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5 minutes ago, The Beast said:

@Panzerknacker at much as I would like to leave the shitty club, I accepted it will not happen about 10 days after the referendum. So I simply have one question.

Do people with colostomy bags like the smell of their own shit?

I don't know beasty baby.. y'all are the ones smeared in shite and wondering why nobody will shake yer hand ..


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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Laffin..wait till the porridge wogs see the train wreck they've handcuffed themselves to ..it's already started #indyref2..and taking all their lovely oil n gas with them..


That alliance with The Greens and other 'progressives' at Holyrood is going to be a right hoot isn't it?

As some educationally sub-normal cretin once drooled:


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44 minutes ago, The Beast said:

@Panzerknacker at much as I would like to leave the shitty club, I accepted it will not happen about 10 days after the referendum. So I simply have one question.

Do people with colostomy bags like the smell of their own shit?

There was a youngish bloke (mid 30s) who worked at a booking office that had a single turn of duty that had one of these bags. I covered for a him a few times when he was off sick or on leave. There was an aroma of the sort you get from chemical toilets, the stuff used to mask the smell and also kill the bugs. The smell of the shit was always there in the background and somehow the most nauseating thing was the aroma of the perfume rather than the shit itself. One clerk was there whilst the regular clerk had three weeks leave and she said that the smell was still hanging around the place on the third week. Oddly there was another older clerk who used a bag but there was hardly ever any hint of a "smell" about him.

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2 hours ago, Slippers said:

There was a youngish bloke (mid 30s) who worked at a booking office that had a single turn of duty that had one of these bags. I covered for a him a few times when he was off sick or on leave. There was an aroma of the sort you get from chemical toilets, the stuff used to mask the smell and also kill the bugs. The smell of the shit was always there in the background and somehow the most nauseating thing was the aroma of the perfume rather than the shit itself. One clerk was there whilst the regular clerk had three weeks leave and she said that the smell was still hanging around the place on the third week. Oddly there was another older clerk who used a bag but there was hardly ever any hint of a "smell" about him.

It must have been easier for you to cope with the smell of shit than it was for your colleagues, having spent years emptying your colostomy pouch as a result of a ringpiece that'd seen more action than Rocky over the years. 

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1 hour ago, Slippers said:

@Mrs Roops any change of checking whether Panzer's "ON/OFF" timer switch is working .. perhaps 48 hours "OFF" for him to reset himself in his old mode?

Nothin wrong with ole panz baby..He's just havin a look an a laff at the antics..do ya not think it's funny?



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26 minutes ago, Slippers said:

No you are taking the piss whilst standing in a vat full of urine.

I'm doing no such thing ...I'm just repeating what the elected elite have said n done ..y'all are free to comment on same..although these days yer a traitor in the UK if ya say nice things about the EU..yer tearing yerselves apart so y'are..but don't worry head brexit guy moog says it'll be worth in in 50 year's time 



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3 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

...taking all their lovely oil n gas with them.. 

That would be particularly bad timing, given that peak North Sea oil probably already happened, and the unit extraction costs will increase almost exponentially for the poor quality inaccessible deposits that remain. Unless Scotland is sitting on rich seams of lithium and cobalt that have hitherto been overlooked, I wouldn't expect the funding of free prescriptions and university places to last too long after such a vote.

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22 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

y'all may not talk about it but rest of us do.

On the contrary, Panzy baby, some friends and few family members I have left over there mention that the general consensus is apathetic at worst, and wishing the best for the UK at best. Sure there are the odd fist-shakers, but they're mostly seen as cunts. This aligns rather nicely with most opinions I've read myself in various places online.

I personally believe you're either simply a wind-up merchant with far too much time, and access to the internet, or just some sad wanker who is bitterly indignant with his lot in life. In fact, the two don't need to be mutually exclusive. 

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7 minutes ago, nocti said:

On the contrary, Panzy baby, some friends and few family members I have left over there mention that the general consensus is apathetic at worst, and wishing the best for the UK at best. Sure there are the odd fist-shakers, but they're mostly seen as cunts. This aligns rather nicely with most opinions I've read myself in various places online.

I personally believe you're either simply a wind-up merchant with far too much time, and access to the internet, or just some sad wanker who is bitterly indignant with his lot in life. In fact, the two don't need to be mutually exclusive. 

Paddy will tell ya what ya wanna hear and think somthin completely different..most of us over here think your getting pretty much what y'all deserve ..and we see that when spittle and threats don't work tessy is now sending flights of lesser civil servants to meet with European leaders directly..a futile exercise in the old devide n conquer tactic that served the empire in the past ..yer running tword the regulatory status of Burundi..yiz kuntz



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Guest Alfie Noakes
Just now, Panzerknacker said:

Paddy will tell ya what ya wanna hear and think somthin completely different..most of us over here think your getting pretty much what y'all deserve ..and we see that when spittle and threats don't work tessy is now sending flights of lesser civil servants to meet with European leaders directly..a futile exercise in the old devide n conquer tactic that served the empire in the past ..yer running tword the regulatory status of Burundi..yiz kuntz



Going direct to other EU leaders is another part of negotiations that was planned for if that alcoholic wanker Barnier could not do his job properly. Will be much more effective than dealing with an unelected sot.

