune of £1.7 trillion.

Bollocks, I did rise to the bait.

I keep a drone in the kitchen she drones on and on about doing all the work. 

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Guest Erroreptile404

I see the yank cunts think our new aircraft carrier is going to be defending THEM.


“HMS Queen Elizabeth is not just a warship, but a symbol of our enduring commitment to our security, and the security of our allies too.

This state-of-the-art ship is built on more than 470 years of proud Royal Navy history and her entry into New York harbour shows that our Armed Forces are ready to stand by our allies for generations to come.”


I'd rather they fuck off for generations to come, new york is an unimpressive overhyped shithole too.

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2 hours ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

I see the yank cunts think our new aircraft carrier is going to be defending THEM.


“HMS Queen Elizabeth is not just a warship, but a symbol of our enduring commitment to our security, and the security of our allies too.

This state-of-the-art ship is built on more than 470 years of proud Royal Navy history and her entry into New York harbour shows that our Armed Forces are ready to stand by our allies for generations to come.”


I'd rather they fuck off for generations to come, new york is an unimpressive overhyped shithole too.

I wouldn't worry about it old bean; when the Canary Islands slide into the sea, the resulting tsunami will sort out those seppo cunts and no aircraft carrier, no matter whose flag fly's on it, will save them.

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Guest Kunte Kinte
3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I wouldn't worry about it old bean; when the Canary Islands slide into the sea, the resulting tsunami will sort out those seppo cunts and no aircraft carrier, no matter whose flag fly's on it, will save them.

Munch on the Big Apple - if you can make it there you can make it anywhere? 

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Guest Kunte Kinte
1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Drink bleach you blithering pointless spaztard 

I don't use bleach I clean my shit bowl with Dom Perignon - It takes a spastic not to be able to spell "spastic". 

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Guest Kunte Kinte
40 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

(At the time of writing) 34 posts and not one positive response.

Do you see a pattern unfolding, KK?

Bullseye! Must have hit a cunty nerve. 

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