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19 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

That would be particularly bad timing, given that peak North Sea oil probably already happened, and the unit extraction costs will increase almost exponentially for the poor quality inaccessible deposits that remain. Unless Scotland is sitting on rich seams of lithium and cobalt that have hitherto been overlooked, I wouldn't expect the funding of free prescriptions and university places to last too long after such a vote.

Interestingly the known UK cobalt deposits are at Alderley Edge in Cheshire and somewhere unpronounceable in Wales.

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3 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Going direct to other EU leaders is another part of negotiations that was planned for if that alcoholic wanker Barnier could not do his job properly. Will be much more effective than dealing with an unelected sot.

The EU is not a country on it's own..barnier has a mandate to speak for all the others ..the true face of the UK is on show..willing to undermine the institution if it won't play ball..and it's willingness to throw whoever under the bus as long as it gets it way..you need to be more pragmatic and bin some red lines..you'll do better


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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

It must have been easier for you to cope with the smell of shit than it was for your colleagues, having spent years emptying your colostomy pouch as a result of a ringpiece that'd seen more action than Rocky over the years. 

I have only ever used said ringpiece to shit through .. doubtless though you being a wuffta your backbox will have felt more than a few pork swords.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
Just now, Panzerknacker said:

The EU is not a country on it's own..barnier has a mandate to speak for all the others ..the true face of the UK is on show..willing to undermine the institution if it won't play ball..and it's willingness to throw whoever under the bus as long as it gets it way..you need to be more pragmatic and bin some red lines..you'll do better



There are many institutions I would rather be out of. A corrupt, bloated, wasteful and not fit for purpose institution run by an unelected drunkard is definitely one of them.

Anarchy is in our blood when the system is proved shite.

Now how about throwing yourself under a bus?



Noakes has huge knackers

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3 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:


There are many institutions I would rather be out of. A corrupt, bloated, wasteful and not fit for purpose institution run by an unelected drunkard is definitely one of them.

Anarchy is in our blood when the system is proved shite.

Now how about throwing yourself under a bus?



Noakes has huge knackers

Have ya looked at the benches in the house of commons?..yer suckers for a plummy accent and a title ..thankfully we burned all those lot out of here during the war of independence 



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16 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The EU is not a country on it's own..barnier has a mandate to speak for all the others ..the true face of the UK is on show..willing to undermine the institution if it won't play ball..and it's willingness to throw whoever under the bus as long as it gets it way..you need to be more pragmatic and bin some red lines..you'll do better


The UK has played ball and mostly by the rules too.  Others have found devious ways to restrict exports from other EU members, France especially. You take the BSE crisis as an example when France placed illegal restrictions on the import of British (and Irish) meat and other agricultural produce whilst turning a blind eye to its own farmers (who were also having issues with BSE their livestock to quietly release meat from their livestock into the system whilst claiming that there was no BSE in France. There is also the issue of the EU sanctioning and encouraging the movement of livestock for slaughter in inhumane conditions whilst restricting the movement of frozen meat.

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6 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:


There are many institutions I would rather be out of. A corrupt, bloated, wasteful and not fit for purpose institution run by an unelected drunkard is definitely one of them.

Anarchy is in our blood when the system is proved shite.

Now how about throwing yourself under a bus?



Noakes has huge knackers

He will need to do that quickly as once the UK is out of the EU and the subsides dry up Ireland will be back on shank's pony and old (donated from the UK) Raleigh pushbikes.

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, Slippers said:

The UK has played balls and mostly by the rules too.  Others have found devious ways to restrict exports from other EU members, France especially. You take the BSE crisis as an example when France placed illegals restriction on the import of British (and Irish) meat and other agricultural produce whilst turning a blind eye to its own farmers (who were also having issues with BSE their livestock to quietly release meat from their livestock into the system whilst claiming that there was no BSE in France. There is also the issue of the EU sanctioning and encouraging the movement of livestock for slaughter in inhumane conditions whilst restricting the movement of frozen meat.

Ed Balls? He was ousted by those that come, dancing. 

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9 minutes ago, Slippers said:

He will need to do that quickly as once the UK is out of the EU and the subsides dry up Ireland will be back on shank's pony and old (donated from the UK) Raleigh pushbikes.

It's yer own farmers that'll feel the pinch of drying up subs..the tessy could conscript the chavs and the elderly to pick the fruit to prevent it rotting in the fields so it can rot on the back of a truck waiting in a 100 mile tailback in Dover 



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